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Chapter17: wizard & samurai

With a deep gasp of air, Zolda wakes up. He quickly grabs the hilt of his blade and rolls out of whatever bed he was laying in.

Looking around, Zolda notices that he's on the second floor of some kind of library, wooden walls and stained glass surround him, a table with some type of orb resting on top in the center.

Zolda walks slowly, walks down the steps, breathing heavily as he tries to remember what he was doing before.

As he reaches the bottom of the steps, he hears the creaking of wood behind him.

Rex spins around, his blade clashing with another. Standing Infront of him is a Caucasian man with brown hair, a modified katana in his hand.

The man quickly parties the attack and disarms Zolda, he then trips the royal red ranger, sending him falling backwards.

Zolda covers his neck to stop the fall, but he never makes contact with the floor. Instead, he's hovering in the air, small light particles keeping him from hitting the floor.

The man quickly picks Zolda up, and dusts him off, handing him his dropped sword afterwards.

"Nice spin, foot works very sloppy though" he says as turns away from Zolda, behind the man is another.

Dark hair and wearing a red and black leather jacket, a long wand in his hand.

"You were out for a few hours, that koragg clone really did a number on you." He says

"Who-where- my team!" Zolda stumbles out and runs for the exit of the room he's in.

Zolda pushes the door open and is met with a deep Forest, and a giant dragon.

Zolda jumps back into the room and closes the door, much to the amusement of the two men.

"Where am I !?" Zolda shouts, grabbing the Zeo book and getting ready to morph.

"Calm down," the samurai sword wielding man says, placing his blade down. "I'm Jaden, and that's Nick, where both rangers, like you"

Zolda only lowers the book abit, and the man with a wand speaks next.

"We can take you to your friends, and explain everything as we go, can you just put the book away"

The royal red ranger takes a deep breath and puts the book in his pocket. "Alright, but don't try anything"

Jaden and Nick shrug and lead Zolda up a flight of spiraling stairs. When they reach the top, Zolda sees two things.

Kyle and Toxala slumped on the floor, standing nexting to a man and a black horse. And Thruster and Arjet, screaming while holding on for dear life to flying broom sticks.

"This was a mistake!!" Thruster yells as his grip on the broom slips. This sends him flying towards Zolda, but the man just takes a single step to the left, letting his robo companion go tumble down the spiral staircase.

Unfortunately, Arjet fell off her broom just after Thruster did. She went falling just as Zolda dodged Thruster, and landed right on top of Zolda.

"Ack! It's like a sack a led just fell on me" Zolda groans. This statement causes Arjet to respond with a very loud "Excuse me!?"

Jaden and Nick pay the two no mind as they walk up to The man with the horse.

"Hey dad, what happened to them?" Nick asks as he waves a hand over Kyle's face.

"They both tried to ride Catastros" the man says while brushing the sides of the horse.

Nick just gives a knowing nod in response, Jaden helping Zolda and Arjet up as he does.

"Are you healed"? Arjet asks as she dusts herself off.

"Yeah, the sword did it's wo-" before he can even finish his sentence, Arjet punches Zolda in the face.

"You, jumping in almost got you killed!" She yells as Zolda reels from the impact.

"Did you want me to let the giant centaur crush those people?" Zolda states plainly

"YES! Unless it has to do with the grid, it's not your job! That's what that blade means!"

The room goes quiet, and a faint purple haze covers Zolda.

"Ah…sounds like a really disgusting purpose" Zolda states as he raises the blade up. "That's not for me"

Zolda chucks the blade away, the blade getting stuck in the wall, about 10ft above.

Zolda walks down the stairs to check on Thruster, and room remains silent.

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