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Chapter25: Discussion and Departure

“Oh Arjet, how we never should have taken you in”

The unexplained manifestation of the grid wakes up to sharp pain in her arm. The snapped appendage has already almost healed, the broken bone turning into a fracture.

Looking around she sees that she's in the same rest area of root core that Zolda was recovering in when they first arrived here.

All at once, she remembers what happened. Her fight with Zolda, Xandread grabbed her, then everything went black.

Arjet rushes down the spiral stairs, her first assumption being that the others would be doomed without her help. She swings open the door to the main entrance, and is met with a sight she did not expect.

Everyone hobiling over, banged up, but alive. All of them trying to stop Toxala from strangling Kyle

“Gimme the book!”

“I tried, it teleports back into my pocket Everytime you grab it”

The asphyxiation attempt gets on the nerves of Dialect, who grabs onto Toxalas collar.

“Drop him in 3 seconds or I'm gonna flood your mind with images of the worst things I've seen in the prison shower.”

“You can do that?” Thruster asks as he finally manages to get Toxala off of Kyle.

“I'm gonna try- oh hey, she's already up”

Everyone stops what they are doing, looking at the almost healed woman who stares at them with utter confusion.

“Did you guys retreat?” She asks

“Nah, we won” Zolda answers matter of factly, with a slight smugness that Arjet didn't like

“How? You did not have your sword”

“Yeah, it flew to me, desperate times and all that?”

Before Arjet and Zolda can get into another argument, Thruster steps in.

“We used the new books, they worked amazingly.”

The subject of the legacy books immediately takes Arjet’s mind of wanting to tear Zolda in half, and she looks at the morphers.

“Yeah, the masters outdid themselves.” She says almost nostalgically.

Zolda, seeming to read the mood, decides to walk past Arjet. “I need a shower”

Just before he can enter root core, Toxala pushes him aside and runs to the bathroom, screaming “Ladies first, loser. Hahahaha!”

Right then and there, Zolda almost summons a rook putty, but Thruster stops him.

“It is the polite thing to do” he says while patting his friend on the shoulder.

“I can not fathom giving a-” whatever he was going to say, it was cut off by Arjet and Dialect running by and knocking him over.

“You heard the lady, us first” Arjet says while looking back at Zolda with a smug face.

Jaden diffuses Zolda's growing rage by saying “Alright while there doing that, how about we all have a talk”

The five men all stare at a table, on the table are the various books of villains.

“We really can't keep these  in our pockets,” Kyle explains while holding the Morlock book.

“Yeah but we don't have anywhere else we could keep these things.” Thruster adds in, not wanting to touch the Xandread book.

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