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Chapter10: The Pai Zuhq Academy

1 month before the S.C.P.T jailbreak

Jarrod knew something was wrong, it was a sudden and strong feeling. One moment he was helping cubs practice lion style, the next moment he fell to his knees, an intense feeling of dread washing over him.

He dismisses the cubs concern and moves to find Casey, meeting the man sooner than he thinks when both Casey and the blue jungle fury ranger, Theo, run past him in the hallway.

"You heard it right, what does it mean?" Theo asks Casey while they run
"I don't know" Casey replies, the two men so shaken by the green master's message that they didn't even notice Jarrod.

Jarrod can't even call out for them as the sense of dread washes over him again. His skin becomes cold as he collapses on the ground, heavy breaths leaving his body.

Outside the temple, the sky rips open, and a pocket sized book flies out and travels through the pai Zhuq academy. It knocks students over, breaks priceless artifacts, and keeps saying one word as it goes. "RINSHI! RINSHI! RINSHI!" And in the golden trail the book leaves, hoping monsters appear.

The book reaches Jarrod, and the man is forced into his black lion warrior armor. With a flash of golden light, a massive hole is made in the side of the temple. Everyone rushes to the source of the destruction, and the older students freeze in place. Some saw the armor in person in the past, others only heard stories, but everyone knew what was standing Infront of them.

Jarrod, clad in the phantom beast armor he wore when he was possessed by Dai Shi, stands before the students. The hopping monsters advance down the hallway, and one of the students screams "RINSHI!".

The younger students run, and the older ones prepare for a fight, but the Rinshi are destroyed by a blast of golden energy. Jarrod looks to the students, and sits down on the floor, going into a meditation pose as he does.

"Get…Casey…before I lose…what little sense I have left"

Present day
"And that's what you see before you" Casey says, the Zolda, Arjet, Dialect and Kyle are looking at a man I'm gold and black armor wrapped in chains. Three older men and one woman guarding him. Casey looks at the five and continues.

"Every couple of days he summons Rinshi, those we can deal with. We were caught by surprise however when this morning, several more advanced Rinshi beast appeared with them"

Arjet holds her head processing the whole situation. "A month ago, but I only appeared a few hours ago…how?"

As she's thinking, Zolda walks to the armored man and sticks his hand out. Pulling the hand back like he did with the Goldar monster, but when he opens his hand, it's empty.

"Well that didn't work", Zolda sighs. The man then turns to the pai Zhuq master. "I only have one example for this, but I think we need to defeat him in his giant form to extract the book".

Master Casey rubs his chin, the room remaining silent for a minute, then is broken when he finally speaks. "Alright, if we're doing this, I'll need to call for help."

Inside Jarrods mind
"You are really persistent" Jarrod says, sweat beading down his face.

He is sitting in a black void, in front of him is  Dai Shi, the eight headed golden dragon. The two have been wrestling for days on end, everytime the dragon gets the upper hand, the body outside spawns Rinshi.

"Give up Jarrod, I only get stronger with time" Dai Shi growls out. Heavy breaths leave the dragon's heads , he's just as exhausted as Jarrod.

Back in the temple:
"Somebody stop him!"
"He's going to the garage"
"We have a garage!?"

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