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Chapter14: vs Dai Shi and the generals FIN

One upward slash of the blade cuts off all three of the creature's right arms.

The beast screams in pain as its appendages fall, they don't hit the ground since the wolf pride and jungle master Zords grab the arms, smacking Dai Shi with them.

Dai Shi falls on his back, and the rhino Zord jumps on top of him, pinning him to the ground.

The jungle master and wolf pride megazords go an all or nothing strike. The wolf pride Zord lands a kick on Dai shi's head, while the jungle master megazord punches him in the chest.

A massive crater is formed as Dai Shi finally disappears in a puff of purple smoke, Jarrod falling from the sky, unconscious but no worse for wear.

Camile jumps and grabs the man from the sky, the other Zords Turing to see if the monster Dai Shi summoned disappeared along with him.

…It didn't

Instead, the book flies into the beast, Dai shi's head seems to have grafted itself onto the creature when it does.

"I will not…LOOSE!" He screams as he tries to toss the royal one away.

The Zord doesn't budge, grabbing Dai Shi and lifting him up into the air. Higher and higher at speeds unseen by any of the individual Zords.

Once they reach the upper atmosphere, the royal one drops Dai Shi. The monster crashing to earth I'm a ball of fire.

As he's falling, the hilt of the royal one's blade extends, turning the sword into an oversized spear.

The megazord pulls back, readying to throw the weapon as a voice calls out, "END THE STORY"

When the spear is thrown, it leaves a trail of the royal fives colors, hitting Dai Shi and speeding up his descent into the earth.

Screaming the entire way, Dai Shi disintegrates long before hitting the ground. The spear pausing in mid air and returning to the royal one.

Even far above where Dai Shi is defeated, Zolda knows what to do. Reaching a hand out and pulling it back, the red ranger opens his hand to see the Dai Shi book.

With the battle over, the Zord floats back down, Zolda and Kyle both unconscious.

A white void, that's all surrounds Zolda.

He can't remember what he was doing before this, the battle with Dai Shi vooded from his mind.

The white void is gradually consumed by black smoke, and what's In Front Zolda is now 2 books

Both look similar to the ones he uses to morph, but larger. While the others only take up one slot on the sheath, these two could take up two spots on their own.

The books glow a sickening purple, and Zolda is filled with unimaginable pain.

The man falls to the ground, a silent scream leaving him. He looks to the left to see another figure beside him, just in as much pain as he is.

Zolda is unable to make out the person's face, but he thinks he knows them.

Both Zolda and the unknown figure reach out for one another, but just before they can touch, Zolda awakens.

The red royal ranger wakes to a dry and sore throat, opening his eyes to see that he's in the Pai Zuhq academies infirmary.

His whole body is stiff, he can barely move out of bed. Zolda tumbles out to the ground, the stone floor providing no comfort.

A random cub hears the noise, rushing in and helping Zolda up.

"You shouldn't move, you've been out for 2 days".

"The fight" Zolda forces out, his throat stinging as he speaks.

"Oh, um…you won," the cub says as she sits Zolda back on the bed. "Instructor Jarrod was completely fine after you all freed him."

The cub hands Zolda a bottle of water, and the man Chungs it down while the cub alerts the others of Zolda's awakening.

An older student helps him into a wheelchair and pushes him where the other royal rangers are.


Zolda jolts in his wheelchair as hears the shouts of Toxala and Kyle. As one of the older students pushes him Into the courtyard, he notices that the yellow ranger is chasing the pink one down.

Arjet is trying to calm the raging green woman down, while Dialect and Thruster watch from the sidelines.

Just before Zolda can inquire about the situation at hand, Camille walks up to the man, squatting down and handing him a cup of green liquid.

"I cannot express enough thanks for what all of you did, so here you go" the woman says as she forces Zolda to take hold of the drink.

Zolda stays silent as he lifts the cub up, taking in the intense smells of herbs. The man takes a deep breath and drinks the whole thing, it burns going down his throat.

All at once the stiffness in his body disappears, and Zolda jumps up, summoning one rook putty to grab Toxala.

"Ok, why?" Zolda asks as the putty tries to hold Toxala back.

The woman just lets out incoherent shouts, and Kyle nearly falls over, catching himself and taking heavy breaths.

"Alright...she's no help, Thruster what's going on?"

Zolda is caught off guard when the machine prince bear hugs him. "You're awake!!" He shouts, squeezing tight .

"My…bones" Zolda groans out, and Thrust puts the man down just as Toxala breaks free

Kyle runs again, dodge fist and the occasional rock Toxala throws at him.

"Please, this is not how royal rangers should act" Arjet pleads to the yellow ranger.

Toxala doesn't listen, still chasing down Kyle. Zolda walks by the others and asks, "so what did he do?"

That question causes Thruster to run the back of his head sheepishly. "Um, maybe it's better if Dialect explains" he gestures a hand to the green haired woman.

"This information makes no difference coming from me or you" she monotones, and Thruster sighs.

The robot puffs his chest out, almost like he was taking a deep breath. He stays like that for a few seconds before forcing some words out.

"Kyle used to be S.C.P.T pink" Thruster says very fast.

Zolda doesn't say anything to this information, he just stands in place as the murder attempt happens behind him.

He stays silent for a few minutes, until he simply grabs his head and nods his chin.
Zolda joins Toxala I'm her chase.

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