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Chapter 21:

A little before Jaden and Nick entered the cave

"Yeah, the blade is useless to me if I can't use it how I want"

Purple and green hazes surround Zolda and Arjet respectively, no one is able to diffuse the situation before Arjet tackles Zolda with enough force to send the two traveling miles away from the group.

Trees break, animals flee, and people cower in their homes as an unknown blur of purple and green destroy anything and everything in its path.

When they finally lose momentum, Rex is able to recollect himself and summon two rooks.

The first grabs Arjet by the head and throws her up, the second grabs her mid air by her feet and begins to slam her against nearby rocks.

Each time her face hits a rocky surface, the first rook will clasp its hands together, bringing them down onto the back of her head and slamming the woman further into the rocks.

" Stay out of other worlds business, Sit back while people get hurt, let homes get destroyed. There's so much wrong with that, I don't want even be be associated with a power that has that sort of restriction"

The golems stop their assault and drop Arjet, the woman dropping limb on the floor. Neither cares for the rain that just started.

"My mom literally let me rot in a cell for ten years cause of that bs, I'm sick of it!"

Arjet stays still on the ground as Zolda keeps up his rant. The purple haze around his body turning into a cloud.

"And you know what, screw the Masters too. Seriously, I can't fathom having that much power and not helping, I can only think that they're lazy!"

That causes Arjet to twitch a bit, and she mumbles something under her breath. Zolda just barely hears and asks "what"?

Green particles surround Arjet as she gets up in the blink of an eye. Zolda can't even see the woman as the Morphin Grids energy has completely engulfed her.

The two rooks move to grab her, but they are torn apart by the grid's energy. Arjet grabs Zolda by the head "I said" she lifts him up with one hand and slams him into a tree, the purple cloud around Zolda turning back into haze.

She doesn't stop there, she runs, holding Zolda In front of her and letting him take the brunt of everything ahead of them.

Zolda makes impact with trees, rocks, huts, and even a few carriages. When they fill any stop Zolda world is spinning, Arjet on top of him as she finishes her sentence.


Her fist slams into Zolda once more, the men sure something just broke.

As Arjet raises her fist for another strike, a hand grabs her shoulder. Strikes whatever is behind her, her only focus on the man she's on top of.

She's surprised however when it feels like she just hit a steel wall. No, she could break through steel, this was something worse.

Xandread lifts Arjet up by her arm…and snaps it like a twig covered in cheap plastic.

Skin is ripped and bone is peaking out, and it takes about 3 seconds for Arjet to register what's happened.

A scream fills the air, and that makes the purple haze around Zolda to completely disappear. He comes to his senses, calling on the pawns to hold Xandread.

The putties are immediately vaporized by blue fire shot off by Octomush. The Morlock grabbing him with tendrils and slamming into the mud repeatedly.

Both Zolda and Arjet lay on the defeated.

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