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Chapter3: The Grids chosen one
An unknown time
All power rangers get their strength from the same place, the morphin grid. This energy transcends time and space, and is somewhat sentient. It can easily mix with different sources, such as magic, Dna, and machinery. While the grid has a semblance of awareness, the ones who grant the rangers their powers most of the time are 6 timeless entities, the morphing masters.

They try to stay in seclusion, only coming into play when the situation is at its worst. Right now the red master is working alone, toiling away on a long standing pet project of his. In front of him are five blades, plain,  gray, and 40 inches in length with what appears to be circuitry on them, and they are without hilts.

The Red master flows magic into his palms, and one by one different colored hilts form from his hands. Red, blue, yellow, green and pink, these colored hilts hover from his hands and attach themselves onto the blades. When they do so, gold colored pummels and crystal like cross guards form on the blades, each crystal gaurd resembling the hilts color.

Once the blades are complete, the red master raises his hand, and from the sky above him comes 5 metallic, black sheaths. Twice the width of the blades, but only half the length. On each is what can only be described as slots, 3 golden lines that travel from the slot to the sheaths begging. The master raises them up, and when the blades enter their sheaths, they shrink in size, Perfectly fitting inside the holsters.

When all is done, the red morphin master falls to his knees, heavy breaths escaping him as he tries to recover from what he has completed. It took each master years of planning to finish the blades, and even longer to construct the holsters, but his pride and joy will be what's coming next.

Once he's done recovering, he stands and opens a portal, entering it with the blades in tow. What surrounds him when he reaches the other side of the portal is green, nothing but green particles that would atomize any normal person, this was the inside of the grid.

"Are they ready?" a voice from behind the red master asks. It's the blue master, behind him is a large bookshelf.

"Yes, what of the books?" He asks, at this question the blue master shakes his head

"Still another 10 years before they're ready, and even longer to refine their abilities, not to mention the zords."

"The Red master raises his hand, cutting the ittle be fine, we have more than enough time." His only intention at the moment is to put the blades away and rest, but before he can do so, the grid starts to act strange.

The endless green that surrounds them starts to change into a white color, sudden sparks of all types of colors can be seen in the white void.

"The grid is agitated" the blue master states, rushing off to find the source of this event.

The Red follows suit, soon all the masters appear by his side, all confused as to what could have caused this. When they reach the spot that appears to be the most chaotic, they summon their staff and prepare for the worst. The area sounds like  something if falling, louder and louder the sound gets, the area getting brighter as it does.

"What's happening?"
"This is unprecedented"
"Brace yourselves!"

The sound reached unbearable heights, like something massive was about to hit all of them, the grid is such a bright white that none can see In Front of them. All the masters can do is brace for impact, but the impact never comes, Instead the grid turns back to its still green. All the masters look around to see what damage was done, but none can see any, all looks in order. Just as the masters are about to relax, they hear a baby crying.

Further up from where they are, a baby is crying in the grid.

"That's not possible," says the green master, approaching the infant. She can't reach it however as the red master moves her aside. The ecstatic man lifts the child up, laughing before saying.

"This is it, this is the one who will lead them!" He cries to the heavens.

What are you talking about, red?" The blue master asks, a bit worried about his friend's change in demeanor.

"She appears just as the blades reach completion, it can't be coincidence. This, my comrades, is our 'Red Royal Ranger'!" He proclaims, raising the child above his head.

An unknown amount of years later
A small girl, dark skin and curly hair stares at a large bookshelf. The pink morphing master is telling her of their origins.

"These books were created by us to honor the rangers who came before you. When placed inside one of the slots on the holy sheath, they will grant you access to that ranger team's abilities." She says pointing to the various books In front of them.

The child stares in awe, reaching to touch one of the books, but Is stopped by pink.

"No my child, they are not ready" is all she says before whisking the child away to their next location.

Years later
"She's maturing at a very slow rate, even after all this time, she only looks to be about 18 years of age" the blue master says, a hologram of various robotic parts In front of him.

"Yes, it's been quite odd having a child around, I genuinely thought silver might throw her at one point" the red master says, his own holographic display In Front of him. The robotic pieces slowly coming together.

"She did chew on his staff" the blue master laughs, the robotic parts finally clicking together to form a spear like shape.

"It's finally done my friend" the red master laughs/sighs, holding his head as he can't believe what they've just accomplished.

"Yes, now…where's Arjet?"

From behind the two comes, pink and the young girl, the latter of which is about to vomit due to the speed at which they were moving.

"Ah Arjet, my child, take a look" the red morphin master points In Front of him, and the young girl can see five Zords. A blue golem, a yellow dragon, a green pegasus, a pink phoenix, and one that's larger than the others, A red centaur.

"Behold Arjet, your birthright" the blue master states, extending both arms in the direction of the Zords.

Arjet marvel's at the Zords, and before she can say anything, the red master speaks.

"You will be the one to lead the greatest band of rangers that ever have been, or will be assembled. Always remember, you are a creation of the grid, no matter what decision you make, it will be the right one" the red master emphasizes this by placing a hand on the girl's head.

Arjet smiles, and the yellow master hands the girl a blank book,"this one is yours" she says, jestering for the girl to touch it.

Arjet reaches her hand out, all of her lessons and lectures have led to this. But just as her finger touches the book, the grid rumbles, and the book goes flying out of her hands.

It flies through the void of the green, stopping suddenly and taking in a large amount of the grid's energy. The book then lets out a miasma of purple smoke, and every single being in the multiverse that has ever tapped into the morphin grid feels a shiver go up their backs, they don't know how, but they know something is wrong.

As the masters and Arjet reach the book, it opens, and a loud scream can be heard coming out of it.


The book pours black sludge out of it's pages, and that sludge forms a humanoid figure, the grid rumbles again, and all look to the entity in horror.

The creature tilts its head from side to side, almost like it doesn't know where it is. And just as the silver master takes a step forward it speaks.


No one saw it happen, no one had time to react, all anyone could see was the silver morphin master take a single step forward before a massive hole appeared in his stomach.

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