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Chapter4: jailbreak!?

2023-S.C.P.T holding Facility

"Oi, thruster, wanna break out?"

The robot man turns to his cellmate of 8 years, throughout their time together, Zolda had been a model prisoner. Well behaved , following every rule, even rating out other prisoners in order to get favors from guards. So this sudden question comes as a shock to the former king.

"I mean…yeah, who doesn't", he responds in the most deadpan way possible.thinking that this was just one of the man's conversation starters.

"Cool, we'll do it in about 1 hour"

Before thruster can even respond, the doors to their cell open, and bell chimes on the intercom. "All prisoners please prepare for lunch".

Lunch was a blur for thruster, he wasn't sure what to think, was Zolda serious? Was he really gonna cause a jailbreak now?.

He looks around the cafeteria, various clicks consisting of thieves, corrupt politicians, and murderers fill the seats around him. During his eight years here, the only person he was able to make a connection with was Zolda, everyone else had no interest in making small talk with a child of the machine empire. Which is why it came to even more of a shock that he's never heard of this so-called 'escape plan'.

He sits alone, waiting for Zolda to get his meal and talk to him like he always did, but he never comes. Zolda is nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria, and looking around, thruster notices that the other prisoners are acting strange. The normal hustle and bustle of the various prisoners has been replaced with awkward silence, one can only hear the sound chewing, and utensils scraping plates. The atmosphere makes the man anxious, like he's the only one not privy to something going on.

Soon lunch ends, the bell's intercom instructs all to return to their cells. And just as Thruster rises with an empty can of biofuel in hand. A thud can be heard from outside the room…then another thud…then a large crash.

Bursting out of the wall is a beast that looks like a 5 meter tall, blue gorilla with scales instead of fur. On its back is Zolda, a smile on his face as he screams out. "EVERYBODY!!! RUN WILD!!!"

Thruster can only watch as every prisoner in the male wing rises from their seats and turns on the guards.

1 hour earlier
Zolda walks into the female wing with a black expression, ignoring the various cat calls and jobs from the prisoners there. He's pushing a large cart, packed to the brim with various dishes for the women in solitary confinement.

For the past 3 months he was aloud to do this for 3 reasons; the first being Zolda's clean records, the second was the fact that the S.C.P.T didn't want to spend money on another employee just for the purpose of feeding one prisoner, and the third and final reason was that none of the prisoners eligible to do this wanted to.

Zolda was content to do anything to get mind of his situation as possible, so he said yes. But one day, he heard a woman's voice singing.

The origin was a woman with green hair and a green green gem in her forehead. Her name was dialect, and she was the origin of his plan.

"I can see it, 3 months from now, a giant beast will escape her cell. During that time you will be able to escape, tell the others."

And so he did, spreading the message to the leaders of various clicks that "In 3 months he would attempt an escape. And that none of the other prisoners were to act on this prediction unless they heard of beast breaking containment". The only one he didn't tell was his cellmate thruster, because he cannot act naturally at all.

And so the day came, Zolda passes through the hallways and finishes his deliveeies, until he's stopped by a hulking woman with green skin and a mask covering her face.

"This isn't enough" she says plainly, pointing down at her plate.

"Hi Toxala, that's all the guards gave me, take it up with them", Zolda replies, trying to get ready for what might happen.

The woman responds by grabbing the man by his collar and pulling him close, the woman had an odd odor.

"I normally eat twice this much, runt!" She growls in his face, eyes glowing red as her anger increases. "This is no way to treat a princess."

That phrase causes everyone in the hallway to groan, Zolda the most. Running his hands down his face, he speaks "You musty bitch, Sledge ruled nothing, he was a bounty hunter. Your father liiiieed." He stretches out the last word.

"How dare-" but before she can finish, a blue gorilla bursts through the wall, rubble and smoke blinding Toxala for a moment. When she's able to see again, she notices that both Zolda and the beast are gone, the latter of which seems to have gone through another wall, continuing its rampage.

Zolda jumps off the back of the beast, landing on a table before screaming.

"The rangers aren't here, the teleporters are down for maintenance, every man for himself"

With those words the gorilla creature burst through the cafeteria walls, leading to the outdoors area. It keeps going and all can see that the beast is about to break through the prison's main gate, a line of ships just beyond there.

"Everybody go!" A random guard screams, and all the prisoners run Forward, following the rampaging monster to the gate.

Thruster is about to go with the crowd, but is stopped when hand grabs him. At first he thinks it's a guard and turns to punch whoever grabbed him, but once he notices it's Zolda, he stops his fist just before striking the man.

We're going this way!, Zolda says, grabbing Thrusters hand and running in the opposite direction of the crowd.

"Arnt we going with them?"

"Hell no, they're a distraction!" Zolda responds ,pulling the man along.

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