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Chapter6: The worst king of all


Thruster and Zolda run through the hallway, attacking any and all guards they see. There are only a few since most of them are running to the front entrance. When they reach the laundry room, they see two individuals, Dialect and a guard. His frame is scrawny and his skin is pale.

Just as Thruster is about to hit him, Dialect stops his hand. "Kyles with me, he's brought a ship". She says as the man goes to Zolda and puts a key card against his collar, the runes disappearing and the collar crumbling away.

The laundry room isn't actually a laundry room, for it doesn't have any washers or dryers. Instead it's just  the prison's back entrance, ships come and go to take the dirty laundry away to get cleaned.

"The four of us will use a laundry ship to escape" the guard says, Dialect wrapping her arms around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Five actually "

All jump and turn to see Toxala, standing there against a wall.

"Where'd you come from?"

"I followed you and the bot"


Toxala just shrugs her shoulders, much to the annoyance of Dialect.

"I'd rather not share a ship with that…girl" she says the last word almost like it's a question.

"You got a problem with me, you bedazzled pickle". Toxala says walking up to the psychic.

The guard gets in her way, shaking a bit but not moving. This earns him a hug from behind by Dialect who gently plays with his hair.

"Everybody knock it off, we need to leave now" Zolda yells, running to the door, everyone follows and just as they reach the ship a voice is heard from behind them. One that causes Zolda's stomach to drop, as he's only heard that voice once…but he can never forget it.

"You wanna know something weird, I wasn't supposed to be here today. I actually overslept and was stuck here until maintenance was done. I was gonna sleep in the backroom for the whole day, until the alarm woke me up. Fate is pretty weird huh?"

The Blue S.C P.T ranger walks to the five, cracking his knuckles as she goes.

"Well…fuck" is all Zolda says

The Ranger pushes three buttons on his Morpher, "summon cannon" it calls out, and a red rocket launcher-esce weapon appears In his hand.

The ranger fires the weapon and all dodge out of the way, but soon they realize that they weren't the targets. The ship they were going to escape on gets blown to smithereens, shrapnel and debris almost hitting the five.

Upon seeing their only hope go up into smoke, Zolda decides on an improvised plan B.

"Jump her!!" He calls out, and from the sky comes 9 bolts of lighting. The 8 normal and one bulky putty charging at the ranger.

"Your insane", Thruster screams
"We're running" Zolda replies

All move past the ranger, who is preoccupied fighting the putties, and run back to the front entrance, hoping to slip by the chaos and get to a ship.

What none expect to see when they get there is a gold monster tearing through prison and guard alike. The five look to the destruction and Kyle is the first to speak.

"The hell happened here?"

A few minutes earlier:

"Hey you stupid beast, break this door down" one of the prisoners screams, the blue gorilla doesn't respond and keeps attacking guards.

"This is getting us nowhere sir" one of the guards says to his commander. But before he can respond something falls from the sky and hits the head of the beast.

A single page from one of the dark books lands on the creature, turning into a small, pocket sized book.

"Goldar" the book calls out, and the beast transforms into something else. The same shape, but it was as if it's scales had been replaced with gold.

It turns and crushes the door to the front entrance, causing the prisoners to cheer. That cheering stops when the monster turns around and swings its massive arm, taking out a whole crowd of people, prisoners and guards alike.

"Ignore it" Thruster states running to the entrance. Guards try to stop him, but Toxala gets In the way, picking a guard up and throwing him into others. Dialect and Kyle don't need to fight, whatever the green haired woman is doing causes any guard that comes near her to fall to the ground in pain.

The gold monster roars to the sky, causing purple energy to leave its body. Another pocket sized book appears In Front of it. "Putties" it calls out, and gray humanoid creatures appear out of thin air, swarming the people.

Zolda can see another ship, and goes running until he hears the red ranger behind him.

"What have you done!!" She screams, chasing after the man.

"Would you believe me if I said that I had nothing to do with this"


The ranger hits three buttons on her  Morpher and goes into a sprinters pose. "Final strike, ready", with those words the ranger moves so fast it almost looks like a laser going by. She runs right through the gold monster, leaving a gaping hole in its chest. The guards cheer and gain new morale as they fight harder to contain the prisoners, most of which surrender after seeing that attack.

The ranger tackles Zolda, pinning him down and preparing to cave his skull in. Thruster grabs the woman from behind and tries to lift her up, but she easily breaks free and punches the robot in his side. Leave a gaping dent in him.

"Thruster," Zolda yells, "grrr, what is with you psychopaths, what did any of us do wrong?"

"Psycho- we are heros, we're the only ones brave enough to actually do what's necessary, the only ones strong enough to get it done, and the only ones who think about real justice!"

With those words, the red ranger slams her fris down on the man's head. This leaves a crater, and all around think that Zolda surely met his end.

The Red ranger gets up and walks to an in shock Thruster, the robot shaking in fear and anger. She stops however as she hears Zolda's voice. She turns to see a pillar of purple energy that goes up the sky, Zolda standing inside of the pillar.

"Justice, I really hate that word, everyone keeps using it as an excuse to do horrible things. If that's the way you do things…if you're strong and brave, then I'll be weak and cowardly… yeah...I'll be… absolutely awful."

The man's eyes glow a bright purple as he looks to the ranger, who is preparing to engage in combat with him. Until the sky tears open, and an unconscious girl falls to Zolda's feet.

Everyone stops fighting for a moment to look at the woman who just fell from the sky. In her hands are four blades, each with crystal cross-guards with different patterns. And by her side are five, pocket sized books, each with a different ranger team on them.

The sword attached to the woman's waist flies off her and latches itself onto Zolda's waist, making the sheathed blade look like a large belt buckle.

Zolda couldn't explain how, but he knew what to do next, it was like he was possessed. Holding a hand out, one of the  pocket sized books flies into his hand and just as the blue S.C.P.T ranger runs to stop him, he opens the book.

A field of red energy stops the ranger from getting close to Zolda, and a deep voice is heard from the book.

"Stronger than before, a crystal unrivaled, make no mistake, they were the first  magic rangers"

Zolda closes the book and places it into the third slot on the sheath, causing the voice to speak again.

"Power Rangers: Zeo"

Zolda grabs the hilt and pulls the blade free, the prison is covered in a red light, as once again ever being that has ever connected to the morphin grid feels a shiver go down their backs.

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