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Chapter8: Two more kings

Nobody paid the 'corpse' of the golden beast any mind. No one thought they needed to, after Adelia created a gaping hole I'm the creature's chest, the putties that came with it crumbled away. Everyone thought that was the end of it, the prisoners continued to escape, and the guards continued to stop them. So that's why no one was prepared when the beast got up and grew in size, the now giant golden monster demolishing the building.

Most of the prisoners and guards stop fighting, their main priority getting out of the monster's way. Most guards are confused about how this day went so wrong, but the confusion only grows as a mechanical centaur appears and punches the beast away from the prison.

"Careful man"
"Do you even know how to drive?"

These words are being said by Toxala and Kyle respectively, the latter of which is holding on to dialect for dear life.

Zolda ignores their words, he is linked to the royal red Zord, moving the machine with his mind.

Once he reaches the golden beast, Zolda presses the book THREE TIMES, "SUMMON CANNON, ROCKET, PYRAMID". But this time his armor doesn't change, instead the attachments that showed up on him previously appear on the Zords respective parts.

The twin shoulder cannons fire away, but the monster charges  through them, grabbing the Zord by the head and throwing it upwards.

Before the monster can do anything else, a pink cyclone comes out of the chest cannon, stopping the Zords' fall and knocking the monster back.

When the Zord lands, Zolda attempts to use the pyramids telekinesis to hold the monster in place, but it doesn't. The gold creature just barely slows down, summoning a blade out of thin air and almost taking the Zords head.

"This is going bad" Zolda says out loud, and he turns to the others. "You guys might want to get out-" but he stops his statement when he sees Thruster and Dialect squatting at the blades and books. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"I need to help you" Thruster responds, picking up the blue hilted, sheathed blade. The cockpit rocks as the Zord takes another hit.

Thruster, don't be dumb, you no have no obligation to me." Zolda yells, trying to grapple the monster away.

"Zolda! We spent years in a cell together, where friends dammit!" Thruster yells back, grabbing the blade and placing it on his waist.

A blue energy flows through Thruster's body, and he moves like a man possessed. He grabs one of the books and opens it, listening to the voice boom.


Thruster closes the book and places it in the third slot on the sheath. "POWER RANGERS: TURBO" The Zord itself seems to know what's going on as it opens its hatch, and Thruster jumps out, pulling the sword free as he does.

With a flash of blue light, the robot morphs, changing into a suit that looks identical to Zolda's, but with a few distinct differences.

While the sides were both black and white, same as Zolda's. The center was blue and had no extra armor. The side that was black was covered in extra armor however, blue attachments that vaguely resemble car parts covered his whole left side, only leaving peaks of the black suit underneath. The helmet looked just like Zolda's, except the sword shaped visor had flowing water for a cross guard. 

Once more the sky tears open, and a blue golem drops to the ground, pulling Thruster into its cockpit.

The royal blue golem Zord goes to work Immediately, putting the beast in a choke hold. Zolda takes this opportunity and pushes his book again. "SUMMON SHIELD '' , and a green shield that looks like a bull's head and horns appears in the Zords hand.

The crimson centaur lifts the shield in the air, and green lighting hits the beast from all sides, the blue golem seemingly unfazed by the attack. Everything in a 505 mile radius is scorched.

The monster turns black and crumbles to dust, leaving the gorilla creature that it affected unharmed, even the hole Adelia put in it heals up.

Once more, Zolda's body moves of its own accord, reaching a hand out and then pulling it back in, like he was yanking something from the air. When he opens his hand, he can see the Goldar book in it.

When all is done the Zords propel everyone out of there cockpits, flying away into the tears they opened in space, they close soon after.

Zolda and Thruster lay there completely imobile.

"Everything is sore", Zolda groans, every single joint in his body hurts. Knees ankles, hips, shoulders, elbows and wrist are swollen to the size of tennis balls.

Thrusters body I'd barely been held together, the prison barely kept together as it was, but it seems morphing for a few minutes completely broke his body.


The three that aren't imobile or unconscious look to see Adelia, morphed again and fuming with anger. 40 S.C.P.T agents behind her.

"Thruster…can you move" he forces out, barely able to stay awake.

"...Nope" the robot responds

"...oh…thanks for helping me man" Zolda says, thinking he and the robot will both meet their end here.

"Don't mention it" Thruster replies, thinking the same as his incapacitated friend.

"YOU WON'T TAKE ME BACK ALIVE" Toxala screams to soldiers, who are all holding armor piercing laser rifles, the ones that can break the woman's skin.

Zolda fades in and out of consciousness, wanting to move, but being unable to.

"FIRE EVERYTHING!!" Adelia shouts, and the men all blast away at the group. Zolda closes his eyes and prepares to meet his father in the beyond.

After a few seconds, Zolda wonders why he hasn't felt any pain yet, pain other than that he is feeling now of course.  He opens his eyes to see a green bubble protecting all of them.

Dialect stands in front, book in hand and sheathed blade on her waist.

"I can see it, bits and pieces of your story, good things will come if I follow you." Is all she says In a monotone voice before opening the book.


Dialect closes the book and places it into the third slot, "POWER RANGERS: OPERATION OVERDRIVE", she then pulls the blade free, And like the others, the strange telepath changes into a ranger similar to Thruster and Zolda.

The center was green, and the sword shaped visor had what appeared to be swirls for a cross guard. The left side was covered in green armor with various excavation tools on it.

Once more the sky tears open, and a green pegasus Zord swoops down and takes the group away. Leaving Adelia to scream In frustration and rage.

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