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Chapter13: vs Dai Shi and the Generals PT2

Like the others, white on the right, black on the left, but pink in the center. The white parts are almost completely covered in pink armor that has Various animals decorating it. On the shoulder blade is the symbol of the Pai Zuhq.

Kyle doesn't even think about what to do next, he charges at whiger while pressing the book once.


Three red animals, almost see through, appear around the new ranger. A gorilla, shark, and tiger.

The tiger leaps onto whiger, the phantom beast throws the animal off, but not before the gorilla catches him a lariat.

This attack lifts the monster off his feet, sending whiger propelling into the quarries edge.

The shark spirit moves like swimming through the air, it reaches a not fully recovered whiger and bites down on his head, dragging him back to the others.

As soon as the shark reaches the group, Kyle and Zolda strike whiger. Both blades strike one side of the phantom beasts waist, cutting the creature in half completely.

Whiger disappears into purple particles, and the ones who slayed him waist no time going after Dai Shi next.

Kyle swings down at Dai Shi, but the man moves to the side. Once the blade strikes the ground, Dai Shi punches Kyle's wrist, forcing him to let go of his weapon.

A spin kick in the stomach sends Kyle reeling back, and just as Dai Shi is about to strike the pink ranger's head, the shark gets in the way.

A flash of red makes Dai Shi back away, and when the light fades, the shark is gone, and Kyle now has perfect copies of Casey's shark fin blades in his hands.

"Oh cool…how do I use these?" Kyle says before he's punched in the face by Dai Shi.

RJ and Casey re-enter the battle, the former gets a strike in on Dai Shi's back. While the latter delivers a palm strike to his stomach.

Dai Shi screams I'm agony, and Zolda catches him with the chest cannon's pink cyclone. He lifts Dai Shi up a sends him flying to Kyle, who panics and sticks the two blades out

Dai Shi lands directly on the weapons, impaling himself on the twin blades.

Kyle throws the creature off his blades, and before Dai Shi can even hit the ground, the book appears appears again, and a flash of gold fills the area.

At the same time as the battle with Dai Shi and whiger:

Dominic is thrown off by an enraged scorch, who starts blasting away recklessly at the area around him.

Thruster and Arjet maneuver around the blast, reaching Scorch and holding him in place.

Once more Dominic channels all his rhino animal spirit power, and strikes Scorch in the neck.

The phantom beast disappears.

Snapper is currently being swarmed by the new summons around him.

Theo and Lily use this opportunity to strike the man with all the power they have.

A swirling blast of blue and yellow finally pierces the turtle phantom beast, and like the others he disappears.

The victories of everyone are short lived as Dai Shi grows, and the jungle fury rangers summon their Zords.

While the wolf pride megazord, the rhino Zord in its warrior mode, and the jungle master megazord fight Dai Shi, the royal rangers and Arjet have a conversation.

"Kyle…you" Dialects voice is monotone, but her movements are frantic. She places one hand on the side of his helmet, and Kyle gently pushes the hand aside.

"It's fine...I'm fine" He reassures his girlfriend as he turns to the battle of giants behind him.

"We should help" he says as he raises the blade to the sky, the others doing the same.

All five royal Zords appear, and all five rangers are sucked into their respective cockpits.

The blue golem grabs Dai shi's legs, and the wolf pride megazord kicks him in the side, The blade on its leg piercing him as it does.

Dai Shi can't hit the ground since the jungle master megazord kicks him back up.

The rhino Zord slashes his back, then the royal red centaur Zord hits his throat.

The struggling leader of the phantom beast is getting pummeled by the various Zords. As his frustration reaches its peak, something happens.

Something crawls out of Dai Shi, a six armed monstrosity that looks like a sewn together combination of scorch, snapper and whiger.

The creature shows an absurd level of strength, lifting the rhino Zord up by the leg and slamming it into the centaur.

The royal yellow dragon Zord, a serpent with four wings, wraps around the creature. It easily breaks free and grabs the dragon's tail, spinning it around fast and hitting the remaining royal Zords.

The dragon shakes off the creature's grip,  and the jungle master megazord tries to attack the creature. Dai Shi gets the Zord into a head lock before can, and then the creature starts rapidly punching the trapped Zord.

The royal pegasus and phoenix Zords manage to pick up the beast by its shoulders, stopping its attack and slowing the jungle master megazord to break free.

The creature pries off the Zords suspending it in the air, and all three go falling down. Unfortunately the creature is the first to recover, two hands picking up the phoenix by the neck, while two more arms try to pull off its wings.

A combined attack from the rhino and golem Zord manage to free the phoenix from danger, and the beast turns attention to the two Zords that struck it.

"This is rough" Thruster groans out, the jungle fury rangers are exhausted, and the royal rangers are running on sheer will power. Kyle and Zolda fading in and out of consciousness.

Just as he's about to pass out, the Morpher on his waist sparks, and Zolda gets a second wind.

"It's your time to shine…royal one"

The other Zords glow and are pulled towards the centaur. The back half of its horse body detaches, giving the machine a bipedal appearance. It's hooves, and hands fold inward, and the pink and green Zords go to them.

The phoenix and pegasus fold into feet, attaching to the now the bipedal Zords legs.

The golems arms and legs split off. Its hands attach to the reds, while its body connects to the right hand, almost looking like a shield.

The dragon's upper half connects to Red's back, giving the Zord four wings and a dragon helmet that looks a bit like a crown.

The legs of the golem connect, and the bottom half of the dragon fusses with it, a Handle that appears to come out of nowhere placing itself on the bottom of the golem's connected feet.

The bottom of the dragon fits perfectly into the hilt the golems feet made. With the tail facing upwards, it now has the appearance of a dull blade.

Finally, The back half of the centaur Zord, which was stated to look more like a spider than a horse, completely straightens out. It then connects to the side of the blade, giving it its edge.

The new megazord picks up the blade and spins it around, a voice from nowhere proclaiming.


The royal rangers suit inside the cockpit, which is a round table with five seats. Zolda is the first to speak.

"We got…5 minutes before I black out, let's end this quick.

The others unanimously agree, and the megazord moves.

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