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Chapter19: Team Building

"Don't tell me what to do!"
"Don't yell at him"
"Please you three, The purpose of this is teamwork"

Inside a hazy black mindscape, four individuals are getting thrown around by a mass of green tentacles.

Things started off bad, the moment the four Royal rangers and Arjet were encompassed by the ball of mist Nick summoned,the creature attacked. First it started off as a ball of smoke that the others could avoid easily, but then Toxala tried to punch it.

The smoky orb phased through her and Morphers into what was kicking their butts now.

"What even is this thing?" Dialect asks while she evades the green tendrils. Toxala bites the creature, but she just gets a mouth full of smoke, they can't touch it.

"It's something from far off, the toughest thing I ever went up against, I fought it before I got arrested." Toxala explains, causing Kyle to raise his hand.

"It's a grappler, an engaged species from the lion galaxy, you were arrested because you killed it. Well technically you were arrested by virtue of being sledge's daughter, but what you did gave the S.C.P.D a good excuse."

"My point still stands, it was hard enough to beat this thing when I could hit" the green skinned woman responds.

A lash of green knocks Arjet back, the only thing that stops her from hitting the hard black floor is being caught by Dialect. The telepath gently puts her down before speaking.

"Can't morph, can't use any of our individual skills, what do we do?"

Toxala is slammed into the ground hard enough to leave a 3inch Crater. There's a pause, everyone looking to see if she took any fatal damage.

With a roar, Toxala jumps out the hole she made and screams "we use magic!"

"I'm sorry what?" Dialect asks

"Magic!" The green woman speaks again as she raises her hand, three strikes of lighting hit the beast, causing The mass of tentacles to turn back into a ball of smoke.

Everyone looks at the yellow Ranger, confusion filling their faces.

"How. The hell. Did you do that?" Dialect moves to inspect Toxalas fingers, the yellow Ranger pumps both fists in the air, almost hitting her.

"Haha yes, ok listen. I guess when that guy said 'believe in magic' he didn't mean just know that it exists. We have to actually believe that it can get us out of a situation."

"And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"I had an epiphany when I got a concussion."

The distraction of Toxalas sudden abilities allows the smoke to pass through Kyle, and once again it changes shape.

It does not take the shape of a monster, no horns or claws in sight. All that stands in front of them is an older man.

He appears to be a primape alien. The man's body is riddled with scars, he was wearing what appeared to be a more informal version of the prison guards uniform.

On his right hand is a burnt bracelet, and on the left is a morpher, his pinky and thumb missing.

"We need to get out of here"

The plea comes from a shaken Kyle, the pink ranger backing away slowly.

The man that came from the smoke walked past Toxala, it only looked like he tapped her windpipe and stomach, and she collapsed on the ground.

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