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Chapter11: Vs Dai Shi and the Rinshi army


These words fill the rocky area as the various weapons attach themselves to Zolda. The man fires away, sucking the Rinshi in close with the chest cannons pink cyclone, and then blasting them with his shoulder cannons.

A toad like Rinshi beast attacks Zolda, hitting him on his side, the ranger is able to block it with his shield, but as he does, a scorpion Rinshi beast hits his back.

Zolda recovers quickly and slashes at the scorpion Rinshi's head, but the toad blocks it. The blade bounces off, and Zolda is left confused by the creature's absurdly hard skin.

The scorpion hits Zolda again, knocking the man to the floor. Before he can get up, the toad slams on his chest, once again Zolda blocks with the shield, he then calls out for the putties.

With the crackle of lighting, the gray humanoids arrive and push off the toad monster. The rook putty picks up the scorpion Rinshi, throwing it away from the ranger. As the monster is falling, Theo jumps in the air, now armed with twin bladed fans, he cuts the monster into pieces.

The toad goes in for another attack, but before Zolda can summon lightning with his shield, someone grabs the monster's foot.

Thruster is having trouble, at the moment he is alone facing off against a Rinshi beast. The centipede creature is moving fast, kicking Thruster then running away. "I can't do this alone", he thinks to himself, and as if responding to his thoughts, the book glows.

Thruster presses the book once, and the voice calls out "SUMMON LIGHTING FIRE''. What appears before Thruster is a floating robot, red in color and 1ft in length , its form resembling a firefighter.

When the centipede monster hits Thruster again, the firefighter bot grabs its face Thruster uses this opportunity to stab the monster in the head, but another Rinshi gets in the way.

The centipede breaks free, tackling Thruster and hitting him repeatedly. Thruster presses the book again, this time it calls out "SUMMON SIREN BLASTER" and another small robot comes and blasts the creature. Its color is blue, and it resembles a police officer.

Getting a basic understanding of what his book does, Thruster presses it three more times. "SUMMON THUNDER LOADER, STAR RACER, WIND RESCUE", three more tiny robots, green, yellow, and pink respectively, appear and attack the centipede Rinshi beast. This detracts the creature enough for Thruster to slash the creature in half.

Dialect was having a simpler time compared to the other two. While her psychic powers seemed to be ineffective against the empty headed Rinshi, her book more than made up for it. As soon as the battle began, she pressed her book, "SUMMON DRIVERS 1-5" various, 1ft vehicles came to aid the woman.

While they were small, they hit hard, most of the vehicles plowing through the Rinshi. All Dialect had to do was sit back and let the small summons do all the work.

"Well you seem to be having it easy"

Dialect turns to see Camille, the green armored chameleon woman currently has a Rinshi In a headlock.

The royal green ranger just shrugs her shoulders, content with her leaserly battle.

Before Dialect can react, a gecko Rinshi beast throws three ninja stars at her. The projectiles almost hit her, but three laser blasts from behind her throw the stars off course. She hears the concerned voice of Kyle.

"Dialect!!" He yells, and runs to the ranger.

"Why are you here?" Dialect asks, just barely breaking her monotone.

"We got in just before the barrier went up"


From the side of the group, the sound of distressed Rinshi can be heard. Toxala is knocking the monsters around, using the toad Rinshi that Zolda was fighting as a mace.

"Ahahaha! Someone give me a challenge!!" The green women's rampage is halted by the gecko Rinshi. The monster hits her shoulder with three ninja stars, causing her to drop the toad.

The gecko Rinshi tries to hit her again, but the yellow jungle fury ranger gets in the way, blocking the stars with her staff.

Dialect ignores the woman for the moment and turns to Kyle "why did you come hear"

"I can't let the woman I love fight alone"

Dialect just stands silent for a moment, then Lily speaks up. "Did I hear your heart skip a beat?"

"Oh that is precious" Camille adds in, snapping the neck of a Rinshi she's stepping on.

The telepath doesn't have time to deny the words of the yellow jungle fury ranger, the heck comes to attack again.

Toxala grabs the monster's head, slamming him into the ground and punching it in the gut. She turns to Dialect, asking "you alright?"

"I don't get you? I thought you hated me" Dialect asks, the summoned vehicles swarming the gecko Rinshi.

"I mean… yeah your a total buzz kill, but I don't want you dead"

"And why are you here? You have no stakes in this" Dialect adds in

There is a long pause, behind the two, Lily and Camile finish off the toad and gecko. The two monsters' destruction caused an explosion". When this happens, Toxala finally speaks.

"I dunno, I just wanna help I guess, never put much thought into it"

As Toxala says this, the barrier breaks for just a moment, from the sky. The yellow blade, and a book fall to her side. The device straps itself to her waist, and her body moves on its own.


Toxala places the book into the first slot, "POWER RANGERS: DINO CHARGE"

She pulls the blade free, and with a flash of yellow light, she morphs.

Her suit is like the others, but the center is yellow. The white side of the suit is covered in yellow armor with various dinosaurs engraved on it.

Toxala swings her blade, the force causing an arc of wind that destroys any Rinshi it collides with. This attack also almost hits RJ.

"Whoa easy there, friend"

"Sorry!" She yells out.

After Toxala had grabbed the toad monster and ran off with it, Zolda went off to find Dai Shi. When he does, he sees Casey and Dominic fighting both daishi, and a viper Rinshi beast.

"Jungle master mode"

A claw appears on Casey's hand, and his suit turns from black and red, to white and red.

Dominic and Casey use their claw like Morphers to slash the viper in half, which only leaves both of them with Daishi.

Zolda walks in-between the two, holding his shield to cover the center of his body.

Dai Shi growls, seeing as he has no way to escape. The golden armored man walks forth, determined to finish the three rangers off.

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