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Chapter16: Centaur VS Centaur…VS Centaur!?

A strange forest with even stranger inhabitants is currently being destroyed by two giant centaur's doing battle.

The Royal red megazord was just a bit smaller than its foe. A black horse body connected to a humanoid in purple armor, wolf heads adorned on its shoulders.

The added weight lets the purple centaur push back the royal red with ease, knocking trees away as it stumbles back, almost hitting the inhabitants.


As the voice booms, the royal red is covered in weapons, along with the usual is a blade that has a crown like cross guard.

Royal red stands back up and slashes down at the opposing centaur, but it blocks with a giant lance it seemed to materialize out of thin air.

Royal red's pyramid grabs the centaur with its telekinesis, but a faint glow of purple energy lets the beast shake it off.

Cannons fire as the royal red circles around the centaur, blasting it with all it has, but the creature remains unfazed.

Down below, the other rangers have already morphed, helping all manner of creature get away from the ensuing battle.

Rock and trees go flying as royal red falls to the ground once again, Toxala and Thruster stopping the debris from hitting anyone with their summons.

They can't the little splinter of wood however, the shards flying at great speeds and hitting the people.

Some just grimace in pain, while others scream out, but all of it gets to Kyle's head.

Whether it was his PTSD or his genuine need to help others is uncertain, but his emotions cause the sword to act on its own.

Pink flames cover the large crown he's protecting, and while the immediate response is shock and horror, the screams stop as the crowd's wounds slowly heal.

Kyle can only let out a quiet "oh" as the people crowd around him with thanks.

The ground rumbles again as royal red is grabbed by its head and thrown. Before it can hit the ground, then centaur impales it with its lance.

The other rangers stare in shock, and the eyes of royal red begin to fade as the centaur pulls the lance free.

Just as the others are about to call their Zords, a pillar of purple and red light appears.

Emerging from the light is a centaur identical to the one that just took out royal red, but the upper body was red.

"You foul imitation" the newly arrived beast says as it starts attacking the purple centaur.

Zolda is back in the white void, he can hear shouting on the other side, but a wall of black smoke stops him from seeing any further.

Zolda walks into the smoke, his skin feeling cold and tingly as he goes. The shouting gets louder, and smoke seems to be pushing him back.

His blade glows red, and he's able to push through the smoke easier. Step by step, the red ranger strains his muscles as it feels like he's walking through thick sludge.

As he walks, he can hear more indistinct shouting, but there's one voice he can notice, his father's.

This revelation causes the blade to glow brighter, and Zolda runs faster than before.

Finally, he gets to the end of the seemingly endless wall of smoke, almost tripping forward from the sudden lack of resistance.

When he looks up, he can see someone covered in red and silver.

It was as if the person was covered in skin tight armor from head to toe. The helmet had two horns that stretched down to their chin.

"Thrax you failure of a child, leave at once!?"

The voice makes Zolda's blood go cold, and he looks further ahead to see a woman in white, the mystic mother, formally known as Rita Repulsa, his mother.

Above her are the two books Zolda saw before, both are trapped in hazy white bubbles, so Zolda can't see their covers.

"Give me the books mother, they've called me here" proclaims thrax, summoning a staff with a z on the top.

"Do dare fight me brat!?" The mystic mother stands and walks to Thrax, but stops when she notices Zolda.

Thrax turns to see a wide eyed Zolda, still trying to process what he's seeing.

The armored man walks to him and tries to place hand on his cheek, but it just fades through him.

"How did you astral project here?" Thrax asks, astonished. "My spell should have stopped all interlopers"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" the MM screams, and creates a wall of fire in-between him and Thrax.

The armored man turns back to the MM, pointing his staff. "More concern for a random interloper than your own child? I expect as much." He spits out as he calls down lighting.

A bubble of magic protects the MM, and she then forces the lightning Thrax created to take the shape of a serpent, sending it to attack her first born.

As the fight is going on, Zolda can hear a voice again, his father's voice, coming from one of the books.

Zolda forces his way through the wall of flame, making a break for the book that seems to be calling him forth…only to be stopped by the MM.

"You're both giving me a headache!" She screams as she blasts both men away.

Both Thrax and Zolda land on their feet, right next to each other.

Both men look at the MM, obsession I'm their eyes as they both say, "give me a book, you neglectful hag." Simultaneously.

At that moment, the books glow and the bubble trapping them starts to crack. A wave of dark energy hits the two men, and a sudden revelation hits them.

Both look at each other for a moment, and just as they put the pieces together, Zolda disappears, his body in the real world waking up.

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