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Chapter9: destination

The last thing Arjet remembered was the green master pushing her into the portal. She wasn't sure how long she was out, but when she awoke, the woman was surrounded by people she didn't know.

"She's awake" a robot with no arms or legs said in a tired voice. This causes Arjet to jump back in shock, bumping into a pale, thin man with dark hair.

"Hi…I'm Kyle…you've been out for a while" the man says nervously, stopping the woman's fall.

Arjet immediately stands up and looks around to see that she's in the cockpit of the royal green Zord, The pegasus flying through space to an unknown location. Looking a bit longer, she sees the pilot of the Zord, the royal green ranger sitting in the throne-like seat of the cockpit.

Arjet feels a sense of relief, as I'm her mind, this meant at least one of the blades wasn't a dud like hers. With new found hope, the woman walks to the ranger.

"Great warrior, I am Arjet, your leader. As such, I demand that you take me-" a raised hand cuts the woman off

"Shhhh, you're not part of this story" is all the ranger says before continuing to drive the Zord. Much to the disgust of Arjet.

"Excuse Me!? I am a being born from the grid itself, you can't-" But once more, the woman is cut off when a door opens behind her.

"Hey did you guys know there's a whole bedroom back there, it's not big but the bed is crazy soft." Says a new person entering the cockpit, Caucasian with light brown hair, and wearing the Morpher that should be hers. "Oh hey, you're awake" he says casually, "you alright?"

Arjet lunges at the man, screaming"give it back!"

Zolda, immediately catching on to what she's asking, explains "I can't, after I morphed, the thing sort of…grafted to my waist, it actually kind of hurts" he rubs the skin over the Morpher.

"I-It bonded to you? But it's mine!" Arjet yells in despair, trying to pry the blade off of Zolda.

"Trust me, I tried" Zolda deadpans to the panicking woman. "It did heal my wounds though…after a few hours" he says while stretching his arms out.

"MUST BE NICE!! Screams Thruster, still sitting in the corner of the cockpit.

"T-The blades have a self repair function for their host, it will need material to fix the machine." Arjet says through heavy breaths, giving up on pulling the Morpher free from Zolda's waist.

"Oh, well we'll have tons of supplies when we get there" Zolda states, moving past the tired woman and leaning by the green ranger. "How long do we have?"

"Well reach Earth's atmosphere in 30 minutes" Dialect responds

Where are we going?" Arjet asks, Thruster speaks up next.

"Grid battle force, we heard rumors of them in prison. Apparently they really, and I mean really don't like the S.C.P.T, and have been going through great lengths to promote their defunding"

Arjet eyes go wide with shock "you were in jail?"

"Oh yeah, everyone here was, we used the blades to break out" again, Zolda's voice is deadpan.

Arjet can't even respond before the cockpit shakes, and the Zord goes plummeting into earth's atmosphere.

"What's going on?" Zolda asks, leaning over dialect's shoulder to get a better view.

The woman pushes him away staring, "I don't know, the Zord is moving on its own"

Everyone holds on as the Zord pulls them away from their destination.

When the Zord finally lands, it ejects everyone out and sends them crashing into the dirt below. Toxala is the last to land, yelling out "I was still in the bathroom, dick!." Getting up from the ground.

"There was a bathroom!?" Everyone else yells I'm unison.

Before their discussion can continue, they all hear a scream from the jungle area around them. From the bushes comes a girl in gray clothes running from creatures that with their hands extended, hoping towards the girl.

Zolda walks forth without hesitation, ready to help the screaming child, but Arjet stops him.

"Royal rangers are not to interfere in the politics of other worlds" she says, finger raised and eyes closed, like she was a teacher giving a lecture.

Once more the girl screams, the hoping monsters catching up to her. Zolda considers the woman's words for about two seconds before scratching his head and responding "naw, I don't got it in me". The man places the Zeo book into the Morpher and runs to the child.

Now that Zolda is morphed and fighting the creatures, Arjet can clearly see that her blade wasn't a dud, but for whatever reason, it rejected her.

Zolda cuts through the monsters, the hopping creatures turning into black dust as he does. One of the monsters that got past Zolda almost grab the child, but Toxala grabs it, throwing it into the air.

"Save some for me!" She yells, grabbing three of the monsters and forcing them into a bear hug. Squeezing tight and breaking their backs, then throwing those monsters in the air as well. Before they can even land, Zolda presses the book, summoning the chest cannon and blasting the monsters away.

With the creatures dealt with, Toxala picks up the shaking child, eyes glowing red, but not from anger.

"Are you alright, tiny child!?" She yells/asks, the woman pulling the child's face close to hers. "Are you dying, do you need assistance!?

The child starts crying

"Toxala why!?" Zolda yells at the woman
"I'm worried!" She screams back
"You're scary," Dialect says in her monotone voice. Much to the annoyance of Toxala
"Princesses aren't scary!" She growls, causing everybody but the crying child and Arjet to sigh and say I'm unison.
"You are not a princess!"

The argument is interrupted by a roar, a red ranger appears from the jungle, black stripes along his sides, and a claw-like symbol on his chest.  All he sees is a woman with glowing red eyes holding his student, and that's all he needs to go to work.

The new ranger moves faster than Toxala can react, Delivering an open palm strike to the woman's stomach. Toxala drops the child and falls to the ground.

Zolda raises his blade and summons the rockets and pyramid, firing everything at once in hopes of taking the ranger down.

He doesn't even hit him once, the attacker evading the blast and blue tendrils with ease. Once he reaches Zolda, the ranger flips him over, Zolda's back crashing on the ground. He looks up to the red ranger raising an open palm, energy flowing into his hand as Zolda can swear he sees a giant tiger behind the man.

Before the strike can hit him, Arjet intervenes." Wait! Honored ranger, I am Arjet, protege of the morphin masters. We ask for your help."

The man stops his strike and looks at Zolda "she's right, we saved the kid, our green friend just has a scary face" he says pointing to the others in his group.

Pulling Zolda up, the ranger walks to the child and confirms their story. Once she explains that they did in fact save her, the red ranger picks up Toxala's unconscious body. "Follow me"

The group walk for about 20 minutes, reaching a clearing in the jungle to see a giant temple.

Soon other students arrive, some children, others adults. The ranger hands the unconscious Toxala to three of the older students, instructing them to take her to the infirmary. Then he de-morphs, revealing a Caucasian man in red robes.

"My name is Casey Rhodes, red jungle fury ranger and pai Zuhq master, and I have a feeling you all can help us with a troubling problem."

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