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Chapter12: vs Dai Shi and the Generals PT1

Zolda can barely keep up with the threes combat, Casey, Dominic and Dai Shi are moving so fast that the man can only provide covering fire.

Dai Shi attempts to knee Casey's side, the ranger blocks and swipes up with his claw. Dai Shi moves back, evading the attack, but just as he does, Dominic strikes him in the head with all the animal spirit power he has.

With the visage of a massive rhino hitting him, Dai Shi goes flying into a nearby rock. Zolda uses this to grab the man with the pyramids telekinesis, holding him in place long enough for Casey to deliver three slashes to the general's chest.

Casey pulls a hand back, channeling his animal spirit and then delivering a palm strike to Dai shi's stomach

The quarry shakes, and all can hear the roar of a tiger. Dai Shi explodes, the various Rinshi disappearing when he does.

Zolda doesn't have the chance to react as Dominic grabs the man and runs off. A glow of gold fills the area, and Dai Shi rises again.

Flowing with purple energy, the general screams, the Dai Shi book appears once more, calling out "GENERALS!"

three figures appear behind Dai Shi, one that vaguely resembled a golden dragon, another that looked like a snapping turtle, and the last looked like a white tiger.

Casey looks at the new foes and sighs, cracking his neck as he does. Before he even fights, he speaks.

"Whiger…do you remember me?" Casey asks the white tiger creature, it simply growls, and Casey can tell that this is just an empty shell.

"Well...alright then, snapper and scorch are back to" RJ says as he walks next to the three.

Lily and Theo enter their jungle master modes and stand next to Casey. The royal rangers taking Zolda's side soon after.

The generals are first to move, three waves of energy that split the group up.

Whiger and Dai Shi with Zolda, Kyle, RJ, Casey and Camille .

Scorch with Dominic, Thruster and Arjet

Snapper with Lily, Theo, Dialect and Toxala.

"So what's the plan?"
"His armor is tough, we will have to keep hitting one spot if we want to break it."
"How will we do that?"
"Me and Theo will provide a distraction, you and Grumpy will keep striking a single point on his back."

This conversation is being had by Dialect, Lily and Theo. The two are hatching a plan to defeat snapper, while Toxala is getting tossed around by the general.

Toxala presses the book on her sheath, and it calls out " SUMMON FIRST 5!"

Appearing behind Toxala are five spirit-like dinosaurs, each only a bit larger than Toxala. A red T-Rex, a black parasaur, a green raptor, a blue stegosaurus, and a pink triceratops.

The beast rush snapper, the T Rex bites down on the phantom beast general, but he holds it's jaws in place with his bare hands.

The raptor slashes the general with his tail, hitting the T-Rex in the process. Both go flying off, before snapper can even hit the ground, Lily runs to where he would land, kicking him back to the others.

Snapper flies in the other direction, landing directly onto one the horns of the triceratops. This doesn't break the snapper's armor however, the general landing on the ground face first.

As he hits the rock below, Dialect and Toxala jump on top of him, They then proceed to stab the spot where the horn struck him.

Their assault is stopped by a wave of energy that blasts the two away, The drivers stopping both of the rangers from falling.

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