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Chapter27: Family(technically)

“Where's Zolda?” Thruster wonders, he's on the ground, broken and unable to move. All he can see is the sky above him, and the barrel of a blaster.

The blue spd ranger holds the robot at gunpoint, demanding that he “don't move”

The two blue rangers stare each other down until a T-Rex chomps down on the blue spd ranger. Toxala stands behind the two, a hand on her dino charge book.

The green quickly blasts at the newly summoned T-Rex, causing it to drop the blue spd ranger. He then turns his attention to the one that summoned it.

Toxala prepares to summon more, but In a move she didn't see coming, the green spd ranger drops his weapon and raises his arms.

“Please wait, we're all rangers, we just need to talk” he says with raised arms.

“We're not talking to cops!” Toxala shouts, but the other rangers disagree.

“No no, I'll talk to cops” Thruster disagrees, still looking at the sky.

“Agreed, I don't wanna fight” Kyle shouts under ruble. “Right dear?”, he asks with no response.

Dialect is silent, staring at the disk that saved them, the legacy book inside barely visible. Brody walks up the disk, arms Cross as he asks, “you gonna stay put or…” .

The disk flies off, earning a sigh from the red ninja steel ranger as he demorphs.

Sky does the same, turning to the royal rangers and Giving orders to his team.

“Lina, get the pink one out of the rubble, bridge, look for the two that were blasted in that alleyway. I'm gonna call for a stretcher to pick up the broken machine”.

“Much appreciated,” Thruster says, still looking at the sky.

The other rangers go willingly, but Toxala is a bit reluctant. “I don't trust cops,” she grimaces.

With a sigh, Sky turns and prepares to force the green woman in the ship, but Bridge beats him to the punch.

“Our HQ has the best food”


“Oh yeah, all gourmet stuff”

Toxala doesn't even wait for the ship to land, she just jumps up, and lands on the ship's hanger door.

Sky doesn't even bother questioning how Bridge knew that would work, he just guides the others on board and waits for the green spd ranger to come back with the two others who were blasted off in the alley. It should take 2 minutes, but Bridge doesn't come back for five.

Over the coms, sky hears Beidge’s voice. “Sky, come look at this”

The first thing Zolda feels is anger, he looks around to see that he's in front of some charity. Various forms of alien life come in to get free food and clothes.

Zolda pays them no mind as he immediately grabs the hooded figure's collar.

“Take us back”, the purple haze begins to form, and the ground beneath Zolda cracks.

The people scream, many of them rushing inside to get from Zolda. This makes the Haze disappear, and forces his mind to be cleared up.

“Zolda calm down, its-” before the hooded figure can answer, a man comes out of the charity building and kicks Zolda off the hooded figure.

Zolda immediately gets up and looks at his attacker, a man dreads and a leather jacket.

“Jack, wait, this is a misunderstanding,” the hooded figure states while removing his hood. “Zolda, you may not know me, but please listen.”

The royal red ranger stares at the non-human features the hooded figure shows. Blue skin, large chin, beady eyes.

Zolda stares at the man for about 30 seconds, and the shouts, “Oh my damn…Squatt!?”

The short creature gasps in shock, “Wait, you know me?”

“Yeah Dad had a picture of you in the house, he brung you up a few times.” Zolda explains while examining the man. “I thought you turned to dust or something”.

“Oh yes, well rit- I mean, the mystic mother brought me back.” he explains, and Zolda squats down and places his hands on his head.

“Oh my God, she could bring back the dead, but couldn't get me out of jail” Zolda lets out a long sigh, “there can't be a good explanation for this.”

Beady eyes go wide as Squatt hears this, “You were in jail?”

“She didn't bring it up!?” Zolda laughs/ yells

Arjet finally gets up, annoyed by Zolda's yelling “Um, excuse me, who is this?” she questions while dusting herself off.

“Good question” the man, Jack, says as he walks down the stairs.

Zolda shakes his head, completely forgetting that he was just attacked, he points at squatt, saying “he's my brother, kinda…he's adopted”.

Squatt nods his head, “yep, used to work for ritta back in my dark days.”

Arjet laughs and raises her arms “oh great, another child of evil”

Zolda glares, Squatt just frowns “what a rude lady.”

Zolda was going to say something out of anger, but soon his face went from a glare to a condescending smile. “Yeah, no wonder she wasn't chosen to be a red ranger.”

Arjet jolts as a haze of green covers her, Squatt doesn't even notice as he leans over to Zolda. “She was supposed to be a ranger?”

Zoldas smile gets wider, “oh yeah, this Morpher was supposed to go to her, but rejected her and flew straight to me”.

A wide toothy grin full of pride and joy washes over Squatt, “You're a ranger, that's great!” he shouts while bear hugging Zolda.

Arjet begins to slowly walk towards Zolda, who breaks free of his brother’s hug, and forces the blue man behind him.

A loud clap makes everyone look in the direction of Jack, who gestures to the door. “How about we all figure this out inside.”

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 18 ⏰

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