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Chapter24: The second Appearance of the royal one.

"Xandread think about th-" Octomush can't even finish his statement as Xandread slams the Morlock into the forest floor, the crash causing trees nearby to be uprooted.

Before he can even get up, Octomush is forced deeper into the ground by a sudden elbow drop from Xandread.

"Hehehaha" the Nighlok laughs as he grinds his elbow into the back of Octomush's head. His joy is short, as Xandread suddenly finds himself eating the bottom of a giant robotic foot.

A newly formed burning bull megazord kicks Xandread away, firing off its canons as it does.

The ground is stuck in constant state of vibration while Xandread gets up, but he doesn't even get to knees when the royal blue golem gets him in a choke hold.

The Phoenix and Pegasus zords fire blasts of fire and wind respectively, hitting the air deprived Nighlok in his stomach.

While this is happening, Octomush manages to get up, his attempt to fly off and figure out another plan, but the royal yellow dragon zords coils around him, squeezing tight enough to where he could hear a crack.

"Hgh, get off me…foul beast"


While Octomush struggles against the yellow serpent, Zolda takes this time to summon every weapon he has. The royal red centaur now armed to the teeth charges at his foe.

Octomush manages to fling the yellow dragon zord off him, spinning around to kick the centaur, but he is met with a blade to the foot.

The Morlock winces as he hops back on one foot and sends reckless blasts of magic at Zolda.

Like before, Zolda has the centaur zords hold the hilt of the energy blade out, absorbing the various blasts. But unlike before, the cable on the bottom connects to the top of the zords back, powering up its shoulder rokkets.

What comes out the shoulder cannons aren't the usual balls of energy, but instead it's a stream of purple energy that pierces the Morlock's right arm and right side of his chest.

The burning bull megazord gives Octomush no time to recover as it slams both its fist on the back of his head. Before he can even hit the ground, the yellow dragon returns and positions itself right under the Morlock's face.

Then it roars

The force of the roar is quite literally keeping Octomush hovering up by his head. When it finally stops, the dragon bites down on his face and flies up, dragging the Morlock to Xandreads location.

Speaking of which, the Nighlok leader was having a comparably better time dealing with the three royal Zords.

He can move well enough with the blue golem on his back, and the blasts coming from the Phoenix and Pegasus zords aren't much of an issue for him either.

The Nighlok takes all the attacks, all the while slamming the golem into anything it can.

Realizing this strategy is getting them nowhere, Thruster has the golem let Xandread go, opting to let his summons wear the Nighlok down.

With five presses of the turbo book, the smaller versions of the turbo zords come out. The green and yellow ones tackle Xandread at his  knees, blue and pink hold his elbows, and the red one around his neck.

With his movements restricted, Kyle presses the MF book.



White that command, a ball of flame forms and hovers over the Phoenix zord. It shoots forward like it was shot from an invisible cannon, hitting the Nighlok dead on.

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