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Chapter2-The would be King and the abandoned Princess.
On an industrial planet that's covered in smog and filth, a heavily damaged robot is running for its life with two others. The machine is missing one arm, a large chunk of its midsection is missing, the alloy on his head is cracked, showing complex circuitry underneath.

He runs through the muddy streets, trying to ignore the explosions and screams behind him.

"My prince, this way" a robot to the left of him yells. The boy makes a sharp turn and sees a ship he can escape on, a way to leave and process what's been going on. Unfortunately he can't reach it as a blast of green energy hits the ship, causing it to burst into flames. The robots are all blown away as their only hope quite literally goes up in smoke.

It takes a few moments to recollect themselves and stand back up, all three robots freeze to see a power ranger stand before them.

"King thruster, son of prince Gasket and queen Archerina. By order of the S.C.P.T, you are under arrest", the green ranger says, walking to the three.

"Please, we haven't done anything, we've been helping people". Pleads one of the kings attendants. The green ranger just shakes his head and keeps walking forward.

"Doesn't matter, your family tried to take over the universe, which means you have the potential to do the same" he says, pressing three buttons on his Morpher. "Summoning pistol" calls out the device, and a green blaster appears in the ranger's hand. He points it at the three asking them "easy way, or the hard way?"

One of thruster's  attendants runs to the ranger screaming at the king to run. With one shot of the blaster, the attendant falls to the ground lifeless. Thruster screams in agony

"Stop! stop! Please I'll turn myself in, just please let me attendants go"

The ranger looks at him and tilts his head, "the hell…no" is all he says before shooting the other attendant. "We only want you, I got no reason to spare these buckets of bolts".

Thruster screams in sadness and rage as he charges at the ranger, not caring what happens next. The Green ranger shoots the king in both legs, the sobbing man imobile on the ground as he is taken into custody.

Thruster is dragged through a hallway, his wounds have been repaired poorly, his royal garb and crown replaced with plain gray pants and shirt. The man can't even bring himself to walk after what he's been through. After being thrown into his cell, the robot just lays on the cold floor, not moving an inch, not even thinking about anything until he hears a voice.

"What are you in for?"

The voice is coming from a young boy, no more than twelve. He is the same prison uniform as Thruster, the only difference being a strange collar on his neck with runes engraved on it.

Thruster stays silent as the bot keeps talking

"Me? Well apparently my existence made me a threat, that and my dad did some awful stuff, so you know…sins of the father and all that."

That causes the bot to flinch a bit, as he assumes the boy is in the same Position as him.

"I'm  Zolda, You don't need to share anything, nor do you need to get off the floor, but I will keep talking since it's been a while since I last spoke to someone." He says, and is met with a breath of relief from the robot. Curling into a ball, he speaks.

"I'm Thruster, that's all I want to say".

"That's fine, I'll shut up for now, it's time for the lullaby"

Despite his previous statement, Thruster can't help but ask, "the what?"

"One of the prisoners, a woman, sings every night. It's helped the mental states of everyone trapped here."

As if on cue, a siren's song fills the ears of the two. A gentle lullaby that causes Zolda to lean back in peace, but causes Thruster to let out quiet sobs. Visions of his home and people he lost filled his mind.

"Get her under control!"
"Where are the cuffs!"
"She broke all of them!"
"Somebody call pink!"

These words are being said by a group of S.C.P.T soldiers, all eight of them are doing everything in their power to keep a recently apprehended woman restrained. The woman was rather bulky with green skin, red eyes and a mask that covered her mouth and nose.

Two soldiers were wrapped around her arms and legs, keeping a tight lock on her joints to restrict her movements. This does little, as she keeps on breaking free and running a few feet, before being grabbed again. Any poison the men used was ineffective, and they can't break her skin with the standard issue blasters they have.

This process of her escaping the hold and being grabbed again keeps going for a good 30 minutes, until a flash of pink light gets everyone's attention. Walking a few feet In Front of them is the pink S.C.P.T ranger, a 5ft tall mall with a stack of paperwork in his hands. He just keeps looking down at a sheet of papers, not even paying attention to them.

"Sir please, where have you been?"
"We are so tired"
"I think I peed a little"

The bruised and battered men all let out there grievances, still holding on to the bulky woman. I'm a rage, she burst through one more time and walks to ranger, she was a got few inches taller than him

"Hey pinky, what's th-"

Her words are cut off with a punch to the gut, the woman who took lasers and the worst poisons in the galaxy is sent reeling with one attack. As she falls to her knees, the ranger speaks, "shhh, it's magenta". He says before kicking the woman's chin, sending her flying away into a nearby tree. While she's on the ground, he speaks again.

"Umh…let's see, toxala, daughter of bounty hunters sledge and poisandra, by order of the S.C.P.T, you are under arrest." He says, turning away and walking back his ship.

Power Rangers: Royalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن