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Chapter26- Trouble with the cops.

Five zords are speeding through the grid at an alarming rate, the five rangers and Arjet having no control over where they wish to go.

All the rangers preoccupied themselves with various activities. Toxala reads the scroll Jaden gave Zolda, Thruster discusses ranger lore with Arjet(who is in his cockpit), Dialect mediates, and Kyle just stares at his newly acquired book.

“So…who wants to bet the zords will actually take us to GBF?”, Toxala’s question comes with no response, much to her annoyance. “Really? Nobody?”

“I'm not making a bet you're probably gonna win,” Zolda is the first to respond, leaning back in his chair.

“Honestly the best bet we can make right now is what rangers we will run into next.” Kyle adds in, spinning the M.F book I'm his hands.

“The zords do seem to take us everywhere but where we want to be” Thruster sighs, holding his damaged legs. “Hopefully wherever we go next has proper equipment, the parts I took from the strike rider are good, but it can't keep up with the power output of these books.”

The conversation can't continue however, as Zolda feels something in his pocket. The zeo book is shaking violently.

“Guys, my book is vibrating.”

He is ignored however, as the zords begin to accelerate and shake, the others assuming that they are about to reach their destination. The only one who heard him was Arjet and Thruster.

“Here we go, bets on who we'll run into?” Kyle asks.

“I don't care, just know I'm getting whatever book we find next”, Toxala answers.

“Who decided that?” Dialect asked, finally breaking from her meditation.

“Zolda did you just say-” a shake from the zords cuts Thruster off, he looks up, and sees quite the strange sight.

Something appears in front of the zords. A whitish blue book, as thick as a dictionary.

“That's-” Arjet can't even finish before the book opens, a blinding light causing the grid to turn from green to white.

“ZORDON!” the book calls out, and the zords stop moving entirely. A flash of white blinding the rangers.

When the others can see again, they are outside the grid. A starry night sky above them, and beneath them are the lights of the city.

Zolda looks down, smiles…then drops it, and raises an eyebrow.

“Hey guys?” Zolda asks with a bit of confusion. “So I was in jail for 10 years, but I know earth when I see it.”

Thruster sounds quite happy, “so where on earth? That's great”

“No, cause I know damn well ten years wouldn't do this” Zolda explains as he looks down at the landscape below him. It's earth, but completely futuristic.

Flying cars, neon lights, and alien life everywhere, completely different from the 2013 earth Zolda was taken away from.

“The monitor says were in 2027” Arjet explains

“BULLSHIT! WERE FOUR YEARS IN THE FUTURE!” Toxala yells ecstatically.

“THE ZORDS CAN TIME TRAVEL!?” Kyle also yells, just as excited as the yellow ranger.

“Arjet, that would have been excellent information to know” Zolda remarks, still confused on how earth could have been integrated this well in the 14 years he was away.

Arjet shakes her head in confusion ,“They can't, trust me I would have suggested using it a while ago if they could”.

“Pretty sure it was the large, Glowing book that caused this” Thruster adds in, looking down at the futuristic city.

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