Part 49...Go Mental

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The silence was deafening as my mum looked at me trying to avoid the question. I stared at her with my eyebrows raised waiting for the answer. Sam looked between the both of us knowing to not get involved.

“Well business is becoming more popular and we need to focus on some areas that attract attention from customers. Therefore we think that we need to work on our…” My mum started explaining. I didn’t want explanation; I wanted to know…now.

“Mum, just tell us why you are here!” I hissed looking into her eyes awaiting an answer. She was trying to avoid the answer for as long as she could. Trying to hold off on breaking the news that was eating her alive. She fidgeted nervously with her fingers then looked me in the eyes.

“We’re moving…We’re taking all our stuff and moving to Las Vegas. You’re dad found a great house for us all to live in and there’s a great school and university. Of course you would have to start a new school in the middle of the year but we could arrange…”   I stopped my mum before she could go any further. I wasn’t going to move to Las Vegas and leave Ash, Brook and all my friends. My mum had a happy smile on my face; Sam on the other hand looked as though he was going to go mental.

“Mum I’m not moving to Las Vegas. I want to stay here with my boy…I mean my friends and my brother” I replied to what my mother had just said. Moving. I wasn’t going to move. I wasn’t going to leave behind everything I had and leave my friends. I did not want to explain the fact that me and Ash had gone out… I could just imagine my dad’s reaction to that. He would be so happy…not.

“Dear we have a house out there its ready for us to go. We don’t like leaving you in this house all by yourselves” My mum smiled walking closer to me. I moved farther away from her and looked into Ash’s eyes that were secretly laughing at me.  I just glared and carried on moving away from my mother who was seriously scaring me.

“Mum you can’t make us move. We have managed to survive for the months you have been gone. Sam needs to complete school and graduate. I will too…Here. At Brookdale High School, the high school I have been going to for years!” I shouted at my mum who stopped in her tracks and stared at me. My sudden outburst had shocked everyone in the room and they were now all turned to look at me. Dad with his wide eyes and Brook trying to hold back a laugh. Sam smirking looking proud of his sister and Ash, well Ash had no expression. He knew my outbursts.

“I didn’t know you felt so strong about staying here. Yes we left you here when we went on business trips but now we want us to be together. We want our family to go back to normal” My mum said a tear leaving her eye. I could feel myself filling up as my mum spoke the words…’family’. We hadn’t been a family for a year now and nothing was going to change that. They decided that they wanted to leave us.

“Mum we haven’t been a family for over a year. You had the chance to phone us or send letters. You should have contacted us more than once a month. There is no chance that this is a family anymore. Yeah you’re our parents…it means nothing though. How many of Sam’s games have you missed? Were you there when I fractured my foot? Do you even know when Sam graduates? The answer to all these is no….just forget it mum. You’re never going to persuade us to move” With that I left my crying mother and broken family. I left all the hopes we ever had of becoming a family again.

After stomping up the stairs loudly I threw my door open then slammed it shut. Hearing the noise echo around the room I fell onto my bed and felt the tears leaving my eyes already. She dropped a bombshell on us… a big one.

I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it hoping to get all the anger out of me. That didn’t work. Next I grabbed all the things on my side and threw them across the room hearing things smash in the process. I screamed over and over again while the tears flowed from my eyes and dropped onto my carpet creating water marks.

I hated her…thinking she can come into our life after a year and tell us to move.

I still felt frustrated as I slid down the wall and leaned my head against it, letting everything flow. No one knew what I would do when I was angry and no one had to know.

I ran to the toilet and next thing I knew I was throwing up.

I don’t know how long I was lay by the toilet not managing to move, laying my hot forehead against the cool tile. I do know that I hear footsteps in my bedroom and knew who it was immediately.

When he walked into the bathroom and surveyed the scene I saw a flash of anger and upset in his eyes. He didn’t even speak just walked over where I was lay, grabbed a towel and wet it in the sink. I felt the cool towel touch my forehead and his warm arms wrapped around me holding me close.

“Everything is going to be okay Rhi, it’s all going to be okay” I wish that was true…


Hoping to post later on...This chapter is just a little filler for you guys :)

Aww poor Rhi

I do love myself a bit of Ash though.

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Butterfly224 <3 xx

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