Chapter 1

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Chicago. A city that I've always hated. The streets buzz with noise from taxi drivers honking their horns.

I look down at my watch to make a mental note; I'll be leaving this hell hole in less than seventeen hours.

Just as I start to get annoyed by how long I've been in this car my driver stops to let me out.

"Thank you Arnold"

He nods in response.

I halt walking into the building to read the name of the company.

NEWTON inc. Owned by the infamous Newton's , the richest family in Chicago. All of Illinois loves them, but they are the biggest pain in my ass.

I walk past security without acknowledging anyone. I can feel the fear radiating off  of everyone and it makes me want to smile.

I enter the elevator and press the sixteen. As soon as the elevator door opens I'm greeted by a secretary offering me all kinds of refreshments.

Her shaky voice starts to annoy me although she has every right to be, because if I'm in Chicago it means that I'm more than pissed.

Ignoring her I walk straight to the conference room and open the door. My brothers Jace and Josiah are already sitting down with a few of my other most trusted associates.

Kevin Newton, the CEO for the trashy company stands up and offers me his hand.

I don't shake it. For starters I have no idea where his hands have been since he spends most of his days screwing everyone except his wife. Secondly I don't shake hands with thieves.

I sit at the head chair and stare at Kevin.

"I'll get straight to business. A few years ago Kevin you flew to Miami to adjure to invest in this...... slump of an investment company. I agreed to do it and in return a profit of ten million dollars every month. Am I right Mr. Newton?" I ask

"Yes, but.."

"I'm not done!" I interrupt him, "Now two days ago I received only five million. I decided to look at the stock market to see if a crisis broke out in the world and maybe the stock exchange crashed. Instead I find that the stock market is better than ever and that over fourteen people have invested in this company yesterday. In total your company received fifty million dollars. So please tell me the amount of money I received was a mistake."

Kevin visibly gulps and stands to his feet once again. I audibly groan because this meeting was going be short, but I my intuition was right. These bastards want to cut my percentage.

"Mr. Missu our company no longer needs you. As a matter of fact you and your thugs are lucky we still sent you any money." He explains

I remain quiet, trying to think rationally.

Despite my efforts a wide smile makes its way on my face and low laugh escapes my throat.

I stand and make my way to Kevin. Once I reach him I grab the back of his neck and bang his head on the conference table three times.

His cries sound like music to my ears.

"Shhh Kevin. I didn't even hurt you that bad. Now, I have to admit that stunt you just pulled was funny, but I'm in no mood to say any jokes. Ten million is nothing compared to the money you are getting." I whisper in his ear.

"When I invested in this crappy company your net worth was three hundred thousand a year. Now your net worth is seventy five million dollars." I say bitterly

"I... I'll pay you back. I promise" he pleads once more

Annoyed, I pull my gun out and aim at his head, "give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you."

"I.. I can pay you more money." He suggests. "Fifteen million should fix this right?"

"Twenty four million." I demand as I take the safety off the f the gun ready for him to protest.

"Okay!! Twenty four million every month."

"Good! Don't make me have to come back here Newton, because if I have to be back here in this disgusting ass city, I will kill you and your family." I promise him before putting the safety back on.

I walkout of the conference room and wait for my brothers outside.

Jace my younger brother joins me and utters, "so we have two problems"

"First mom and dad are waiting at the hotel for you, and secondly we got confirmation that Jean was the one giving away free bottles and taking money from safe." Josiah my youngest brother explains

"Why the hell are our parents here?" I ask

"Apparently the have to talk to you about some bylaw in order to become Don of the Mafia." Jace explains

I roll my eyes knowing my day is either going to be ruined because of what my parents have to say, or because of Jean the idiot who has been stealing from my club.

As soon as I open the door to my hotel room, I'm greeted by my father who is listening to my mother ramble in Spanish angrily.

"Ahh hell, I hope this isn't another family meeting about them getting a divorce again." Jace mumbles under his breath

I put down my gun on the kitchen counter and grab a glass to pour whiskey in.

Jace might not be wrong, but I doubt they'd fly to Chicago for that.

My mother has the tendency to be a bit impulsive with everything. When I four months she divorced my father for forgetting her birthday. She moved to Texas and met Jace and Josiah's biological father.

He beat her up really bad one day and she decided to call my father. Turns out the man didn't even care that she was four months pregnant with twins for another man. He flew from Miami to Houston like a dog with a tail between its legs to get her and kill the other man.

Like an idiot they get remarried a month later. Since then mother threatens to leave him almost every other month.

She never does though. They've been married for twenty four years.

"¿Por qué harías eso, Milo?" (Why would you do that Milo?). My mother shouts which interrupts my thoughts.

"Love, he needs someone by his side even if that means him marrying some model." My father explains calmly to my mom.

"He is not marrying that... that skinny, blonde haired, gold digging, disgusting, no ambition having, disrespectful SLUT!" My mother shouts once again

Annoyed by the both of them I speak. "Will the two of you shut the hell up. Or tell what the hell you're fighting about."

"Oh I'll tell you what it's about! Your idiot father put in a bylaw stating that you can't be Don of this mafia unless you marry someone!" My mother explains

For the first time in my life, I actually wouldn't mind if my father dropped dead.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now