Chapter 26

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If she wasn't fuming right now I'd probably lay her on this couch and show her how much she means to me.

The only woman I've ever been scolded by is my mother, but Rayna scolding me without saying anything was a huge turn on.

My mother clears her throat, which unfortunately takes me out of my daze.

"When I found out I was pregnant with Zade it was the happiest time of my life. I'd just gotten married to the love of my life and although I knew many of the hierarchy members of the mafia didn't like me, I thought that because I was going to be their Dona I'd be respected."

She sighs, "Milo's father hated me and technically he was still in charge or me, so he forced me to sign a document saying that he'd have guardianship of Zade until he was thirteen. I fought like hell to keep Zade safe. But then one night I went into Zade's room to feed him and he was there with a gun in his hand pointing at Zade. I panicked and told him I'd give him anything, including signing the guardianship."

Tears begin to run her face, "so when I found out I was pregnant again two years later I hid. Despite everything Rose helped me. During the early stages of the pregnancy I was able to hide it, but when I started to show she got special designers to help me hide my growing bump. I gave birth to Luco in my bedroom. She lied to her husband and made sure I was able to nurse him until he was big enough not to need me as often. When he was four months she took him to New Jersey where he was raised."

For the first time in a while, my mothers tears affect me. I can see her pain, for the first time I can see her. Not the beautiful image she creates, I see a women who experienced loss to keep her family safe.

"I visited often when he was young. It's why he always came over for holidays and why I always wanted you all to get along with him. I had no choice because if the racist men who used to dominate this mafia found out about him they'd make me sign him over as well. They hated me because I was the daughter of the Mexican cartel king. I had power, and the day I married Milo they made it their job to strip me of it. I was forced to yield over my first child, I made sure they never did it to any of my other children."

She looks at me with her sad hazel eyes. I see so much of myself in my mother, not just physically, but also in behavior. She's forced to make hard decisions to make sure everyone is safe, just like me.

"I never meant to hurt anyone, I just wanted to protect you all. And then when Luco started acting up because I wouldn't tell you all I figured it was better that none of you know the truth."

"So he knew this whole time?" Jace asks


Jace opens his mouth to say something but Rayna gives him the same look that shut me up. His open jaw snaps shut.

"Your turn Luco." Ray says

He stands, "mom and dad visited me as much as they could. She sent me gifts every year for my birthday, sometimes she'd surprise me and visit me. The first time I met you all was when I was five. She flew out a few days earlier to prep me. She asked me to promise I wouldn't tell you who I was because then I'd get taken away. I thought it was a lie, up until I was looking through Nonna's file cabinet and found a threatening email from her to our grandfather. She threatened to kill him if he touched me. I guess he eventually found out...."

"He always knew." My head whips to Nonna.

She's in a beautiful long summer dress and heels. Her hair is styled into long curls that flow down her back.

"He confessed it to me when Luco was six. He came to visit me and spilled it. He said that he knew from the moment he saw him that he wasn't one of our other ungrateful children's." She smiles, "Esmerelda's pretty eyes gave it away. I tried to convince him otherwise but instead he handed me divorce papers. That email that you read was something that I followed through with, and that is how your father became Don. The bastard would've held onto it till he died."

Josiah's jaw drops, "oh my God. My whole life is a lie."

"Relax... he deserved it. That's the reason your mother and I don't get along, she doesn't like the way I handled it." She shrugs it, "it needed to be done."

Silence fills the room.

I'm no longer upset with my mother or Luco, I just wish she'd told me sooner. But I can't hate her for wanting to protect him when she wasn't given the same opportunity for me.

"All is forgiven." I say truthfully, "Rayna is right, we need to be united. Thank you for telling me that mother, I just wish I had known sooner."

"We'll start fresh tomorrow at seven, you all can go except Nonna, mom, Luco, and Dad."

Everyone nods and leaves.

"Follow me to my office."

Once we reach the office I close the door behind them.

"I'll tell the rest at another time, but Santiago is alive."

Luco starts choking on the water he was drinking.

My mother shakes her head, "everyone saw you kill him. You shot him too many times and ..."

"Ma! He is!" I pull out the pictures I received from Javen.

"He burned down what used to be our warehouses in Mexico City, but because we went underground he can't find us."

"Please tell me you're joking.."

I roll my eyes, "dad why would I joke about this?"

My eyes catch Luco staring at nothing in particular, but his face is a give away that he already knew this information.

"You knew..."

"I found out tonight from..." he sighs, "it doesn't matter."

"No it matters, and you're going to tell me how you know!" My mother talks sternly

"Rayna.... She said it was a feeling. She heard someone say they never found a body. She said she could feel that something bad was going to happen so my advice is that we vacate this place asap."

"Why should we do that? It's not smart!"

For the first time in a while I actually agree almost agree with my father.

"If she was right about her feeling about Santiago being alive then she's right about the rest of her feelings. We are in no place to have a physical war here and that would put her life in jeopardy. So I suggest we get the hell out of here, because now that his son is up and about I know Pablo is acting like a wolf raging the streets." Luco insinuates.

I glance at the picture again. Santiago is definitely weak, he's literally skin and bones. And from camera footage he needs assistance with walking and speech, basically he's a vegetable. Still, he's well enough for Pablo to make his revengeful move.

"He's right.... Pablo is going to come after Rayna and I, which means he's going to come after you too, and seeing that we just got back on good terms we have a lot of catching up to do. Still I think we have enough time to put together a plan."

I don't mention that the plan includes going back to the states. I don't have time for everyone to jump down my throat. In the states we have more recourses, hell, Mexico is a better option, but we can't stay here. Not when I know no matter the physical state of Sant, he's coming for me and Rayna.

He nor his father will stop until they finally have her or until I'm dead.

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