Chapter 45

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I sit into front of the woman I used to call sister. I'm only here because I need to know who she was working with.

I haven't tortured her yet, only because for some odd reason I feel like this is bigger than me. I want to do nothing more than rip her to shreds, but something is stopping me.

I take a long draw from my cigarette and twirl my machete in my hand.

"Mariah, you're the biggest disappointment. After all I have done for you. After all my mother did for you and this is how you repay me? By working with the people who killed my mother and kidnapped my wife?"

She shakes her head as tears stream down her face. "Zade I would never do that to mom or Rayna."

Anger rips through me, "you don't get to call her mom!"

The only reason I waited so long to question her is because my father pleaded for her life. If it was up to me she'd be dead.

After the disappearance of Ray, my father handed me a letter that my mother wrote. I avoided reading it for the longest time, until I read it yesterday.

(The note)

To my dearest Zade,

  If you are reading this then my original plan didn't work. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that Mariah had betrayed us, but you must know she had her reasons. You know me, I don't take betrayal lightly, but this is different. Maybe when you have children one day, you'll understand why this is so sensitive.

I want you to know that you are my greatest gift. You're truly an inspiration, especially because of everything you've been through. Zade promise me that if anything happens to Rayna, you'll kill them all. Don't spare anyone! This war is bigger than you, don't let your ego win. Your wife's life is at stake.

Destroy every single one of them, that dare to stand in your way!

I love you so much my first born, you've always made me proud.

Esmerelda Lina Missu

My mother's words gave me the extra strength I needed. I've already wiped out all of the low level people who knew almost nothing. Still I refused to spare them

What behooved me was that my mother pleaded for Mariah, so now I'm here to get to the bottom of why she would do that.

"You have five minutes to explain why you would do such a thing." I state plainly.

"They threatened someone very close to me.... Someone none of you know about." She sighs, "my son."

It takes a lot for me to be surprised or shocked, but this takes the cake.

"You would go that far to lie? Are you kidding me?" Jace tells from behind me, "you're sick!"

Her demeanor changes ever so slightly. Pain and betrayal flash across her face. As I study her face I realize she's telling the truth.

"I'm not lying! I kept him a secret because it never seemed like a good time to say anything." She takes a deep breath, "I was on my way home when a man cornered me. Of course I wasn't afraid so we fought and I killed him, but there was a flash drive in his pocket. Out of curiousness I took it. In the file were pictures of me in my apartment playing with my son and the last file said that if I didn't hand over the documents they asked for, they'd kill him and deliver his head in a box to me. I did it to keep him safe!"

"So you didn't see any faces? You don't meet with anyone?" Luco asks

She shakes her head, "the only thing I remember is a star logo branded on the man's arm."

Mariah is telling the truth, but she's hiding something else. I can feel it, and lucky for her that's the gang Sniper is a part of. They call themselves the son of stars. Ridiculous and childish.

"Who's the father?" I ask

Her eyes immediately dart to Jace. "He's one and a half."

Jace furrows his eyebrows until realization hits him, "are you..? No! No that's impossible! It was only a few times."

I roll my eyes at his absurd comment. "It only takes one time idiot!"

He shakes his head, "I want a DNA test."

"No problem, but let's remember you're the only man I've slept with in four years. It's impossible for him to be anyone else's. His name is Zylan Jace Missu." Her face become blank as she looks at me, "if you're going to kill me, you can do it. I've accepted my fate."

I massage my temples and stand from my chair. "Where is he?"

"My house. There's a secret door on the right, it looks like a regular wall. That's where his room and play rooms are." She informs

I point at Jace, "you, come with me. Let's get your son."

The fear is eminent on his face but he follows behind.


We reach her apartment and just as she said the little boy is in his hidden playroom with his nanny. Without question she hands him to us.

"Mariah said that if you ever came to just give him to you and leave." She points to his bedroom door, "all of his things are in there." She says before exiting the room.

I look at the little boy. He's still very much a baby. There's an innocence to his face and purity that for some reason allows me to understand why Mariah kept him a secret.

He's so pure and innocent, while we are all vile. He's beautiful and is the spitting image of Jace, with his light brown skin and curly black hair. He has everything Jace has, including the same birthmark on his thumb.

Eyeing this baby, gave me even more motivation to slaughter all those involved in my wife's kidnapping and the death of my mother.

The door opens behind us and Luco and Jo walk in.

"Oh wow, there's no denying that one. You don't even need a damn DNA test. YOU. ARE. THE. FATHER." Luco mocks before bursting out laughing. "Whewwww. You better get to changing diapers big bro."

"Luco!" We all grumble.

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