Chapter 20

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I hate Italy more than I hate Chicago. Not because of the busy streets or even because of some of the racist assholes that roam the streets.

I hate Italy because of the Missu family. My father's side of family are worse than dogs. They're more like rabid, sly foxes that will bite you at the slightest opportunity.

The only good thing about Italy is the scenery, and my nonna, Rose.

I open the door to the older style Tuscan mansion. It has all of the latest technology in it because it's been newly built, but on the outside it looks like an older Italian mansion that has been here for over a hundred years.

The first to greet me is my grandmother's dog, Flower. Flower is an all black German shepherd, with a beautiful shiny coat.

I bend down to greet her. "Hi flower, it's been a long time girly."

"Too long.." my Nonna says walking around the corner.

Nonna is in her upper sixties, yet she still wears five inch heels like any other mafia woman. Her once dark colored hair is now a beautiful mixture of gray, white, and black. Her eyes are dark brown like coffee.

She smiles and stretches out her hand for a hug. I walk over to her and embrace her. Immediately I am brought back to the memory of when I used to visit her as a little boy.

As she looks past me and sees Rayna, her smile widens. "I received your wedding pictures, but you're even more beautiful in person."

Rayna smiles, "thank you ma'am."

My grandmother laughs, "please call me Rose,"

My grandmother's smile drops immediately, and I know that's she's seen my mother. My mother's hot Mexican blood and my nonna's hot Italian blood causes them to fight constantly. That's one of the reasons I haven't been here In over five years.

"When you told me you were going underground and making Italy your base I thought you were going to leave your baggage there." Nonna scoffs

I can feel my mother's anger start to brew, "are you calling me baggage?" My mother asks.

"Who else would I be talking to Esmeralda! The one and only brat whom my son should have never married!"

"Get over yourself you old pompous! It's been almost twenty-seven years! Find a new hobby! Get a new man, find something to do with your damn life Rose!"

My mother storms past me and walks up the stairs.

"Mamma che cos'è weong con te? Perchè lo hai fatto? Impara ad avere rispetto, lei è mia moglie e la madre dei miei figli che ti piaccia o no!" My father yells before walking up the stairs to calm my mother down. (Translation: Mom what is wrong with you? Why did you do that? Learn to have respect, she is my wife, and the mother of my children whether you like it or not!)

"Really Nonna? Why can't you just leave her alone?" Jace asks

She sighs, "fine! I'll be nice."

Jace smiles, "thank you!"

"Where is Luco?" I ask

"In the kitchen," my grandmother says as she takes Ray's hand and leads the way.

Although I designed this place this is my first time stepping foot inside it.

As soon as I enter the kitchen Luco stands with a sheepish grin on his face. "Cousin, I heard you were coming. I didn't wanna believe it though."

Luco is three years younger than me. He's slightly shorter and is much skinnier than me too. My body is not built like a body builder, but every inch of me is covered in muscle. Contrast to his bony appearance.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora