Chapter 17

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I don't blame anyone but myself for what took place three weeks ago. I know better, and because my feelings were hurt I made stupid decisions.

I haven't seen anyone other than Essy.

After the dinner Zade took me home, he surprisingly  laid down with me until I slept. When I woke up, of course he was gone.

I expected to see him later that day but he never came home. Two days passed and I was all alone until the third day, when Essy came over. She hasn't told me much, she just told me not to worry although all she has done is worry.

Yesterday she cooked a big meal that could feed twenty people, despite the fact that it's only her, the guards, and I.

I close my eyes as I try to relax and take in the warm Miami breeze on one of the lawn chairs in the backyard.

"My darling?" Essy calls

I open my eyes and greet her with a smile. She returns a sad one.

"All this stress is making me feel sick, so I'm going to go home. I called Javen, so he'll be here shortly." She informs me before kissing me on the cheek.

"Feel better, and if you need anything please feel free to call me."

She nods her head before walking back towards the house.

A few short moments pass before I hear footsteps in the grass.


I scrunch up my face with disgust, "do me a favor and don't ever call me that again."

Javen laughs and sits on a lawn chair next to me. A few moments of silence pass between us before he speaks.

"How you holding up Rayna?"

I scuff, "how do you think?"

He shrugs, "I was supposed to be with them, but then another underworld leader showed up dead without explanation. Zade decided it would be best if I stayed and took charge while he's away."

I frown slightly, "you knew he was leaving?"

"It was a last minute thing." He glances as his Apple Watch and frowns. "Something went down and I have to take care of it. The guards will protect you!" He rushes out before running towards the house.

I sigh and retrieve upstairs to the bedroom. It makes no sense for me to sit in the lawn chair and do nothing. I'd rather sleep than stress about what no one is telling me.


The sound of glass breaking wakes me up out of my supposed to be nap. I glance at the black digital clock on my nightstand. It's 2:05am, no one should be entering the house.

I open my nightstand drawer and pull out my Glock 19 nine millimeter, and slowly make my way downstairs.

The sound of glass breaking continues to echo out from the kitchen. As I approach the last step I noticed a trail of blood leading to where I suspected the noise is coming from.

I follow the trail of blood only to find a grunting Zade on the kitchen floor in a pool of his own blood. I quickly find the light switch to turn on the light.

My heart drops and my adrenaline kicks in. I rush to the nearest linen closet and grab all the towels I can. I return to the kitchen and apply pressure to a bullet wound in his chest with one of the towels.

I feel my eyes threaten to burst tears.

"Who do I call?!" I ask frantically as I see his eyes roll back for a second.

"T....they" he grunts as I apply pressure to another bullet wound in his abdominal area.

His head falls to the side slightly but I slap him, "DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME ZADE MISSU!! I NEED YOU!"

A single tear slides down his cheek, he reaches up and brushes my wet cheeks. "Cara Mia." He whispers.

As much as I want to break down and cry I pull myself together and continue to add pressure to his numerous wounds. Using one of the towels I wrap it around one of his legs that looks like it's suffered a a deep stab wound.

He reaches out and grabs my shirt as I tie the knot to hold my makeshift bandage.

His breathing shallows dramatically and my stomach drops. I look him in the eye and for the first time I can see fear in his eyes.

"Who do I call?!" I ask once more.

"Already coming." He manages to whisper

Something pulls in my chest when his eyes roll to the back of his head once again. I tap on his cheek which seems to bring him back slightly.

"Please just stay with me! Please I...I really need you!" I plead him.

He reaches for my hands and places them above his heart.

Another tear streams down his cheek, "I.... I love you Cara Mia." He says before his eyes close and his head tilts to the side.

Panic rips through me and I straddle him and tap his cheek, but he doesn't awake.

"Zade.... Wake up please! ZADE PLEASE WAKE UP" I scream as more tears stream down my face.

Just then the front door flies open and people in scrubs come in running. Behind them is Essy and the family.

One of the doctors grab Zade's wrist and checks for a pulse.

I immediately move so they can work.

A woman runs in with a stretcher. "Get him to the surgery NOW!!" Says one of the doctors.

They take his limp body and carry him towards the elevator that will lead them to the medical room in the basement.

I look down as my self, I'm covered in blood. In his blood.

I hear you Essy's screaming in the background but I'm completely unfazed. Josiah appears in front of me and I can see his mouth moving but I can't hear him.

It's only then I realize I can't hear anyone anymore. By the bruises on his face I can tell that he's been injured as well, but what concerns me is the fear on his face when he realizes I'm not responding.

Weirdly he disappears from my vision and I seem be staring at nothing in particular.

All I can hear are Zade's words in my ear, "I love you cara mia."

All I can see is blood oozing out of his body and despite my efforts I couldn't add pressure to all
of his wounds.

All I can feel I his hand on mine.

Maybe this is what being in shock is.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now