Chapter 14

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Angry isn't the word to describe how I feel. I'm not angry at anyone but myself. I understand her tantrum and not showing up to the warehouse today, but what I didn't expect was to see her have a full blown panic attack.

Her two toned lips started shaking and then they changed colors within a second. Originally I was going to coach her through it, but she was too far gone.

Now I sit outside of the room with my brothers. I'm pretty sure soon I'll need some of whatever the hell they gave her because I can feel my anger at a level it hasn't been at in a long time.

"Jace and Jo I want you to find out where she went and who was present."

"You think it was an enemy? Someone we know?" Jace asks

"I don't know. Hence why I said find OUT!"

He throws up his hands in surrender and takes a few steps back.

I pull out my phone and call Kennedy.

"Hey stranger! How have ya been married man?!" She says joyfully

"Kennedy I need your help." I say in a serious tone

She remains quiet for a second. "What happened?"

"I can't talk about it now, and if I ask one of these doctors here I think I'll just kill them all. I called you because I know you've been through a lot and I'm pretty sure you've had panic attacks. Which is why I'm asking what triggered them for you?"

"Trauma from the past. I mostly got them if I was in the presence of Alex"

"So.... It can be triggered by trauma." I confirm

"Yea.... Why? You having panic attacks?" She asks

"No..... I'll talk about it another time. I just wanted that confirmation. Thanks."

"Anytime." She says before ending the call

I stare at Jace, "someone else triggered this." I glance over at Josiah, "I want a history search on anyone she has dated."

"We already did that. It came up empty." Jace informs

I remain silent as I try and think. Before I can make another suggestion the door opens and my mother walks out.

"She's awake,"

That's all I need to hear and my legs suddenly develop a mind of their own. I walk into the room and everyone else leave the room leaving Rayna and I alone.

Her eyes are puffy and red from all of the tears. Something arises inside of me. I was willing to protect her before, but now I'd lay on broken glass just to make sure she never has another panic attack.

"I'm sorry Rayna. I know nothing I say will fix the fact that I did you wrong but I really am sorry angel."

A single year streams down her right cheek. Angrily she wipes it away, almost as if she's ashamed of herself for feeling hurt.

I approach her bed side but she refuses to look in my direction. I've never been one to take no for an answer so I sit on the bed and pull her onto my lap.

More tears flow down on her cute chubby cheeks. Something inside of me breaks when her bottom lip quivers.

I use my thumb and wipe her tears. I lean my forehead against hers and allow her to cry out her feelings.

When she finally calms down she looks at me with her beautiful brown doe eyes. "Jace said you have a private home, is that true?"

"Yes." I reply

"Can we stay there? I need some space.... If you don't want to be there I understand. You can let..."

"No, I'll be there with you. I was going to suggest that anyway."

A small smile makes its way on her sad face.

In that exact moment I knew that I'd fight for her and I'd fight with her. I'm going to kill the person that did this. Trauma be damned.

No one is allowed to mess with what's mine. No matter what, she belongs to me and I'd walk through fire just to ensure her happiness.

I'd burn this whole world if it made her laugh.

I don't know who decided to mess with my wife, but when I find them, they will be dealt with.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα