Chapter 5

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I admit that I could've dropped her home, but I had more important things to tend to.

I'm only marrying her to get my mafia. I don't care for marriage, I never had. She's probably going to be a pain in my ass anyway.

As soon as I walk through the door my mother and Rayna are descending the stairs.

By the look on my mother's face I know she's about to go on one of her rants.

She walks over to me and starts yelling , "¿No te he enseñado a respetar a las mujeres?" (Translation: Have I not taught you how to respect women?)

She starts talking about how I won't be disrespecting or cheating on Rayna, but I get distracted when I finally look at Rayna.

I didn't pay attention to her last night, I was too focused on killing Jean.

Rayna is not a tall woman, she can't be more than 5'4. The way her brown skin glows in the sunset light ignites something inside of me.

She's not wearing makeup yet she's breathtaking. Her wide hips and thick thighs capture my attention. She's not a skinny woman, but yet she's effortlessly perfect.

Her doe dark brown eyes glisten in the setting sunlight. The way how the sun brightens her eyes warm something inside me.

"ZADE ALEJANDRO MISSU!! Are you listening to me?" My mother yells snapping me back in reality.

"I hear you ma."

"Good I showed her your room. The closet that was empty has her things in there but she's going to need a lot more clothes to fill it up. I called Lu and he said he can have clothes here tomorrow morning." She adds

"Is dinner ready?" I ask, trying to distract myself from Rayna.

"We are not eating until everyone is here."

"Yes ma'am" I say before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a bourbon.

Rayna is attractive and oddly enough I'm attracted to her body, but I won't touch her. Ever.

Interrupting my thoughts the front door opens and I hear someone squeal.

I rush to the door only to find Mariah, our family friend gushing over Rayna. 

"You are so beautiful! Oh my gosh! I just can't get over it, I mean it's literally like beauty meets beast." She points at me. "Off the record he's the beast."

I roll my eyes at her statement.

Sarah who's been like sister to me shakes Rayna's hand.

"Unlike Mariah I know boundaries. I'm Sarah, welcome to the Missu Mafia."

I watch Rayna's smile falter slightly, but she does her best to seem like she's unaffected.

"Now that everyone is here we can have dinner." My mother states as she walks into the kitchen where the chefs and maids are preparing dinner.

We all sit at the dinner table and wait for my father who is usually never punctual.

With hastened steps he enters the dining room. He pauses when his eyes land on Rayna.

"You must be Rayna." He smiles at her.

"Yes sir, I am." She replies

"Please call me Milo" he suggests before sitting down.

I stare at my father from the other end on the table. I have my mother's hair and hot temper, but I'm the cloned image of my father.

From the beard to the eye color we are practically twins. We even have the same body build, but instead of brown hair with a few highlights he has black hair neatly cut into a style.

I on the other hand have long hair that goes past my shoulders and is always in a bun.

The maid's place plates in front of everyone and my mother says grace.

"So Rayna, what was your profession before?" My father asks

"I taught middle school children."

"Oh hell no! You are one strong fool." Josiah states sarcastically.

She laughs, "yea it was pretty tough. I've had a student bite me before."

"Come again?" Jace asks

"Yea, the student claimed he did it because I was a terrible teacher who wouldn't let him play video games in class."

"See me... I'd have to whoop him. I'd beat him so bad he'd start speaking in tongues."

Laughter erupts from the table.

"Now let's be real Jace, you know damn well you can't beat anyone. That child would've dragged your ass." Sarah states plainly

"I know your limp noodle self can't be talking to me! I let you win that fight, but next time imma whoop yo ass!" Jace defends himself.

He's never been good at accepting defeat. Sarah won that fight fair and square, yet he can't accept it.

"Please! Your little yellow, lanky self would pop in two!"

I take a sip of the wine in my glass. This has been an ongoing thing between these two for years. They need to just smash and get it out of their system.

"Enough!" My father orders. "It's time to discuss the wedding. Since Rayna is here, your mother and I agreed to push the wedding to this week Saturday and the rehearsal dinner Friday night. Therefore on the Sunday you will be installed as this mafia's official leader."

The room goes quiet.

"Dad why are you pushing up the date?" I ask

"You've earned it." He looks at Rayna. "Jace and Sarah will train Rayna to be the best. Those trainings start the following Monday."

"Are these your last orders?" I question

"Yes, those are my last orders as the Don."

I drink down the rest of my wine and leave the table wordlessly. A part of me is still angry that my father made that bylaw, but what's done is done.

It's not like I'm going to ever fall in love so Rayna is the least of my problems.

I shower and change my outfit. I grab my two favorite guns, walk out the front door and head to one of my clubs.

I don't have time to be a doting fiancé to her. If anything she's going to be a distraction and I have no time for unnecessary distractions.

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