Chapter 36

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(7 hours earlier)

I've been wanting to do something nice for Rayna, but I don't want it to be a big thing. I want it to be genuine and intimate, which is why I called my mother and Nonna for help.

A soft knock on my home office door pulls me from my wandering mind. In walks the two women perfect for the job.

My mother and Nonna might not always get along, but one thing I can count on is the two of them putting their difference aside for me.

My mother walks over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek. Her hazel eyes seem to shine much brighter today than they have in a long time.

"Ma are you drunk?"

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "my God Zade, you make it sound like I always walk around with a scowl on my face."

I remain silent on that comment; best not to make the scowl return on her face. Most of the time I am busy with dealings and business and now Rayna that I tend to not give my mother a lot of attention as I used to.

Instead I compliment her, "you look beautiful as always mama."

Her face beams even brighter than before. The expression warms my heart. I plant a soft kiss on her cheek. I do the same to my grandmother.

"I called you two in here because I need your help. I want to do something for Rayna, but I'm going to need help with supervision to make sure everything goes smoothly."

They both nod and I continue, " I called Leo and told him I needed white roses to fill her office no later than four. I am asking of the two of you can call the best hair and nail professionals, and help organize the flowers."

"You're just gonna give her flowers?" My mother asks.

"No of course not. I secretly took her measurements and had a custom dress made for a dinner."

"Where is the dinner going to be?" Nonna asks

"Maybe on some rooftop by the shore. I have to finalize that."

Both of them shake their heads. "You said you wanted this to be intimate. I think you should have it at a private location in a rose garden." My mother's grin widens, "how about this, I'll take care of the venue for dinner; Rose and I will ensure everything is perfect and when everything is done we'll have you approve it. I know you have important meetings today and I don't want you all stressed when it's time."

For the first time in years I give my mother a hug. Goodness, Rayna really has changed me.

"Thank you so much, I really, really appreciate and love you."

My mother gasps and tears well in her eyes, "do not make me cry." She sobs, "I love you too mi hijo."

I smile and wink at my grandmother. Rose knows how far my relationship with my mother has come, and she understands why this moment is so special for my mother and I.

I give Rose a knowing look and she exits the office.

My mother's eyes are now red and puffy from tears. I every part of me feels bad for how I acted all these years.

"Ma, after falling in love with Rayna I came to what you were trying to tell me in the beginning of my marriage. I know I have treated you terribly in the past. There are times where I lacked respect for you because I was so angry about what happened with Margarine and I blamed you. There was a time where I hated you because I thought you only cared for my brothers, Sarah, and Mariah. I thought you wanted me to be punished and that's why you sent me away, but I was ignorant. I am sorry for the way I behaved and for everything I did and said to you when i was younger. You didn't deserve that." A tear escapes my eye but I continue.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now