Chapter 10

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I sit in front of the man that had the audacity to try and grope my wife. Thankfully the man didn't die yet. I want him to understand what happens when you touch what doesn't belong to you.

I signal for Josiah to pull the bag off of his head.

As soon as the bag is off of his head, his eyes fixate on me.

I pull out a cigarette and light it before taking getting up and take slow strides toward him. I stoop to his level and blow the smoke in his face purposely.

His chin trembles as tears begin to stream down his face. "If I didn't know any better I'd think that you know who I am." I say lowly.

The man's eye widens in surprise and he shakes his head, "N... No I don't" he stutters.

I roll my eyes as I feel my anger rising, "I'm insulted. First you grope my wife and now you're lying to me."

His eyes widen even more. Fear is eminent in his eyes as more tears flow down his face. "I...I swear I didn't know she was your wife."

A devious smile makes its way on my face, "so you do know who I am?"

He visibly gulps, before shaking his head once again.

Annoyed I stand and pull out my hand gun. I aim and his private area and fire two bullets.

His screams fills the room.

"Let's try this again yea?" I take a draw from my cigarette allowing the burning sensation to fill my lungs. "Do you recognize me?"

This time he nods.

I roll my eyes and fire a bullet in his left knee cap. "Since I have to baby you let me start again. When I ask you a question you're going to answer me with the truth in words. Not a head nod, not a mumble. I want articulate words. Am I understood?"


"Good! Now who do you work for?"

"The White's but I was just here on vacation! I didn't know she was your wife!" The man begs.

I have no quarrel with Jameson White, the leader of the White's gang, but I'm still suspicious. "What's your rank?"

"Ravens." He replies truthfully

I laugh, "wow, you're in the lowest rank and you made an enemy out of me?"

More tears stream down his face, "I... I am so sorry. Please just let me live and I'll do whatever you want!!"

I shrug, "you touched my wife. There's no coming back from that."

Unaffected by his pleas I fire two bullets in his head and one in the chest.

"Clean this up and schedule and meeting with Jameson." I order Jo before I walk out of the cell and head to my office.

I'm not sure why Ray's bruised face made me spiral. I planned on doing a clean kill. I was going to talk to him and then place one bullet in his head, but the more he talked was the more I wanted him to bleed out and die. I started thinking of ways to decapitate his fingers, and slice him open.

I out cigarette on my desk before pouring myself a glass of bourbon. Someone knocks on my door and enters. The footsteps sound like heels, I don't turn around because I assume it's my mother.

My assumption is proven wrong when I hear Liz's voice. "What's got you so worked up darling?"

I roll my eyes and face her. "Get. Out. Now."

She seems surprised but brushes it off, "don't you miss me? Don't you miss us?" She asks as she opens her trench coat revealing a white lingerie set.

I almost laugh at her. "No actually." I pull out my gun and aim at her head, "listen to me very, very carefully Elizabeth. I am not in the mood, so do yourself a favor and get out! You have ten seconds before I plant a bullet between your eyes and send you in a box to your father."

She scuffs, "you wouldn't dare start a war over that thing."

I lower my gun and walk slowly over to her. She smiles at me.

I stare at her momentarily before my self control disappears. I wrap my hand around her neck and squeeze.

She struggles against my grasp, desperately trying to loosen my grip. My hold is so strong I subconsciously lift her off of the ground.

"For her I'd start world war three! I've already killed one person today for disrespecting her and I am not afraid of your father." I growl out

Her face turns purple as my grip tightens even further. "That thing, is my WIFE!!" I snap her neck and throw her dead body on the ground.

My office door bursts open as Jace and Jo run in. Both of them staring at Liz's death body in shock.

"Is she?" Jace gulps, "is she dead?"

"What the hell does it look like Jace?!" Jo asks in response to his dumb question.

"I mean I know that... but I never thought he'd ever kill her. I mean I've tried several times and he's beat me up for her."

I roll my eyes, "send her to her father." I order

"Pardon?" Jo asks. "You know he's not gonna rest until he finds out who did this right?"

"He's a one man band. I'm not worried him." I inform. "What I want is for the both of you to take this body and send it to its sperm donor. After that I want you to go monitor today's shipment."

"Why? Won't you be there?" Jace asks

"He scheduled a meeting with Jameson." Jo informs, "by the way that meeting will take place at 2pm"

I nod, "good, now make sure there's no trace of this happening in our system." I say before walking out of my office and make my way to my car.

I enter my black Mercedes Maybach and drive back to the house.

As soon as I enter the front door I'm greeted with my mother running down the stairs.

"Zade!! Thank goodness, I just got a phone call from Javen. Word on the street is Charles Bird was found dead in his apartment in London about ten hours ago."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Elizabeth's father Charles?" I ask confused.

She nods,

I laugh dryly, "well I just killed her so I guess that bloodline is dead."

Her eyes widen, "THANK YOU LORD!! God does answer prayers!"

In any other circumstance I'd smile, but my mind is fixed of the death of Charles. It's no secret that the man owed a lot of people. He was a drunk, and a gambler, but he's always been that way. So why now?

There's no way Liz would kill her father, she's a spoiled brat and he's the only man she ever truly loved.

"Ma, tell Javen to meet me in my office in an hour. I good about Charles death."

Her smile disappears, "I don't either, that's why I was trying to find you. Did Liz give any signals that she committed murder?"

"No, she didn't know. Right before I snapped her neck she gloated about how if I killed her I'd start a war with her father."

Just as my mother furrows her eyebrows my father descends the stairs.

He sighs, "my gut tells me we're going to have a big problem. I just got off of the phone with Daniel Uni and he told me that Pablo Eraetas is dead."

My eyes widen, "Ma call Jace and cancel everything for the rest of our time here. We're going back to Miami now!"

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now