Chapter 32

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I can't explain my how angry I am. I came home early because I wanted to take her somewhere, but she wasn't home. None of the boys were answering their phones and neither Sarah nor Mariah knew where she was.

I called my parents just in case and as suspected they hadn't heard from her either. Still I was calm, anytime I can't get ahold of Josiah I know she's with him.

My calmness disappears the moment they all walked in covered in blood.

"I'm waiting Rayna!" My voice booms throughout the house.

Jace begins to explain, "we just went out and..."

"It's my fault." Rayna interjects, "some guy was messing with me and I killed him. It caused a gun fight."

My heart sinks. Pain rips through my chest as realization hits me. She's lying to me.

I look at my brothers' faces, all of them are blank and void of emotion. Neither of them utter a single word.

That angers me even more, and I snap.

"You've got to be kidding me! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RAYNA!!!"

Her eyes widen in shock, "what?"

"Are you seriously going to stand there and lie to me? Really?" I laugh darkly, "you've been lying to me for weeks, and I let it slide because I figured you'd tell me when you're ready, but here you are drenched in blood tell me it was because someone touched you!"

I can feel myself becoming more angry the more I stare at her, because for the life of me I can't understand why she'd lie to me.

She begins to laugh in an non humorous way. It's bitter and angry, full of rage. It's actually scary. She begins to clap dryly.

"Wow Zade I must say, you're good. I'm glad you figured that out baby." Her eyes darken, "you wanna know why I've been lying to you? I'll tell you why.... Because one morning I went down to your office to talk to you and you weren't there but there was a file on your desk. I opened it to find that my grandmother died from wolfsbane. That night you took me to dinner and I asked you if you had anything to tell me, and gentlemen you wanna know what he said?!" She marches up to me and shoves me, "he told me NO! He said that he would never hide anything from me because he loved me and him and I are a team!"

Her eyes well with tears, "I waited for three days for him to say something about it. He never told me! No, instead he'd disappear all day and come home smelling like blood and other bodily fluids, then have the audacity the wrap his arms around me!" A tear falls onto her cheek, "and you stand there with your chest all high and mighty looking at me like I betrayed you because I lied! When you lied to my face in my lowest TIME!"

"Hey maybe we should just chill...." Jace takes a step closer to us.

She ignores Jace and continues, "I didn't want a hero Zade.. I wanted my husband not to lie about something so important! I didn't want you to protect me... I wanted the TRUTH which you denied me. So for the past two week I did my own investigations and found Santiago myself. I killed him myself... you know why? Because I no longer believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Yes I lied about where I was going during that time because if I asked you where you went it was always work and nothing else. And you say we're a team. No, you're your own team!" She yells at me.

I don't have regret about many things, but now I definitely regret not talking to her about her grandmother.

"Rayna I'm sorry baby, I just didn't..."

"You can shove your sorry up your ass Zade. You're such a hypocrite.... You didn't hesitate to call me a liar when you did the same thing, but you know what, if roles were reversed I would have NEVER kept something like that from you. You wanna work alone Zade? Then work alone. You wanna call me a liar then do that, but keep your sorry ass apologies because I don't want them."

She turns to walk away from me but I grab her arm. I don't want to go end the night like this. Not with her so upset.

"Ray... baby I'm sorry. I...I just didn't.."

She yanks her arm out of my grasp, "I've had a long night Zade. You apologizing isn't going to fix that, and it's definitely not going to fix this." She walks up the stairs and locks the door to the master bedroom.

I give my brothers a mean snarl. Immediately Jace throws his hands up in surrender.

He takes another step closer to me, "I would just like to say that I told her not to take her ass over there to Sant and she..."

I furrow my eyes in confusion, "Sant?"

His eyes widen, "I meant Sand, the man's name was Sandy. Man... that nigga would not..."

I pull out my revolver and aim at his head, "start telling me the truth before I pop a cap in your ass!"

Jace's eyes widen, and he shuts his mouth.

Josiah steps forward, "let's go in your office."

Once I'm settled in my office chair and Luco lock the door Jo begins to talk. "Im only telling you this because I'm concerned."

I'm that moment my heart sinks, great... can this night get any worse?

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ