Chapter 44

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My body trembles from the cold and from my aching body.

I managed to fit the skimpy lingerie; I must've lost a lot of weight because that should have been impossible.

The cell door opens revealing a darker skinned man with a thick beard. He scowls at me and grabs my arms. He then proceeds to drag me to my destination.

Maybe if it was another day, I'd have the strength to fight and run, but I don't. Every inch of me is covered in cuts that still ooze blood. The cuts on my back hurt worse than the beating I received some moments ago; me being dragged on the floor only intensifies the pain.

The man drags me up a flight of stairs and into a dining area. He grabs me by my hair and sits me into a metal chair.

I'm faced with a man who almost made me think I was looking at my worst nightmare. He's the spitting image of Santiago, except his eyes are green and he's far more muscular.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dane I said have fun with her. You know I don't like damaged property, but I guess that's what she gets for being a brat." His voice booms in the dining room.

His deep, dark voice causes the hair on the back of my hair to stand. I'm not sure who this man is, but I know that he's bad news.

"Do you know who I am love?" He asks

I remain silent mainly because my throat burns from all the screaming I've done over the last two days.

He snaps his fingers and instantly one of the men send a hard blow to my chest, resulting in a cracking sound.

My chin trembles as i fight back the tears and try to catch my breath. Another man does the honors of tying me down to the chair. They have no reason to worry, I couldn't get up if I tried.

"Let's try this again, when I ask you a question you will answer me!" He demands. "Am I understood."

Still I refuse to give him the satisfaction. I'm not an idiot, responding to him means only one thing, than I'm giving up. That I'm surrendering to him.

There's only one man I surrender to and his name is Zade.

He sighs, "before I allow my men to punish you I'll tell you who I am anyway. I'm Juno Merez, but you might know me as Juju."

Realization hits me like a freight train and soon fear settles in my stomach.

"Ahhh, you know who I am then. Now, I'm very disappointed in you Rayna. First you kill my father, and then you kill my brother." He takes a sip of what I'm assuming is liquor in his glass. "You know you actually belong to me. I'm the one that told Sant to date you. I wanted you for myself but then my little brother wanted a bite first. I allowed it, but from the moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. Mine to punish, and mine to destroy in every way. You're my first love Rayna."

Disgust fills my body. "I am not, y..your I...I am not... yours. I hate you.... And your family!" I say breathlessly with a hoarse voice.

I don't know who this man thinks he is, but I am not his, nor will I ever be.

An evil smirk appears on his face, "I heard that you were a spitfire, but don't worry, I'll get you to break." He stands to leave, "and by the way, you are now at a more pleasant weight." He snaps his fingers, "you have ten minutes to do whatever you want as long as long as it's not sexual. That part is for me alone."

His eyes land on me and he wink, "I'll see you in three days love."

His men surround me with malicious intent in their eyes. Although tears stream down my face, I try to remain strong. That is until one of them takes out a blade and slices my leg, while another stabs my right breast.

The scream the escapes my throat is one of terror and fear. I'm only fearful because maybe these men will kill me before I have the chance to ever see my family again. I want to see them one last time.

A battery is paced on the table with jumper cables attached. The men laugh and place them on my nipples. The electric shock race through my body causing an immense amount of pain.

My screams grow louder and louder until I taste blood in my mouth. The men laugh and laugh as they have their version of fun by watching me suffer by their hands.

As if that wasn't enough each of them have their fill by punching me until each of them are satisfied.

By the time they are done I'm left trembling like a leaf.

One of them drag me back to the cell and throws me down like a rag doll before locking the door behind him.

I can't help the tears as they flow like an endless river. Nana used to say that it's okay to ask God why we end up in bad situations, but I know why I'm here now. I chose to love someone else and kill someone who hurt me.

I don't regret anything that I've done, my only regret is thinking I could get away with it and live a normal happy life with my family and the man I love.

In that exact moment all of my hope, all of my strength crumbles to the ground and I cry loudly. Not only is the pain overbearing, but I cry because the reality is that I may never see the people I love ever again.

I put them in this situation; if I had only minded my business and not looked in that alley then I wouldn't be here. Essy would be alive, and Santiago wouldn't be able to find me.

If I had listened to my grandmother then she would be alive and maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have had to leave Philly and cause such havoc.

Through tears I start to sing or at least try to; it's the only thing I have to keep me sane. The only fuel I have to keep going and not to lay down here and die.

"D...don't...w.....worry about... a t..thing. B....because every l...little thing..... is.... G....gonna be alright."

I sing the words over and over again until sleep takes me over.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon