Chapter 19

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I'd be lying if I said I knew how many hours flew by. I only know that I've sat in the same place for a long time, and people won't stop rubbing my back and talking to me.

"Rayna.... Maybe we should go for a walk. You've been sitting in this spot for more than twelve hours." Esmeralda says as she rubs my back.

For the first time in hours I glance at the clock and realize she's right. I haven't moved, nor have I spoken since the doctors took him away.

I seemed to be in some type of haze because several doctors have attempted to talk to me, but I didn't hear a thing they said.

"Why don't we leave her alone? Dr. Seng said that she's in shock, so why don't we give her time?" Jace suggests

"She's sat in the same place for twelve hours Jace. She hasn't gotten up to use the bathroom, nor has she spoken a single word. Furthermore she's no longer in shock, she's just not talking right now." Esmeralda explains to everyone.

Just as I am about to speak for the first time in hours the elevator door opens and Zade's surgeon walks in.

"Mr. Missu made it through." He says and everyone lets out a sigh of relief, except me. "He's a lucky man, he flat lined twice and when we were going to call it, he came back on his own. He's a strong man. He should take it easy so his wounds heal completely. The his wounds hit a lot of major veins and arteries so he's going to be much weaker than he was before."

The doctor points at me, "you saved your husband's life by adding pressure to his wounds. If it weren't for you we would have definitely been having a different conversation Mrs. Missu."

Essy smiles, "thank you so much doctor. When can we see him?"

"He's already awake, but he asked if he could speak to Mrs. Missu first before everyone else comes."

My heart rate quickens and my stomach drops. I begin to shake my head no when Mariah gently takes my hand in hers.

"I know it's hard seeing someone you care for almost die. It's gut wrenching, but he made it through because of you Ray. He's okay." She reassures me.

That must've been what I needed because I find myself stand and follow behind the doctor.

When the elevator opens on the medical level I realize that Zade was not the only life in critical condition. It looks like all of the people that were on that mission has some type of wound.

The surgeon shows me to Zade's room. It takes me a while to open the door, but when I finally do I almost burst into tear.

Zade was okay and he was staring right at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. He is bruised and bloody, but he's alive and well.

I close the door behind me and try to keep myself together. I give him a small smile in efforts to hide the tears of joy forming in my eyes.

"Come here angel.." he says with a slightly hoarse voice.

I walk over to his bed side, and begin to pull a chair over so I can sit. Stopping me he grabs my arms and pats his lap.

I shake my head, "Zade you just got out of surgery, and you're....."

He rolls his eyes and picks me up like a toddler. He rests me of his lap so that I'm straddling him.

I begin to fidget with my fingers as a way to distract myself. Gently he lifts my head with his finger under my chin.

My eyes betray me and allow a tear to fall down my cheek. "Who did this to you?" I ask

He furrows his eyebrows, but his eyes remain soft. "Angel....."

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن