Chapter 8

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Training has been hard as hell. For the last four months Sarah has been waking me up at three in the morning to run six miles as a warm up.

After that we weight train for two hours. Then we go to the shooting range. I get a two hour break then it's back at it again with combat training and blade handling.

As a result I'm always tired, but neither her nor Josiah and Jace allow me to sleep in.

"Ray get up!" Mariah yells

"It can't be three yet, and you aren't my trainer" I whine.

"There's been a situation! You need to get up NOW!"

I hear the seriousness in her voice and I jump up.

She leads me downstairs where I see Zade sitting on the counter covered in blood.

Truth be told I haven't seen him since our wedding day. I eat before everyone because of my training so Sarah and I are never at family dinner.

"Jj is was cutting our supplies short. This month he was supposed give me forty million dollars worth of coke. He only have me twenty so I taught him a lesson." He explains

"I get that but it still doesn't make sense. Jj is greedy, he only cares about money and we have a lot of money. The only person who would probably pay more is Christian, but he hates Jj and he wouldn't betray us." Jace explains sounding frustrated

"I think we've been away from Mexico for too long. We need to make sure our foundation is solid." Zade looks over at Essy.

She shakes her head, "no Javen wouldn't sell you out!"

Josiah rolls his eyes, "here she goes!"

"Mama no one is saying he's a sell out! It's just been a while since we checked on what's going down there. We normally go twice a year but because of all that happened in the past two years we haven't gone and now suspicious things are happening and I wanna make sure that those who I assume are loyal, remain loyal." Zade explains calmly.

"Oooh, maybe I can find me a nice, sexy Mexican man." Sarah whispers loudly.

"Girl don't nobody want that a woman with a head the size of Jupiter and a hairline deeper than the ocean." Jace laughs out

"Really? That's funny because I could've sworn you wanted to tap this a few years ago"

He laughs even harder, "yea and then I woke up! I saw the light and damn you are ugly as hell."

I expected Sarah to act out like Mariah but instead she calmly walked over to him. "I'd be careful Jace. I'm not Mariah, I don't wish death on people. I kill them outright!"

"Enough!! All of you are grown ass people bickering like five year olds every time you see each other." Zade interjects. "We leave in an hour!"

Everyone leaves except for me, "do I pack all of my clothes or.."

"You don't need to pack anything. There are clothes down there for you."


"Is there anything else you need?"

"Well... it's not a need but......does that house have a library?" I ask fidgeting with my fingers

"No, why?"

"No reason...It's fine!" I say trying to hide my disappointment.

"Rayna if you want books I can have that arranged."

I shake my head, "no, but thank you!"

I walk upstairs to shower and change my clothes. I walk out of the bathroom in a towel wrapped around my body as I always do because Zade never comes in this room.

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Where stories live. Discover now