Chapter 18

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(Two hours earlier)

"You sure this is what you wanna do? Santiago has gone rogue. Mans is chopping people up like lettuce. Just yesterday he killed Tank because he wouldn't help him!" Josiah talks harshly in my ear.

For three weeks Santiago and I have been playing cat and mouse games. I've stolen his shipments and he's stolen mine. I killed some of his men and he's killed some of mine.

It's quite entertaining, but I'm tired of it and I want him dead. I stare at the red dot on the screen. The red dot represents Santiago.

I know exactly where he is, and I know that he's trying to form some type of army. If I can stop him today then I can get to go finally go home.

I admit, I should have told Ray what I was doing. I should have let her in, instead I keep shutting her out.

I thought being away from her would weaken my feelings for her, but in her absence she's become an annoying tick. She all I think about. I've killed four men of whom I was supposed to torture for information, all because they laughed at me and said I was starting an unnecessary war for some black, fat, slut.

I don't think I've ever blacked out like that before in my life. All I really remember doing is chopping off their testicles and shoving it down their throats. After that I don't know what happened. I only remember the aftermath.

There were decapitated body parts all over the floor. Apparently I sawed one of the men in half while he was still alive.

It was disgusting. At least that's what I got from everyone's facial expression. I scared Sarah to the point where she wouldn't even look at me for a couple of days.

"Zade, I don't know. Maybe we should let him cool off and then we kill him." Jace suggests

"No.... We're leaving in five minutes. Gather everyone and make sure Ray and Ma are fully covered."

Jace frowns, "don't you at least wanna say hi to her. You haven't seen her in over a month. How do you think that makes your wife feel? She can't see you killing people for her! I bet she'd appreciate if you just....."

"SILENZIO! Fai solo quello che ti ho detto di fare. Non creare problemi tra me e te, Jace!" I yell in frustration. (Translation: SILENCE! Just do what the hell I told you to do. Don't make you and I have a problem Jace!)

He throws his hands up in surrender and walks out of the room.

"Josiah, tell Javen to stay behind and make sure the most important women in my life are safe."

Jo nods before exiting.

I wait a few minutes before heading to my car and and lead the way to Santiago.

We arrive at an abandoned building. I get out of my car and open my trunk and smile.

I trained Sant, so I know he knows that I tracked him.

I pull out three other hand guns and hand the heavy machinery to my brothers.

"Do not enter the building until I tell you!"

Jace furrows his eyebrows, "you're gonna walk in there alone? No! I don't care! You are not walking in there by yourself!"

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and shake him a few times. "Pull your ass together! I'll be fine!"

He shakes his head, "no he's changed! Listen to me!"

I ignore him, "don't move until I give the go ahead, and that's an order!"

Ruin Me (#2 in the Brotherhood series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin