Chapter 40

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I smile as Esmeralda kisses my cheek.

All evening we've been getting dolled up for this dinner. Essy demanded that the women wear gowns and the men wear black suits with white dress shirts.

All of the men in this family mainly wear black on black, or gray suits with black dress shirts. For instance, I've never seen Milo in anything other than a Gray tailored suit with a black Armani button down.

"Okay ma tell us what's going on? Why are we all dolled up and on our way to a private location?" Mariah asks joyfully.

She's always been the bubbly one. Always beams with a warm smile towards everyone, except Jace. That's something I've never quite understood; if they stopped hating each other I actually think they would be perfect.

I used to think Jace and Sarah had a thing, until one saw her kissing one of the guards. I haven't confronted her because it's none of my business. When she's ready she'll tell me.

"Because I love my family. I feel like I don't spend enough time with my daughters or sons." Essy explains as her smile widens.

Her black crystal gown glistens in the evening Miami spring sunset as she steps out of the car and makes her way to the venue for tonight.

^ Esmerelda's gown

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^ Esmerelda's gown

In contrast to Esmerelda's lavish black gown, mine is a much simpler gown with embroidered clear crystals. It was a last minute change because my first choice didn't go well with my silk press.

I follow behind Essy into a beautiful golden ballroom

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I follow behind Essy into a beautiful golden ballroom. It's much smaller than the other ball rooms I've been in but still, it's a beauty to behold with gold chandeliers and expensive art on the walls.

There are big windows that stretch from the floor to the ceiling allowing this inside to get a view of the teal Caribbean Sea.

As I take in the beauty of the room gentle, strong arms wrap around my waste. I don't have to turn around to know who it is. The smell of his cologne tells is a give away.

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