Chapter 1

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"Jake!" I screamed.  He turned around and looked at me.  He said "I'm so sorry…." I heard the dreaded words.  "Avada Kedavra!" His body fell, lifeless.  "NO!" I screamed as Draco held me back.  "Liz you can't do anything" Draco whispered by my ear but I ignored him, and pulled his arms off me and ran to Jake's body.  

The tears fell down my face.  I wanted to see that smile he always that he had, the way he flipped his hair and the same the person who would give me hug. 

I tried getting to his body, but the more I ran, the farther it seemed.  Soon it started disappearing.  Little by little, he was fading away.  If I didn't get to him in time....I didn't want to finish that thought as I continued to run.

But he sacrificed himself.  Why?!  He was nearly gone now, nearly looking like a ghost, like Nearly Headless Nick.  This couldn't be happening….none of it could be……it's a bad dream…..I'm going to  wake up any second now….it's all a nightmare….

"Lizzy….Liz!  Please babe wake up it's a bad dream!  I'm right here!" Jake's voice broke through the nightmare.  My eyes opened and another tear escaped them.  I looked up to Jake's emerald eyes.  

"I thought….you were……" I stuttered out as I sat up.  Then I started sobbing again.  He held me and rocked me back and forth.  His arms felt comforting.  After a good cry, I just sat there with him and took a moment to think things through.  

Dumbledore was dead.  Malfoy really was a death eater.  Snape is my godfather.  Voldemort and his followers were ready to go to war with the wizarding world.  Jake and I were at my aunt's house in Kingston.  

Jake and I slept on the floor and acted like it was an extended sleepover.  But we were planning on moving in together.  A flat in London.  We still hadn't decided so we were stuck at my aunts for now.  

Everything seemed like a dream.  But it wasn't.  Reality was coming too fast, and no matter how much I wished for it to slow down, it wasn't going to anytime soon.  I felt myself shaking in worry.  Everything was spinning around and out of control.  

I tried going back to sleep after that.  It really wasn't working.  I eventually fell asleep to exhaustion.   Thankfully I didn't have anymore nightmares.

The next day I woke up to the sun coming through the window.  I looked out of the town home to see the sun, a ball of fire, breaking through the clouds.  I stretched my arms and looked over at Jake who was sleeping peacefully.  I hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares.  

I gave him a kiss on the forehead pushing his brown hair out of the way.  I went to the kitchen to make us coffee or tea.  I walked in, and I was surprised to see a cup of coffee, and a cup of tea.  They were done to the way we liked them.  I smiled.  My aunt Hilda knew too well.  I looked at the note that was left.  I picked it up and read it.

"Morning you sweet lovebirds!  I didn't want to wake you two up, you looked so cute together!  Made you some pick-me-ups since you'll be wandering around London to find a flat.  I'll be at work, so let me know if anything happens.  Enjoy the day!"

I sighed.  Flat shopping.  I knew that we had to do that, so I realized I would have to deal with it.  I yawned and went to go shake Jake awake.  I went over and asked "Jake you can get up now….just so that you know.." I cheekily said giving him a nudge with my foot.  

He groaned and turned over mumbling "Five more minutes….please….." I pulled the blanket off of him.  He started shivering and tried to grab it.  I didn't give it to him.   "Better get up sleepy head!" I said as I gave him his cup of coffee.  I sipped my tea silently as Jake slowly started waking up.  

"Flat shopping?" he asked as he turned over to me.  "Yup.  Let's get going." I said as I gave him a hand but he just shook his head.  He somehow got up even though he was exhausted.  It showed on his face.  

I walked into the 4th flat that we were checking.  Ugh.  I felt tired and my feet would give in to me at any moment.  I walked in, and looked around.  The walls were like a clean slate, and everything seemed clean and fresh.  It seemed nice.  I walked in further.  I saw a couch in the living room.  I took a seat on it.  I sat there for a minute.  It felt like home.  This place was ours.  I looked up to see Jake.  "Well?" he questioned as he took a seat beside me.  I took a deep breath.  

"This is it!" I said and I gave him a kiss and he smiled at me.  I looked at our new flat, taking it in.  Home.   

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now