Chapter 8

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Days turned into weeks.  Weeks began to fly.  By Christmas we had finally made the flat home.  I was happy with the work we had done.  Jake was so glad that I didn't stress as much as I did.  I had to stress, there was more than just the flat to worry about.  

The horcruxes were still on my mind.  I hadn't gotten any word from Harry or Hermione so I guessed that they were doing fine.  I still made sure that my aunt was safe.  I couldn't think of anything happening to her.  She was one of the only family I had left.  One person who was surprisingly on my mind was Draco.  

He told me not to chase after him.  He told me that Jake and I should stay low, and stay safe.  Why should I listen to him anyway?  He couldn't control my life.  But still….I should do it for his sake.  After what I put him through…..but what did I put him through?  Okay, maybe I broke his heart, but was it my fault that I didn't like him back?  Maybe….but that was besides the point.  He said that he wouldn't let me down.  I decided to fall through with that promise.  

I remembered the last Christmas.  The one I had with him, Draco.


"Liz?  You alright?" Draco asked wrapping his arms around my shoulders.  I nodded and replied "Yeah, little chilly though if you ask me."  He sighed and said "I guess."  

I snuggled into his chest, and he kept his arms around me, shielding me from any more of the cold that was creeping and sneaking its way underneath my jacket.  The snow was still falling in fat flakes, slowly swirling down across the once grassy green grounds.

The astronmy tower was our place.  We always met up here, always hung out here.  

I looked up to Draco and he smiled pushing some hair out of my face and giving me a kiss.  "Nearly Christmas." he whispered and I nodded replying quietly "Yeah.  Can't believe it."  

"You know, I haven't actually danced with you." he said and I raised an eyebrow.  What was he trying to say?  "No what I mean is that....well.....I guess I've just.....always wanted to dance with someone.....and I guess now....." "You wanna dance with me?" I finished and he nodded.

"Yeah.  If you're okay with that." he said grabbing my hands.  I smiled at the tiled floor.  I then looked up to see his hopeful face and then nodded.  "Might as well." I said smiling and he chuckled as he pulled out his wand.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he then replied "Getting us some music."  What was he trying to do? Suddenly an old gramaphone had appeared out of nowhere.  I giggled.  Draco looked at me weirdly.  I then replied "I actually like your choice.  Don't worry it's not bad."

He smiled and pulled me closer to him as a song began to filter through the old thing.  I immediately recognized it.  Silver bells.

As we swayed I looked up to see some mistletoe beginning to grow, slowly making its way down to us and our spot.  I gave him a quick poke and pointed up.  Draco saw the beautiful snow berries, but then looked down at me, and immediately kissed me.

Soon the song ended, and next thing I knew, White Christmas was flowing through the tower.  I continued to twirl with him and just after that I turned back to see that the tower had snow all over it, even though it was usually covered.  How'd it get here?

I looked to see Draco just putting away his wand and I smirked.  "Good job at making this a winter wonderland." I softly said as he twirled me around again.

I looked to see the mistletoe growing around us, as well as holly, and the snow was light and powdery, and breezing around with the wind.

Just as the song finished I gave Draco a kiss, and we left our white christmas scene, to head off to our warm beds.

Back to the Present

Wow, I did miss some of our Hogwarts times.  I sat down in my sweatpants and fuzzy socks, looking out to the London landscape, consisting of grey sky-highs and buildings.  But there was a thin blanket of white, and I smiled of the thought of a white christmas.

I heard a knock on our door two days before Christmas.  I was reading through turkey recipes because I wanted to attempt a turkey for dinner.  I opened it surprised to see Hermione and Harry there.  I was taken aback.  But I then flung myself forward and gave them hugs.  Jake then yelled "Liz who's at the door??" He came and saw it was Harry and Hermione and gave them hugs.  

"Where's Ron??" I asked as I grabbed plates to eat dinner with them all.  Hermione looked down and sighed "He left." "But where?  He could be.." "Anywhere.  We know.  He just got all mad with us and just….." "I know.  It's okay…. I'll let you know if I see him anytime soon." "Thanks." Harry said.  

With spaghetti and wine, that night seemed better than ever.  We talked and it reminded me of us before Dumbledore died.  We had fun most of the time, especially with studying, since we ate candy and chocolate. 

But there was a hole.  Ron wasn't here to celebrate it with us.  I couldn't believe that Ron would just get up and leave.  Maybe he needed a break from this.  Maybe.  It was just a guess.  I didn't bother going deeper into why he left.  It probably crushed Hermione.  

When Hermione and Harry left, Ron's whereabouts swirled my mind.  If I wasn't in my right mind I would apparated that second to find some place where he could be.  

Christmas was interesting since I invited Jake's family and my aunt to our flat.  I had made a turkey, which was successful.  First turkey I thought as I pulled it out of the oven to bring it to the centre of the dining room table.  

The night was filled with chatter as we exchanged our presents to each other.  I didn't bother opening mine until tomorrow.  Everyone else also promised the same thing and we had to put the gifts on the other side of the room so we weren't tempted to rip the wrapping off.  

Again I was exhausted after that.  I had dreams of what was in the gifts and about how the others would react at what I gave to them.  

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now