Chapter 27

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Fawkes.  He was our saviour.  He swooped down, as if he was on fire.  He came down to where I was and he looked at Jake.  He saw the wound on his arm and he leant over.  He started crying and the tears came from his black bead eyes.  I remembered.  

Phoenix tears had healing powers.  They could heal anything, and could actually save you.  Harry ended up getting bitten by the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and Fawkes ended up saving him.

Jake looked at the wound as it slowly started heal.  I sighed in relief as I hugged him tightly, burying my head into his shoulder.  He hugged me back just as tightly.  "I love you." he whispered and I sniffed and whispered back "I love you too"  

I couldn't believe it still.  I knew Fawkes would come in handy.  Maybe Dumbledore knew that too.  I looked to Fawkes and said "Thank-you"  Fawkes nodded solemnly.

I looked up to see Neville walk over.  Voldemort looked madder than ever as he asked "And you want to join…." "Neville.  Neville Longbottom." he said and the other side laughed hysterically especially Bellatrix.  

"Well Neville I'm sure that we can find somewhere for you in the ranks..…" he started until Neville interrupted saying "I'd like to say something."  Voldemort tried to contain himself and said "Well what would you like to say…" and Neville took it away. 

"We lost Harry tonight.  As well as Fred, and Lupin, Tonks.  But they're not gone.  They're still in us, in here." and he pointed to his heart.  "And Harry didn't die in vain!  Cause guess what?  It's you who's going to die vain!" and Voldemort started laughing.

Harry then fell out of Hagrid's arms and started running.  He was alive?!  I ignored that fact.  Voldemort was surprised, but soon anger took over, and started firing spells at Harry.  As Voldemort was distracted with Harry some of the followers apparated out of the scene.  

"Cowards!  Traitors!" Bellatrix screamed.  The order took this as an opportunity and started going into the castle and firing spells.  We all went in not caring if we got followed.  

As we went into the great hall, spells were getting fired everywhere.  I then went out.  I wanted to see if Malfoy made it out safely.  Too bad a death eater was following me.  Just as I was crossing the bridge I yelled "Draco!"  He turned around and waved sadly.  His face suddenly turned into a mix of fear and shock as he pointed as he then yelled "Liz!!!  Behind you!"  I was confused and turned around to see a masked figure with their wand at me.  

"If you couldn't die by a spell, you'll die by a fall!" the voice said and I got pushed.  I felt myself falling, except I grabbed the edge.  It was loose.  How long could I hold on for?  I tried pulling myself up but it made it looser.  Great.

The death eater looked satisfied with themself and walked off.  I felt my fingers slipping.  I couldn't hold on much longer.  How was I gonna do this?  I was about to let go and fall to my death when a pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me up.  

Lucius?!  Why would he have…?  He then replied "You made sure I was safe, as well as my son.  I can't thank you enough for that."  This was LUCIUS MALFOY!  I was surprised.  

Draco came over and gave me hug his head getting buried in my blonde hair.  "Promise you won't get yourself into more trouble?" he asked pulling away.  "Well promise me that we can stay friends." I stated my hands on my hips.

He sighed.  "Fine." "Well then it's fine by me!" "Good-bye for now." "Yeah I guess…." I said standing on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.  He blushed slightly and put his head down.  

"I'll write okay?" I said and he nodded his head.  He murmured "When you couldn't reach those ingredients." he chuckled to himself as he walked off.  I then called "Oh you shut up!"  I could imagine him smirking right now.  He didn't take note of that and he left.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now