Chapter 7

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Where were they?  I looked around in the forest.  Hermione had apparated to see me, to tell me where they were.  I saw a figure in the trees.  Who was it?  I pulled out my wand, and set myself in a fighting stance.  Walking around the woods alone could get me to the hands of the Snatchers.  

Jake was back in London, at his new job at the pub, and he had to go for lunchtimes.  I was alone and I realized being unprotected meant I was a definite target.  

Hermione suddenly stepped out and she held the wand to my head.  She then realized it was me and sighed with relief.  "Thank God, Liz you scared me." she murmured as she led me through the woods.  I looked around for the tent but couldn't see it.  "It's cause we put charms around there.  Its actually….right here!" and I suddenly saw the tent.  I saw Harry outside of it and he was keeping guard.  

"Liz!  Hermione!" he said as he got up and gave me a hug.  "Come on in." Ron said as he peeped his head through the tent doorway.  I went inside, where it was slightly warmer.  I took a seat as Hermione got me a cup of tea. 

"So what happened to you guys at the wedding?" I asked.  Hermione started "We apparated out of there.  Went to London." "You should have come to my place!" "Well we were on the other side.  We needed to do something else.  We went into the ministry and got the locket." "The Slytherin locket which is a horcrux?" "Yes.  We have it here.  I don't know how we're going to destroy it." "Trust me.  There has to be a way." 

They handed it to me, and I turned it over in my fingers.  "Did you try burning it?" I asked, putting it on the floor of the tent.  Harry nodded.  "Nothing seems to be working." he said grabbing the locket back and putting it in his pocket.

I came to the flat exhausted.  This came all too quickly.  I sat down.  How were the horcruxes to be destroyed if we couldn't destroy them?  Jake saw me on the couch and left me alone for a minute.  He then came over and gave me a blanket.  I wrapped myself in it.  How was this all supposed to work?

I was scared.  Simple as that.  I was scared, not only of Voldemort, but also of the safety of all the people I love.  This wasn't going to be easy.  Nobody even said it was.  Then again… it never is.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora