Chapter 26

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"Harry Potter…is dead." he stated and Ginny screamed "NO!!  NO!!" and she ran forward and Voldemort pushed her back.  "Silence you stupid girl!  Harry Potter is dead.  Harry Potter is DEAD!" he said turning around to his followers and they started laughing.  How dare they!  "And now the person you have hope in….is me." he said as he grinned evily. 

I started stepping forward but Jake stepped in front of me.  "Ah have we got another person to kill?  I would expect that if you were willing to watch your friend die, you would be willing to face me Elizabeth." he said sarcastically.  "Well I'm not letting her do that." Jake said his shoulders back, his eyes on fire.

"Jake….please….." I mumbled as I pulled him back.  He turned around as he held me.  Voldemort continued with his speech.  "Now…who wants to join us!" he yelled as no one moved.  

Draco's parents started saying "Draco."  I looked back to see him, his face with some dust on it, and he stayed silent.  He wasn't going to move.  "Draco….." they said again, but he didn't move a muscle.  He didn't want to leave, and that was because of me.  He stayed put until his mother said "Draco….now."  and he finally started to walk over.

I wanted to chase after him.  I wanted to slap him and ask him why, but I stayed put.  I couldn't do anything.  It was his choice.  He looked back at me and he mouthed "I'm so sorry."  I just nodded and he went over as Voldemort said "Ah, Draco.  Good choice."  He hugged him, and Draco just stood there awkwardly.  He went beside his parents, as the silence consumed the atmosphere.

"Who's next?" he asked as looked around.  Neville then started to limp forward.  What?!  Why would Neville-.  Unless he had a plan?  I didn't know. 

Voldemort than said "This wasn't what I was expecting….." then I stepped in front of Neville and pushed him back.  He angrily whispered "I wanted to say something!" "And you will!  Once I get this done!" I hissed as I turned around to face Voldemort.

He started "Elizabeth Jenkins….are you going to try and escape a fourth time?  Surely you've learnt the lesson that others die if you leave.  Should I begin listing?  Your friend Dobby?  Harry?  I heard that it was you, that cocky little wolf…..Your parents?  The shame of that…" and I screamed "It ends HERE!" and I fired a spell.  He blocked it and his face turned into anger.

The duel began and I continued fighting.  That is until I was knocked to the ground.  I tried getting up, but a spell pushed me right back down.  He started laughing.  "Pity, pity you're the one at my feet.  This won't be ending Elizabeth.  Only I…" he said, using the wand to lift my head up, to stare into his snake eyes.  "Can live forever." he finished, and the snake started slithering closer and closer.   

I was going to die.  Simple, and as plain as that.

Thanks to my stupidity I was going to die, and I would've let down so many people.  Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin, Tonks, my parents…..the list was endless.  I had told myself that no one was going to die to my stupidity, and there was so much for that.  I had acted stupid right from the beginning.  

I hoped that everyone else wouldn't have to die.  If Harry and I were dead, then no one else had to die right?  We were the only people who really needed killing right?  We were the worthy ones.  We weren't innocent according to Voldemort.  I'll never know though, if he would've continued to kill more innocent people.

I could hear the snake hissing as it made it's way closer to my face.  It's golden eyes showed pleasure.  Great.  Now I would die the way Snape did. The snake opened its mouth, revealing the pearly white fangs, ready to release the venom and kill me.  

Nagini slitthered closer and closer, and then situated itself.  It then positioned itself, pulling itself back, to add enough power to kill me.  I saw the fangs, making its way closer and closer to me, until Jake put himself in front of me.  Soon the fangs sank into his skin, and got it into his arm.  

No!  Jake… just no!  I got up suddenly as Jake fell back, the wound large, and the blood gushing out.  This was like that nightmare I had, just without the spell.  Jake was going to die thanks to me.  I then remembered what he said with the promise ring.  

"I will stay with you no matter what……even if it means dying for you.  I will do anything."  The words echoed in my mind as I held him.  His head was in my lap as I looked into his eyes.  The ones that I loved from the day I first saw them with mine.  The tears kept streaming down my face.  Why?  Why?!  Why did any of this have to happen?  

I looked at the promise ring on my finger.  It hadn't gotten any damage since Christmas.  The hearts were still together forever with the silver that joined them.  Jake kept looking at me and he whispered "Keep it….to remind you that I always loved you….." 

I held his face and shook my head "I'm not letting you die.  I'm not going to…." "Lizzy, you can only do so much." he hoarsly said  "Please…please hold on Jake please….." it was the only thing I could choke out between the sobs.  

I stroked his hair, and his face delicately.  I needed a way to save him.  I needed a way to save us all.  Where was Dumbledore when you needed him?  That's what I thought.  

I squeezed my eyes shut, and I held Jake's hand tightly, awaiting whatever was to come.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora