Chapter 15

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"Can I see Ollivander?" I asked Fleur as she came out with an empty bowl.  "Alright, except he's weak." she replied as she stepped out of the way.  I pushed through the door and saw the old man sitting in a rocking chair, looking out to the sea through his window.  His grey hair was going crazy and his hands were clamped to each other.

"Liz….." he said as I took seat at the edge of the bed.  "Would you still like the wandshop?" he joked and I laughed lightly.  "Just needs some repairs sir." I said and he nodded and chuckled "I suppose so.  How bad was it?"  I shrugged and said "I don't know how bad.  I don't know how many wands were destroyed, but I do know the windows need to be replaced."  I acted like nothing was wrong.

"Mr. Ollivander……did you ever know…..when you gave him the wand……" I asked refering to Voldemort.  "His first one?  I never would've expected to have this happen…..him to turn out this way….." Ollivander said gazing out the window in solitude.  "Sir, I have another question….." I said moving a little farther up the bed.

"Yes?" Ollivander said, snapping out of his own daydream.  I took a deep breath and then said "You told him….where it was……the wand." "Yes." he whispered.  His eyes watered up as he reminiscined what had happened to him before. "He tortured me.  I'm so sorry."

"No sir….it's not your fault." I said as I came over and gave him a pat on the back.  "I don't know how much you'll be able to do now Ms. Jenkins.  Like I said to Mr. Potter….there isn't that much hope." he said as he looked up at me.  His eyes showed emptiness and his cheekbones jutted out on his face.  

I nodded my head and I left him.  Great.  I sighed.  This definitely wasn't going to be easy, and I rubbed my temple and took a seat on one of the stairs, trying to figure out my muddled thoughts.

"Are you SURE that's her hair?" Harry asked for the thousandth time.  "Positive." Hermione mumbled as they put it in in the cup.  "You know I could do it if you want." I said as Hermione looked into the cup.  "No…I'll do it.  I'll try and contact you….." she started "Trust me.  I know." I said as I made sure I had the trunk packed.  

A couple minutes later, Griphook, Harry, Ron and Hermione were ready to go.  Ready to break into Gringotts.  I gave them one last good luck.  Before they left I gave Griphook my own kind of pep talk.  I didn't trust him, so I pulled him to the side and put on a poker face.

"Listen, if you even TRY to leave them there, if you even TRY to escape without letting them out….I'll make sure Bellatrix gets you instead." I warned my finger pointed at him.  

His face stayed emotionless.  "I wouldn't bet on it." he said as he turned but I grabbed the goblin by the shoulder and said sternly "I'm already tempted you stupid damn goblin!  Don't bet on living to see tomorrow!  So don't be up to something!"  He didn't say anything and went over to the others, as they were ready to apparate.  

Suddenly they disappeared and I hoped they would stay safe.  I went back into the cottage and saw Luna and the others.  I didn't want to leave.  But I had to.  I thought silently about what would happen next.  I needed to know though what was happening at Hogwarts. 

Luna promised she would do anything to get through to me and Jake if anything came up.  I gave everyone one last goodbye before I went back to the crowded and grey of London.

A couple days later, I was in the kitchen, washing up some dishes, when I remebered what I had been forgetting for the past few days.  I still hadn't told Jake about Draco.  I hadn't told him the full story on what happened at Malfoy Manor.  Only a part of it.

But if I told him about the kiss, what would happen?  Would Jake forgive me, and cuddle me in his arms?  Or would he lose it completely, and hunt Draco down to confront him about it?  I shuddered at the thought of the two of them fighting again.  I had enough of it last year.  I prayed that this wouldn't be the case.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now