Chapter 24

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The shapes put themselves together.  The blur suddenly became the moving picture.  I saw Dumbledore and Snape in the study.  It must have been last year since I could see Dumbledore's hand again, when it blackened and dead.  Dumbledore was sitting at his desk talking to Snape.

"She found out.  About the Malfoy boy." Dumbledore said as Snape took a seat.  "What?  How?" Snape asked, somewhat angered, firing questions away.  He had probably been told to keep an eye on Draco, which is why he would've killed me if I leaked the news to the rest of the school.  

"I'm pretty sure she's with him.  Specifically to see if he was up to something.  And she must've done something to find that mark.  Jenkins has a way with knowing things….its like instinct to her.  She probably got it from her mother."  Dumbledore said, in a dreamy kind of voice.

"And then she has that nosiness of her father." Snape spat. "Not actually Severus.  It's more the bravery factor if you ask me.  She knew " Dumbledore stated "So then what did you say to her?" Snape eagerly asked.  

"I told her that you would check." Dumbledore said with a sigh, somewhat dismissively.  "Well I won't.  You knew before Jenkins probably even had a suspicion." "Like I said before, we both know that the Malfoy boy was ordered to kill me." "And now Jenkins knows." "Well she'll give up…..almost….she'll just wait." 

"Hopefully.  Did you give her the book?" "Yes." "And?" "She was shocked.  I can't say much else really." "But what about her future?  Anything can happen at this point." 

"Well, as you know, Potter is the chosen one." "Yes.  What does that have anything to do with Jenkins?" "If Potter were to die, then Jenkins would have to finish the job." "But the CHOSEN one is supposed to do the job." "It never said the chosen one wouldn't fail."  

There was a silence.  "So you're saying that Elizabeth Jenkins will do the job if Harry can't?" "Harry CAN.  It's just if he dies.  Elizabeth would do anything to make sure everyone else doesn't die.  So she'll do Harry's job." "She should've been the chosen one." "Well she doesn't need to be."

The memory then began to fade, and I slowly got pulled back into my reality.  I pulled my head out of the pensieve.  This wasn't possible….how could I be the back-up for Harry?  Was Dumbledore saying that he was going to die?  My head was spinning so I headed down the stairs and found Jake's arms.  I buried my head into his chest.  He rocked me back and forth.

I looked up into the trusting eyes I knew so well.  I sighed and I looked to Harry who was leaving the caste.  WHAT?!  I went running after him.  "HARRY?!  NO DON'T SERIOUSLY IT'S PROBABLY A TRAP AND-" I said "Listen, I have to.  I have to die….." he said and I figured out the plot.  Harry was a horcrux.  Harry had to be killed by Voldemort so that we could actually defeat him.  

"Just kill the snake." he said as I gave him a hug.  "I'm glad I got to know you Harry." I said as he continued walking and into the Forbidden Forest.  But I wasn't going to let him go that easily.  I changed into my wolf self and followed Harry's invisible scent trail.

I trotted along, not caring if Harry saw me.  He was had a good lead and I kept following.  Soon he came to the clearing where Voldemort and his followers were waiting.  Voldemort stood there and when he saw Harry he grinned.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now