Chapter 18

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We continued down the passage until we got to the door.  Neville pushed his hand on it and it opened to reveal a room.  

Inside was the entire Dumbledore's army.  There were hammocks hanging around the room, with pillows and a fireplace.  I recognized everyone and I smiled.  I hadn't seen these guys for a while.  I heard Seamus's voice suddenly call "FOOD!!" and everyone's head snapped up.  They realized that we had come, and immediately called out hello's.

Harry, Ron and Hermione came out and I sprinted over to give them a hug.  I thanked Hermione for telling me where they were, and Harry explained about this theory.  He thought that there was a horcrux in the castle, that had to do with Ravenclaw.  Apparently the students in that house thought that it was Ruella Ravenclaw's Diadem.  

Too bad we didn't know where it was.  Somewhere in the castle?  That wasn't a good thing to start on.  I tried going through places where it could be, but we weren't getting anywhere.  According to Cho, no one alive has actually seen the crown.  

While we discussed some ideas, Ginny suddenly burst in.  We all looked at her.  "Guys….." she said when she saw us.  She stared at Harry for a minute before getting out of her daze.  She then stated "Snape…..he knows.  He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade.  He also knows that Liz came as well."  We all stayed silent and looked at each other.  What now?

"Wait!  Before we all panic....I got an idea" Neville stated, holding his hands up so that everyone could see him.  Even though he was tall enough already.

Everyone stared at him, and once everyone was quiet again Neville began.  "Alright, we need a plan, or else we'll be in chaos.  Right now, they'll be searching the whole school for him, and Hogsmeade.  We'll be lucky if they don't find the tunnel here, and find all of us, including Harry."

I nodded and said "Right.  So Neville, what's you're idea?"  Neville got all the eyes on him, and he then said "Let's hide Harry, by putting him back in the Hogwarts cloak.  Since we always go in those formations, we can easily hide him in the middle."

I looked at Neville like he was crazy.  "Neville, what about those teachers?  The Carrows?  What if they find him there?"  Neville shook his head and said "They won't be looking for him.  They think that he's still in Hogsmeade."

I sighed and said "So are you planning on doing that to me as well?"  Neville nodded and replied "Liz, it's the only way."  I bit my lip and said "Fine."

I was in the uniform cloak again.  I had missed this thing.  I made sure I didn't look recognizable.  I hoped I wouldn't.  We all marched down and were forced into lines in the Great Hall.  I stood by the wall and I kept reminding myself, keep calm, stay quiet.  I looked to Jake who was also in his uniform and safely concealed.  At least he won't get caught.

The doors of the Hall opened and three people walked up to the front.  I saw Snape almost immediately and the Carrows were there as well.  Snape then turned around, his cape billowing behind him.  He then started "You may be wondering, why I called you down here….."

He paused, and continued "Harry Potter, was spotted, tonight, in Hogsmeade."  A wave of whispers began and were silenced when Snape started talking again.  "If…anyone has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's whereabouts….they are expected to tell a teacher…….and if……anyone has any knowledge, but does not say anything, they will get punished.  If any of the teachers know the whereabouts they will be equally guilty."

There was a silence and Snape started taking steps down the aisle of students.  Suddenly I heard foot steps and everyone turned around to see Harry in the school cloak.  Snape glared and stayed silent.

Harry then began speaking.  "Looks like you need a better security headmaster, because there are quite a few people coming." The doors opened again and most of the Order, along with a couple of post-Hogwarts students as well.  Harry continued.

"How dare you stand where he stood.  Tell them!  Tell them what happened that night, the night you looked into the eyes of a man who trusted you, and killed him.  Tell them."  Snape still stayed silent and I took this as my chance.  I changed into my animagus and burst through the students.  They backed off immediatelyl.  Snape looked at me with eyes wide.  I growled at him, taking closer steps towards him.  I didn't care if the Carrows or Snape killed me now.

I changed back, and stood up, my wand pointed at him.  "You know you lied!  And you lied to me!  So why don't you make it easier on yourself and just tell the TRUTH!" I yelled as Snape looked at me with fury.  Harry came up beside me and had his wand out.  Snape paused, observing our wands, before he got his own.  McGonagal came up and pushed me and Harry out of harms way.  

There was a gasp from the students, as they went to the sides of the hall, parting like the Red Sea.  Snape stopped for a second but kept his fighting stance.  Neither of them were doing anything and McGonagal started firing spells.  Snape kept blocking them, but she didn't give up.  Being a Gryfindor, she was brave.  

Snape then apparated, crashing out the Hall window as McGonagal screamed "COWARD!".  The Carrows were stupefied in the process and the students cheered as McGonagal lit up the torches, illuminating the Great Hall once again.  

I found Jake and the others and quickly gave them a hug, and smiled as we discussed how the plan worked.  The happiness didn't last long however, as a scream suddenly echoed throughout the room.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now