Chapter 3

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"You've decided on a flat?" she asked as she poured us homemade hot chocolate.  I sipped it and replied "Yes actually.  It just needs some furniture and paint and we're good to go!".  I saw a flash in the sky. 

Jake and I looked at each other and rushed out.  Fleur and Bill came on a thesteral.  Fleur hopped off with Bill and I held out a piece of meat to the thesteral.  It started slowly walking forward, folding it's black reptillic wings.  I continued holding it.  Patience. 

I put the meat on the ground.  It rushed forward suddenly and started ripping it with it's mouth.  I was glad I wasn't that piece of meat.  I looked at the thesteral, it's black skeletal body intriguing me.  

I went in with Fleur and Bill.  Eventually all the others came and thankfully the real Harry made it safely.  Even though he nearly got killed.  "The death eaters…. they somehow knew…" he said as he came in. 

George hadn't come yet.  Where was he?  We saw a flash and realized it had to be him.  The others ran out and carried him in.  One side of his face was red, thanks to all the blood that had come out of it.  His left ear wasn't there.  What happened?

"NO!" Fred cried as George got put on the couch.  We gathered around.  George slowly came back to consciousness and weakly said "Look Fred….holey…" pointing to his ear.  I wanted to start laughing.  Fred replied "You lost your left ear and you say holey?" We all smiled.  

Then George muttered "Moody's dead." What?!  I went over to George.  "Are you sure?" I asked.  "Yeah…the death eaters surrounded him and Mungdungus apparated and they killed him…." he replied sleepily.  We all sat there in silence.  One of the greatest aurors was dead?!  I realized I was going to have to get used to this.  

The next days were silence, but happiness was in the air, as we were all excited for Bill and Fleur's wedding.  Mrs. Weasley went everywhere to make sure everything was perfect.  Ginny, Hermione and I helped her to stop losing it completely while the boys made sure the tent, which the ceremony was going to take place was secure.  All of the Order was there, except Kingsley who was busy at the Ministry.  

I watched from inside the house to see the festivity getting set up.  I smiled to myself to see everyone buzzing around like bees.  

"Liz!  Where are you?" my aunt called for me.  She must be looking for me.  I turned around smiling but my smile dropped when I saw what my aunt had in her hands.  "Oh no no no no no...." I started saying but as I started to back away, I realized I would have to have faced this sometime or another.

"Don't do this again Liz!" my aunt said as she threw a dress at me.  "Well I don't know if it looks good on me or not!" I argued back "Trust me you look great in EVERYTHING you wear!" Hermione interuppted, jumping into the conversation, and taking my aunts side of the argument.  I looked down at the blue silky dress.  Knee length, and slightly ruffled.  Not bad, I thought as I held it against me.  I sighed.  

"Fine I'll wear it." I muttered as I went to go change.  I came out, and Fleur was waiting in the kitchen.  She was chatting away happily to the others and when she turned around she stopped, awestruck.  She ran over to me and said in her french accent "You look wonderful!  C'est tres beau nes ces pas?" I understood most of what she said and replied "I guess…"

I turned to look into the mirror.  Wow I did look good!  My hair was falling in it's golden waterfall, and thankfully hadn't frizzed.  I gave a slight smile at the girl in the reflection.  The girl in there looked so much prettier than me.

"Liz?" a male voice said warily as I could see him walking towards me in the mirror.  "Draco?" I asked quizzingly, as I went closer to the mirror touching the cool glass with my fingertips.  I brushed across the image of Draco walking closer and closer.....

"Liz aren't you ready?" the male voice said again as a pair of arms wrapped around waist.  It was Jake.  I stepped back into reality and nodded my head.  "Yeah I'm ready" I said quietly, as Jake gave me a peck on the cheek and went back to the others.

Did I really see my Draco though?  He seemed so vivid I could've touched him.  His hair was still white blond, and he looked nearly the exact same, just in some black suit.  Everything about him was normal.

Where was he now though?  He could be anywhere.  Wait what if he was part of the group of death eaters that killed Moody?  And attacked the others?

I guess I would never really know.  I brushed again across the mirror, wishing that Draco would just come back, and wouldn't be in whatever state he was now.  

I bit my lip and wondered if he was getting tortured instead.  Maybe Voldemort found out about us dating?  And maybe he thought Draco knew where I fled?

I imagined Voldemort performing the Cruciatus curse on Draco.  I could hear him yelling in the pain and agony of it all.  I could see his arms getting flung back, with his back arched as he got lifted off the ground, only to get slammed back down.

 It seemed so realistic, and it seemed like it could happen any second now.  What if it was going on right now?  What if it'd been already done?  I could see the amount of wounds on his body, bruises, cuts filled with scarlet blood as they dripped down, and all the scraps.

Maybe it was going on?  Maybe I was dreaming?  Maybe.....

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang