Chapter 25

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Harry went to the centre of the clearing and Voldemort had his wand at the ready.  Hagrid was chained up, and he yelled "No Harry!  You can't do this!"  Wasn't that what we said too?  But Harry knew that he had to do this.  He stayed silent.

Voldemort didn't say anything, he just stood there, immobile.  Then he spoke "Harry Potter…..the boy who lived……about to die."  Harry stood there, no wand pulled out or anything.  He stood there, in solitary.  But that solitude was even more powerful than any word.  

Harry closed his eyes, and that was the last that I got to see of them.  Voldemort then yelled "Avada Kedavra!" and the green light was fired.  It hit Harry and he fell, lifeless.  No!  I thought that if he had lived the first time…….then he would the live second, right?  But clearly I was wrong.  

Voldemort seemed taken aback, and he had fallen on the ground.  It was like he gotten a blow from Harry while he got killed.  What had happened?  I didn't know and without knowing it I let out a bark.  Whoops, was all I could think of.

Fenir whipped around, as did Lucius and Bellatrix.  They had heard me before, so they knew.  Fenir began growling as he continued to come closer and closer to my hiding spot.  Lucius then said "Seems like we had a guest…..what would you like to do to this one my Lord?" Voldemort didn't say anything, fiddling slightly with his wand. 

"Well, you did mention a certain someone that has escaped me a couple times.  Looks like she isn't this time!" he said as he motioned for Lucius and Bellatrix to follow Fenir.  They quietly came after as Fenir started to sniff.  

He then found me and I started to bark at him.  He growled and I just continued to bark at him, expecting something to happen almost.  Like he was going to back off, and leave.  Too bad he wasn't.   He knew he was stronger, but that didn't mean anything.  He wasn't that smart was he?  

I didn't care as he leapt forward but I sidestepped out of the way and ran.  Everyone's head snapped up to see me sprinting across the forest in my animagus.  Maybe I should change?

I didn't bother slowing down, especially since there were spells coming at me left and right.  Bellatrix slowed down, knowing she couldn't catch me.  But Lucius didn't.  He continued sprinting after me, as I jumped over fallen trees, avoiding tangling roots.  We were running farther and farther from the clearing.  I had cut my forepaw on a rock, but I kept running.

I could see the edge of the forest coming up, the light showing even more clearly as the trees began to slowly fade away.  I was close!  Then I didn't hear the sound of pounding footsteps behind me.  What?  I turned around, and saw that Lucius was caught by some branches.  I slowed down.  His body seemed tired and he wouldn't be able to free himself unless someone else did.  

I turned around.  His eyes met my gold wolf ones, and they seemed to ask for help.  I knew I shouldn't, but I turned back to my original self and went over.  I tried breaking the branches, but it wasn't working.  I needed my canine teeth.

So after a good amount of biting and pulling Lucius was free.  He looked down at me.  He knew it was me.  So what was he going to do?  Bring me to Voldemort?  Kill me now while he had the chance, so that this could all be over and done with?  

Instead he turned around and walked back.  Why?!  He had the perfect opportunity… why didn't he take it?  I realized I might never know.  So I went back to the castle, limping a little with my bleeding paw, my head hung low, and spirits just as worse.

Once I got back to the castle, after a lot of limping, I let out one last howl and changed back to myself.  Jake came running over asking what happened but I couldn't say.  I just let the tears stream down my face and I sat in the Great Hall, Madame Pomfrey bandaging my hand.

They were going to find out anyway.  But they didn't need to hear it from me.  They needed to hear it from the person who killed him.  Neville came back in and said "He's here.  I don't know why."  I got up reluctantly and walked over.  

Voldemort had the rest of his followers and Hagrid, who was carrying Harry.  No one knew at first and they stopped for a moment.  Silence filled the courtyard, now in shambles.  The two sides were literally filled with tension, that you could sense it.  So Voldemort began to do the talking.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now