Chapter 11

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The images twirled as we were suddenly on a cliff.  Not on the edge but we were close.  I could see a pathway heading down to the beach.  I looked over to see the sands, begging to be walked on and the waves of the ocean churning and crashing onto the shoreline.  I could see that it was low tide as the water was far back.  

I looked back to see a gravel pathway to a small cottage.  It was white-washed and had wooden shutters.  It was so classic.  I looked to Jake and he nodded as I took the trunk up the path and into the door.  I looked around.  Inside was just as classic.  With wooden furniture and lavender hanging in the closet I couldn't help but love it.

We got settled in and enjoyed the seaside.  It was wonderful to go to the sea and splash my feet in it, even though it was usually freezing cold.  But it was almost always sunny.  The skies were always a summery blue even though it was February.  Jake decided to take me to Paris for Valentine's Day so we could celebrate our one year anniversary.  

Strolling the streets of Paris was interesting, and I got the best chocolate and kisses that anyone could ask for.  A week later I tried to convince Jake that we should go back.  Back to the flat.  I didn't know if it was safe, but it would be worth it.  At least I hoped it would be.  

Thankfully it was safe.  Although we were both careful.  We didn't want to risk too much.

But when we were back that night, I had a dream.  It was an intresting dream though....


"Is there've ever wanted to do?" Draco asked me glancing at me from the side, as we laid on the soft grass, looking up at the dark night sky, littered with glowing stars.

I sighed, pursing my lips.  I then shrugged and said "I don't know.  I guess all I've really wanted to do is just get outta Hogwarts and just start a life ya know?  I never really have a plan for the future.....if you kinda know what I'm saying?" 

Draco nodded and replied "I guess I have that problem too.  I guess I've just looked at what I can do and I realize all I want to do too is just get out of Hogwarts."

We stayed silent for a moment, and I heard the crickets chirping, and the fireflies gently wavered around.  Draco then broke the silence and said "Well....when I meant by my first like something you want to do before you die.  Like seeing the Quidditch World Cup."

"Well I've already done that." I replied quickly.  I remember going with the Weasleys, Diggorys, Harry and Hermione, and nearly getting fried to crisp by the deatheaters.  It was scary losing Harry there, and we were terrified that he had been killed.  I didn't mention that to Draco though, in case it would relate to the fact he might be a deatheater, or worse, his dad in Azkaban.

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked turning over on his side to me.  I put my hands behind my head.  I blinked and I then said "I really don't know.  It's just that.....I don't want to think about death...."  I didn't finish my sentence.

I felt tears beginning to blur my vision of the night sky.  The stars were beginning to become blobs, and I furiously wiped away the tears that had escaped.  I sniffed a little and Draco looked over and whispered soothingly "Oh Liz don't cry....was it something I said?"

I shook my head and replied "No I was just....." I couldn't even finish my sentence.  Draco knew though.  "You were thinking of your parents weren't you?" he asked.  I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest, my arms around them, as I suddenly felt the chill of the night seeping under my skin.

"I'm sorry I teased you about that." his voice suddenly broke through my thoughts.  I looked up at him.  "What?" I asked confused.  He continued "I made fun of you all those years, because I didn't know what it was like.  And I thought it never hurt you...."

I just looked at the rest of the grounds from where we were.  I felt my eyes still blurring a little.  "I took for granted what I had.  And now I know what it's like to live without one of my parents....and I can't imagine how hard it is for you because it's both....and I know my dad's coming back." he said.

I buried my head into my knees, not bearing to look anywhere else.  "I'm sorry I'm just blabbling now, I'm not helping you at all!" Draco said frustrated, and he put his head in his hands.  He then looked at me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Suddenly, he didn't seem like my boyfriend anymore.  More of.....a friend.  

Back to the Present

I suprisingly got an easy sleep that night, even with that intresting dream.

It was nice to sleep in our bed again.  It was already March.  It didn't mean much but in a way it was like something should've happened.  Translation: Voldemort- wait let me rephrase, You-Know-Who should've been defeated and gone!  

I remember that one day that I was just sitting on the couch, lolling about as usual.  I then had a flash, almost like a flashback.  

It was Harry, Hermione and Ron.  They were getting dragged into a house, or more like a mansion.  There were death eaters, and snatchers.  They must've been captured.  I realized that they could be killed if I didn't come and save the day.  I just needed to get there.  

But before I left I then thought of how that happened.  I suddenly realized.  Draco.  I remember practising some sort of mind communication and such sometime last year.  Draco must've learnt it too.  I needed to get there.  Now.  

I called Jake quickly what was going on, even though it went to his voicemail. I left a message and convinced him to stay at the flat.  He was at work, and I knew he wouldn't be back for a little while.  But I couldn't wait.  If I waited then…..I didn't even go there.  I thought of something he would say.  Be safe.

Even though that was the last thing I would be at this point.  I thought of the place in my mind and then I was whooshed away.  I arrived at a gate, in front of the mansion that I had seen. 

The house was old, the stonework worn slightly and the hedges trimmed to perfection.  The house had ivy climbing up the walls, and had statues by the doorways.  I looked at the iron gate that blocked my path.  I grabbed the cold metal and rattled it seeing if it was weak.  It was too strong.  Damn it, I thought as I put my head on it for a moment.

I looked up to see if there was a way I could climb over it.  But instead I found something else.  Written into it was Malfoy Manor.  Of course.  How was I supposed to get through this though?  

I heard footsteps.  I couldn't see anyone walking down the path though.  It was some spell blocking my view.  The gates suddenly swung open and Fenir stepped out with a snatcher.  

I had stepped to the side but Fenir smelled me out and slowly turned his head.  He saw me and growled.  The snatcher turned around and yelled "Get her!".  I dodged and tried to slip into the slightly opened gate.  Too soon I was caught between Fenir's arms, kicking and screaming.  

The snatcher clucked his teeth and grabbed a knife and held it to my face.  "Pity, pity that I'm going to destroy such a pretty face….then again you don't have the prettiest voice darling….." the snatcher said as they went back into the gates and up the path to the mansion, dragging me behind them.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now