Chapter 21

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I looked around, at first confused.  Jake then left me to my own devices and decided to wait outside.  At first I was scared.  I thought something was going to happen to him, but he grabbed my hand and gave me one last kiss to shut me up.  

He then slipped out and I decided to make my way to wherever everyone was.  I ran in-between columns of junk.  No wonder students put their junk here, no one would be able to find it.  That was it!  The horcrux…..if no one could find it then it HAD to be here.  I finally found Harry looking up a tall tower of junk.  There was a couch and probably a million other knickknacks.  Great.

"Harry?" I whispered as I walked over.  He turned around and looked around and finally said "It's here…..I'm for certain."  He had to be right.  I then heard some footsteps.

I turned around to come face to face to Malfoy and his friends.  Their wands were pointed at us.  I stayed where I was and didn't say anything.  Malfoy broke the silence.  

"You've got something of mine Potter.  Something that I need." he said, still looking at Harry.  "What this?" Harry asked as he showed the wand.  "Yes." "Well what about the one you're using?" "It's my mothers.  It….doesn't understand me…..if you know what I'm saying." 

"What about when Bellatrix asked about me, and showed me to you.  You knew it was me.  You didn't say anything."  Malfoy looked taken aback.  He didn't reply and kept his wand pointed at Harry.  He didn't want to kill me.  Did it mean he still loved me?

Ron and Hermione suddenly burst out and Hermione called a spell to send Crabbe and Goyle flying while Malfoy cursed a swearword at Hermione.  Ron looked mad and he ran after them screaming "That's my GIRLFRIEND you nincompoops!"  I looked at Hermione who was smiling and she mouthed "Tell you later".  

Harry started climbing up the tower of junk to find the horcrux while I went after Malfoy.  I suddenly crashed into him.  He must've left Goyle and Crabbe for Ron.  I then grabbed him and pulled him into another aisle.  

I slapped him, right across the face.  He replied sadly "I'm so sorry." "Really?!  All you have to say for yourself!!!" I said as I glared at him. "Please Liz I know you're upset…" "UPSET?!  THAT'S AN UNDERSTATEMENT!!" "Really?!  Well why didn't you at least tell me about the ring?!"  "What ring?!  I'm not engaged to Jake!" "Really?  Well clearly you wanted to hide that from me!!"  

I thought, Jake didn't propose…..wait.  He meant the promise ring.  "It's not an engagement ring….it's a promise ring…..Jake gave it to me to promise that he wouldn't leave me this year, and for the time that we're together." I whispered and Draco sighed in relief.  

He then took my chin and whispered "Well I can still do this then." and he leaned in and kissed me.  I was shocked.  Did he still?  Yes.  Or else he wouldn't have done that.  When he pulled away he put his head down and mumbled 

"I know you're happy with your boyfriend…'s just…..I have a feeling you're a target.  And you'll be dead.  By dawn tomorrow.  I might as well have kissed you now so that I didn't have to regret it.  But still, you're going to be in more danger than you think." 

Danger?  I knew how to handle this.  At least I think I do.....I mean it was in the ministry.  I guess it's a different situation.

"Isn't everyone a target and in danger?" I questioned.  "Well, of course, but you're at the top of his priorities." Draco said running a hand through his hair.  "Which means…." "He'll do whatever it takes to kill you.  I'm serious Liz.  He won't stop until you're dead."

"Well then why don't you kill me?" "Cause I can't." "Actually you can." "He wants to kill you himself." "Well if he wanted that he should've come to the flat himself." "He wanted to CAPTURE you.  That's not the same thing."  I bit my lip.  

I then said "Does that mean that my family or friends could die if I don't die myself?" He stayed silent as he murmured "Yes."  I felt the tears well up and stream down my face as I let out a small sob.  I was right.  Jake was in danger.  I wasn't going to let him die.  Not with me.  Maybe if I died, he would leave them alone.  

I was the target.  The others were targeted so that I could be vulnerable.  That was my weakness.  The death and torture of my friends.  I promised myself that none of my friends would die because of me being stupid.  

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now