Chapter 12

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I was dragged through the tall wooden door and into the hall, now dirtied from the amount of mud that people had brought in.  There was a crystal chandelier hanging, even though it was caked with cobwebs.  I was then dragged into the great room where I heard voices.  Voices I recognized.  

Bellatrix, was standing over Hermione and had a knife in her hands.  Hermione was begging "Please, please…." I then kicked Fenir and ran forward firing a spell at Bellatrix.  She looked up and blocked it and grinned. 

"Ah look who's come to join the party!  Elizabeth Jenkins!!!  Come out of hiding have you?  Especially since you escaped before hand...." she cackled.  Malfoy's parents were there, as well as Draco himself.  He gave me a look and I avoided his glance.  So much for staying low.  He was going to get me if he could.

Fenir then grabbed me again and tried to make me stay put.  Bellatrix sauntered over to where I was standing and started "Well, well, long time no see….." I had to bite my tongue.  "Well, don't you have anything to say?  Or did sweet Fenir here get your tongue?" she laughed as I spat back "Well I'm surprised you haven't lost yours!" "Well I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon sweetheart.  It'll be a shame that you and your friend over here will die before you get to see that!" she said sneering, and motioning over to Hermione.

I could always apparate out of here.  Leave.  Let someone else handle this.  But I couldn't.  And I wouldn't.  Jake's words echoed in my mind, but I chose to ignore them.   Bellatrix than walked over to Hermione who was crying still.  She then looked up at me.  "I can't torture you physically…..but maybe I can in a different way.....let's see how you handle this!" she said as she put the knife to Hermione's skin, so she could start cutting her.  

Hermione let out a scream and I felt the shivers run up my spine.  I couldn't watch my friend get tortured.  I then yelled "STOP!! I'll take it!!"  She turned around, her black frizzy hair billowing behind her. "What?  The torture?  Well you don't get off that easy!  Crucio!" Bellatrix said as I felt my body getting flung about.  

Pain started coursing through my veins as I screamed.  I tried to stay strong and suddenly Bellatrix flung me onto the ground, hard.  Ugh.  It felt like the time I got knocked over by Fenir last year when I was a wolf.  That was it!  A wolf!  I got on my hands and knees and took a breath, after getting the wind knocked out of me, as the others laughed.  All except Draco, who kept a poker face.  

I then stood, and turned into my wolf self and I growled at them.  Who to start with?  I looked over to Lucius.  Perfect.  I started sprinting and I jumped and I knocked him over.  He was startled and he started firing spells at me.  I kept running and I didn't know what to do next.  I went behind a cabinet and changed back to my human self again. 

Easy.  I had a wand.  I could easily duel.  I got up and fired a spell.  It hit the wall and I continued to fire spells, while blocking others.  What I didn't expect was Draco to come up from behind me, and grabbing me, then dragging me out with a hand over my mouth to shut me up.  The others laid down their wands, and Draco then spoke.  "I'll take care of her if you want." he said, like it was some deal. The others looked at him.  

"Well then.  But you have to take a room.  Make sure she doesn't escape!" Bellatrix said as Draco gripped me tighter and got me up the dirty grand staircase.  I kicked him but he just tightened his grip.  He flung me into a room and got in himself.  He locked the door and looked at me.  

"I told you to leave and stay safe!" he hissed "And I did!  I just saw…." I started.  I was talking about the vision I saw, the thing that caused me to come here.  "That was me actually.  I wondered if you would send anyone.  But not yourself!" "Well I had to!  They're my friends!  I don't just stand by and watch Draco!" 

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now