Chapter 14

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The days in Shell Cottage were peaceful.  I went back to our flat and Jake was thankful to see me.  "You should've come back sooner…" he said when we were in a hug.  "Let's go to Shell Cottage.  See the others.  Bill and Fleur might need some help anyways." I said as I pulled away, looking him in the eye.  

"Vacation?" he joked "Whatever you wanna call it." I said as I grabbed a trunk and started throwing essentials in it.  Some clothes for the others, some matches, some food.  Everything we needed.

We went back and Jake saw Dobby's grave.  He started "He…??" "Yeah.  Bellatrix threw the knife that she was cutting me with…." I started "WAIT WHAT?!  SHE WAS CUTTING YOU?!" "I tried to escape!  She was writing-" I couldn't finish.  I just showed him what she had done.  My forearm was now scarred, and I wouldn't be able to ever erase what she cut.  The word "weak" was now forever imprinted into my arm.  

Hermione had "Mudblood" which was extremely offensive.  Because she had Muggle parents, and wizards thought that those with Muggle parents weren't "pure" and such.  The Malfoys were especially judgemental about it.  Like that time in our second year.....


I looked up from my book to see Harry and the rest of the Quidditch team gathered around, chatting, and getting a new schedule from Wood about practices.  

Hermione was next to me, and she was studying something, with Ron beside her, flipping through the book to see if there was anything intresting.  Even though I guessed there wasn't.

But then when I looked to the side, I saw the Slytherin Quidditch team sauntering over with fancy brooms in hand.  Uh oh....

The captain, Marcus Flint, was smirking at Wood.  This couldn't be good.  I nudged Hermione and nodded to the two teams, clashing in their cloaks due to their colours.  Hermione shut her book immediately, and we both walked over, to the teams, and I prayed we weren't going to be in some sort of fight.

Ron trailed behind us and we eventually got over, and Flint handed over a slip of parchment to Wood, and Wood snatched it, opening it up.  He read aloud "I, Professor Severus Snape, head of Slytherin House, give permission for the Slytherin Quidditch team to use the pitch, in order to train their new Seeker."  

Wood then crumbled the slip and looked back at Flint, and glaring asked "You have a new Seeker?  Who is it then?"  Then woe-and-behold, Malfoy stepped forward, in the Quidditch attire.

"Malfoy!?  He's your new seeker?" I asked somewhat ready to burst out laughing.  Since when was Malfoy good at flying?  Let alone QUIDDITCH?  I ignored that thought and focused on what excuse he had to say.

"Yeah I'm the new Seeker for Slytherin.  And even better we have new brooms." he said smugly, putting his broom forward, showing it off to the rest of the Gryfindor.  It was a Nimbus 2001!  I had wanted a Nimbus 2000, but ever since they came out with the 2001, I had craved to fly on one of those.

"How the bloodly hell did ALL of you get them?" I asked shocked that Snape would pay hundreds, maybe even thousands of Galleons, just to get new brooms for the team.  Then Flint said "Draco's father gave them to us, as a gift.  We'll be using them for the entire season."

Oh that Malfoy!  If I weren't in my right mind, I would've taken that broom and smashed it to bits, make that ALL the brooms!  But then again, I would keep some for the Gryfindor team.  Maybe I could just steal them....sneak them out and pass it along to our team.

"Well at least the others didn't buy their way onto the team!  They got in on pure talent!" Hermione said proudly, her head held high.

Malfoy then turned sideways, still holding his broom with both hands.  "No one asked for your opinion you filthy little Mudblood."  Everyone except the Slytherins gasped at his words.  How DARE he!  She was the brightest witch in the entire year, and he wasn't anywhere close!  Just because she had Muggle parents didn't make her any different!  The Slytherins hooted and laughed, and I felt more tempted then ever to smash a broom, or even better, Malfoy's head.

Ron knew immediately the offense to that, and went over with his broken wand and said "Eat slugs Malfoy!"  His wand fired something, except the other way, hitting Ron in the chest, and throwing him back.

"Ron!" Harry cried as he ran over to where Ron got pushed back to.  The rest of the Quidditch team came too, and we surrounded Ron.  

"Ron are you okay?  Come on just say something....anything!" I said as Ron's face began to turn a pale green.  Was he going to be sick?

"I think he's going to be sick...." Harry said and at those words, Ron vomitted, and out came a glorious slimy slug.  The rest of the team was completely grossed out and backed away.  Colin Creevey, an annoying Gryfindor first year came over and took a picture on his camera.

He pulled away and said "Oh wow!"  Harry groaned and said "Not now Nigel!"  He got Ron's arm over his shoulder, and began to walk away from the courtyard.  "What should we do Harry?" Hermione and I asked and Harry then said "Let's take him to Hagrids.  He'll know what to do."

Back to the Present

"No, she didn't……how DARE she though!!  You're not like that!! You're FAR from that!!  Don't let that take you over though.  She just-" he said getting frustrated.  I then stopped him and put my hand over his mouth.  "Shhh….it's okay.  We can get through this." I said as I brought him into the cottage.

Bill and Fleur were thankful at the supplies I had brought and Ollivander and Griphook were healing slowly.  I hadn't seen the others for ages so I got caught up with them.

"Hermione what's happened since Christmas?" I asked as we sat on the shore looking out to the crashing waves.  It was relaxing and Hermione told the story.  "Well, we figured out that we need the sword of Gryfindor to destroy the horcruxes and we destroyed the locket.  Now we need to find a horcrux in Bellatrix's vault at Gringots.  We're pretty sure it's in there and we'll do that and see what happens." she said. 

She also continued "We really got to Malfoy Manor because we escaped Mr. Lovegood after he tried to contact death eaters to get Harry, because Luna was taken." "Why were you even there?" I asked grabbing a stone and feeling the smoothness.  

"We needed to see something…about the Deathly Hallows… know the story right?"  "Of course." "So of course we asked about it because we went to Godrics Hollow at Christmas to see the graves, and one of the graves had the symbol for the Hallows."

I stayed silent.  I didn't know how to respond.  Everything was spiralling out of control.  I knew we would have to deal with it.  "He has the wand.  And Snape's headmaster" she mumbled and she got up and went back into the cottage.  SNAPE?!  Great now I'll have to deal with him.  But the wand….no…..not THAT wand, I thought.  The Elder Wand.  THE most powerful wand?  How…….??  Dumbledore.  

I remember it getting put into his grave at his funeral.  It was the last time I saw that body.  Memories from the Astronomy Tower came back and it felt like another nightmare.  He must've broken into the grave, grabbed it and ran for it.  Great.  He has the most powerful wand, an army and giants.  But I realized.  We had more.  

We had people who cared, people who had a reason.  A reason to fight for this, and to fight back.  To not let him belittle us, but instead stop him from doing that.  We were going to break through.  

I looked out again at the sea, the waves foaming before they came onto the shore.  I sat there and admired the beauty of the water, as it continued to swirl and curve, breaking through, with each wave that passed.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora