Chapter 23

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I listened as Voldemort and Snape started talking.  "Severus….you're a very smart man.  So can you tell me why the Elder wand, doesn't….listen to me?  I can't have full power unless the wand is truly mine…" "The wand only listens to YOU my lord." 

"Well Severus…..being the smart man you are… would know that the last owner of this wand was….Dumbledore.  You killed Dumbledore Severus.  And the wand won't listen to me unless I kill you."  I heard a slither as the snake's shadow came into view.  "Nagini…..kill" Voldemort whispered as the snake attacked Snape.  

I heard Snape slam against the glass and the sound of the snake hissing.  The snake bite Snape again, causing him to keep getting pushed against the glass.  One…..two…..three……four… was countless.  I was surprised Snape wasn't dead by then.  

The glass had streaks of blood and I could smell the venom.  It was sickening with the smell of blood.  Voldemort and the snake then apparated and we all rushed out of our spot to see Snape, bleeding severely, the wound in his neck evident on the scarlet mark on his collar. 

He was crying and the tears came down his face.  "Take them…" he choked as he pointed to his face.  "Can we do anything?" I asked the others and Hermione bit her lip, slowly shaking her head, in a disapointment.  

Harry then turned to Hermione "I need a flask….anything"  Hermione dug in her bag to find a small vile and Harry got the tears from Snape.  Before he left Snape murmured "You have your mother's eyes."  Harry didn't say anything and the others left me.  

I was now here with my godfather, who was dying, and I wasn't even doing anything!  I was watching him in pain as he was slowly slipping away.  He then gasped "Come here."  I kneeled down to see him face to face.  He started. 

"Your parents….I promised to protect you…..since Voldemort was killing the Order and they knew they would be next.  They never thought that he would come after me…..since I was your godfather and they wouldn't know……so I'm sorry I never got to treat you right."  The tears were streaming down his face "It's really is...." I said swallowing the lump in my throat 

He then motioned to his tears and said "Take them....."  I grabbed my extra flask, putting them in.  "Theres something important….something…..Dumbledore didn't….get to…..tell you…." he said heaved, wheezing.

In one last gasp he closed his eyes as the last of the tears streamed and he breathed one last time.  He died, with me holding his hand.  I then whispered "Thank-you.  I'm sorry I never got to apologize.  Sorry for blaming you.  On everything.  And I forgive you….for everything you were sorry for……goodbye Professor." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.  

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and I started to run back to the castle.  I never knew that it was him, he was the one really helping us.  I needed to find out what was in the flask.  What did Dumbledore forget to tell me?  He couldn't have could he?  Maybe it was the fact that he died before he got the chance.

I then heard a voice.  It was the same as last time, when Voldemort was trying to propose the deal.  What was he going to do now?

"You have all fought valiantly….but all the deaths were a waste of magical blood.  I am giving you time to bury your dead with dignity.  Harry Potter…I'm speaking directly to you….if you don't want to see more of your friends die, meet me in the Forbidden Forest.  If you don't, I will kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you."

What a deal I thought as I headed up to the castle.  The death eaters had retreated and I could see the damage that the castle had gone through.  I went to the Great Hall, now infirmary and my eyes scanned for Jake.  Where was he?  Please I thought, please.  I finally saw him and I started crying.  

He was alive thankfully, just a couple cuts and scrapes, but he was okay.  I couldn't believe it.  He grabbed me and hugged me as he twirled me around.  I looked to the Weasleys who were mourning over Fred.  He was DEAD?!  So were Lupin and Tonks, and I had heard they had a kid.  NO!  How was that kid ever going to…..the child doesn't deserve that.  

I then whispered "I have to go….I need to check something, I promise I'll be back real quick."  I then ran up the stairs not caring if I tripped.  Thankfully the tears were still in the flask.  

I pushed on the door and looked around at the room.  I looked around the study.  Nothing had changed.  I looked at the painting of Dumbledore and I went over to it.  I felt like bursting into tears.  If he were here…what would've happened?  I didn't want to know, since he was gone….and he was never coming back.  

I then heard a familiar chirp.  Was it really?  I turned around to see Fawkes, sitting on his perch and his head cocked at me.  Looks like I knew where he was the entire time.

I then grabbed a couple jelly beans.  I held them out "Come on Fawkes….just like last time."  He sat for a moment, but he then came over and started picking them out and then heading back to his perch.  I smiled.  

I grabbed the pensieve and sighed.  I put the tears in as the pensieve awaited me to see the memory.  I took a deep breath before I put my head into the water.

Breaking Through- sequel to "Dark Days"Where stories live. Discover now